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API status codes

The following table is an exhaustive list of all error response codes that the API may return. The responses are structured by API endpoints, /rate_limit, /users, /billing, and so on.

CodeHTTP status codesDescription
0xxxPlatform maintenance errors
0503 Service UnavavailableThe Platform is currently under maintenance.
1xxxGeneral errors
1000429 Too Many RequestsRate limit exceeded! Check response headers.
2xxx:User errors
2000503 Service UnavavailableUser service is currently unavailable.
2001403 ForbiddenNot enough privileges to access requested user info.
2002404 Not FoundRequested user does not exist.
2003409 ConflictRequested user already exists.
2105400 Bad RequestPlease specify the division you are listing the users or teams for.
3xxx:Projects errors
3000503 Service UnavavailableProject service is currently unavailable.
3001403 ForbiddenNot enough privileges to access the requested project/member.
3002404 Not FoundRequested project or member does not exist.
3003409 ConflictRequested project/member already exists
3004400 Bad RequestOwner's username must not be null or empty string.
3005400 Bad RequestMember username must not be null or empty string.
3006400 Bad RequestProject id must not be null or an empty string.
3007400 Bad RequestProject name must not be null or empty string.
3008400 Bad RequestBilling group id must not be null or empty string
3009400 Bad RequestProject type must not be null or empty string.
3010400 Bad RequestProject type can be either v2 for standard projects or v1 for LEGACY projects
3011400 Bad RequestProject permissions must not null or an empty value
3012400 Bad RequestMalformed project id. Expecting owner/project
3013400 Bad RequestPlease provide all permissions data.
4xxxBilling errors
4000503 Service UnavavailableBilling service is currently unavailable.
4001403 ForbiddenInsufficient privileges to access the requested billing group/invoice.
4002404 Not FoundRequested billing group/invoice does not exist.
4003409 ConflictRequested billing group/invoice already exist.
4004400 Bad RequestBilling group id must not be null or an empty string.
4005400 Bad RequestBilling group id must be a valid UUID.
4006403 ForbiddenYou are not a member of this billing group.
4007400 Bad RequestInvoice id must not be null or an empty string.
5xxxFiles errors
5000503 Service UnavavailableFile service is currently unavailable.
5001403 ForbiddenInsufficient privileges to access the requested file.
5002404 Not FoundRequested file does not exist.
5003409 ConflictRequested file already exists.
5004400 Bad RequestFile id must not be null or an empty string.
5005400 Bad RequestMalformed project query parameter. Expecting ?project=owner/project
5006400 Bad RequestMetadata validation failed.
5007400 Bad RequestFile copy failed.
5008403 ForbiddenFile renaming not allowed.
5009403 ForbiddenModifying metadata is not allowed.
5010503 Service UnavavailableMetadata service is currently unavailable.
5011403 ForbiddenModifying file tags is not allowed.
5012400 Bad RequestInvalid "type" supplied. Allowed values: [folder].
5014403 ForbiddenInsufficient privileges to copy the requested file.
5015400 Bad RequestMoving files between projects is not supported.
5017400 Bad RequestDownloading folders is not supported.
5018400 Bad RequestCopying folders is not supported.
5019400 Bad RequestArchiving folders is not supported.
5020400 Bad RequestRestoring folders is not supported.
5021400 Bad RequestDeleting non-empty folders is not supported.
5022400 Bad RequestThe parent specified is not a folder.
5023400 Bad RequestUpdating folder details is not supported.
5024400 Bad RequestInvalid name parameter. Check the documentation.
5025400 Bad RequestUpdating folder metadata is not supported.
5026404 Not FoundDestination folder is not found.
5027400 Bad RequestUpdating folder tags is not supported.
5029400 Bad RequestMissing "parent" or "project" field. These fields must be included together.
5030409 ConflictRequested folder already exists.
5031400 Bad RequestProviding both "parent" and "project" is not allowed.
5032403 ForbiddenInsufficient privileges to move the requested file.
5033400 Bad RequestInvalid request please check the documentation.
5034409 ConflictDownloading files from an inactive volume is not supported.
5035400 Bad RequestKey must not be null or an empty string.
6xxxApps errors
6000503 Service UnavavailableApp service is currently unavailable.
6001403 ForbiddenInsufficient privileges to access the requested app/revision.
6002404 Not FoundRequested app/revision does not exist.
6003409 ConflictRequested app/revision already exists.
6004400 Bad RequestApp name must not be null or an empty string.
6006400 Bad RequestProject owner must not be null or an empty string.
6007400 Bad RequestProject must not be null or an empty string.
6008400 Bad RequestApp revision must not be null or an empty string.
6009400 Bad RequestDestination project must not be null or an empty string.
6010400 Bad RequestSource app must not be null or an empty string.
6011400 Bad RequestMalformed app id. Expecting owner/project/app_name/revision.
6012400 Bad RequestInvalid visibility query parameter. Allowed values: [PUBLIC, PRIVATE].
7xxxTasks errors
7000503 Service UnavailableTask service is currently unavailable.
7001403 ForbiddenInsufficient privileges to access the requested task.
7002404 Not FoundRequested task does not exist.
7003409 ConflictRequested task already exists.
7004400 Bad RequestTask ID must not be empty or null or an empty string.
7005400 Bad RequestTask ID must be a valid UUID.
7006400 Bad RequestInvalid task status. Allowed values: [QUEUED, DRAFT, RUNNING, COMPLETED, ABORTED, ABORTING, FAILED]
7007403 ForbiddenThis action is only available for DRAFT tasks.
7008403 ForbiddenThis action is only available for RUNNING tasks.
7009400 Bad RequestInvalid task action. Action can be performed only on DRAFT or RUNNING tasks.
7010400 Bad RequestInvalid task action. Action can be performed on DRAFT tasks.
7011400 Bad RequestInvalid task action. Action can be performed on tasks in the states: CREATING, RUNNING or QUEUED.
7012400 Bad RequestMissing inputs.
7013400 Bad RequestInvalid task action.
7014400 Bad RequestAction parameter must not be null or an empty string.
7015400 Bad RequestApp Id must not be null or an empty string.
7016400 Bad RequestInvalid app url.
7017400 Bad RequestOnly Common Workflow Language (CWL) tasks are supported.
7018400 Bad RequestBatch input property should reference input identifier or omitted. Empty value is not allowed.
7019400 Bad RequestMissing batch criteria.
7020400 Bad RequestInvalid batch type supplied. Allowed values: [criteria, item].
7021400 Bad RequestBatching can only be disabled if the task is submitted for execution.
7022400 Bad RequestDisabling batching action is only available for BATCH tasks.
7023400 Bad RequestMissing batch_by or batch_input fields. These fields must be included together.
7024400 Bad RequestTask can not be started due to validation errors.
7026403 ForbiddenEditing is available only for tasks which are in DRAFT status.
Tasks which are in RUNNING and COMPLETED states can only be renamed.
8xxxUpload errors
8000503 Service UnavavailableUpload service is currently unavailable.
8001403 ForbiddenInsufficient privileges to access the requested upload.
8002403 ForbiddenInsufficient privileges to access the requested file.
8003404 Not FoundRequested upload does not exist.
8004404 Not FoundRequested file does not exist
8005409 ConflictRequested file already exists
8006409 ConflictRequested upload already exists.
8007409 ConflictFailed to complete upload.
8008409 ConflictFailed to reserve part for upload. Try again.
8009409 ConflictFailed to abort upload.
8010400 Bad RequestMalformed project id. Expecting owner/project.
8011400 Bad RequestUpload id must not be null or an empty string.
8012400 Bad RequestPart number is missing or invalid.
8013400 Bad RequestInvalid init request.
8014400 Bad RequestInvalid part report.
8015400 Bad RequestInvalid list of parts. Expecting an object with "parts": [ array of part reports ].
9xxxVolumes errors
503 Service Unavavailable503 Service UnavailableThere was an error communicating with the service.
9001403 ForbiddenCould not obtain read access on the service.
9002403 ForbiddenCould not obtain cross-write access on the service.
9003403 ForbiddenInsufficient privileges to access the requested project.
9004403 ForbiddenInsufficient privileges to access the requested file.
9005403 ForbiddenInsufficient privileges to access the requested job.
9006403 ForbiddenRequested file cannot be exported.
9007404 Not FoundRequested volume does not exist.
9008404 Not FoundRequested job does not exist.
9009404 Not FoundRequested file does not exist.
9010409 ConflictRequested volume name already exists.
9011400 Bad RequestInvalid request syntax. Check the documentation.
9012400 Bad RequestRequested project does not exist.
9013400 Bad RequestVolume name must not be null or an empty string.
9014400 Bad RequestVolume name must consist of up to 32 English letters, numbers and underscores.
9015400 Bad Request"access_mode" must be provided (either "RO" or "RW").
9016400 Bad Request"service" object must be provided.
9017400 Bad Request"service" object is invalid. Check the documentation.
9018400 Bad RequestCannot infer file name and none given.
9019400 Bad Request"service" object is invalid. Check the documentation.
9020403 ForbiddenInsufficient privileges to access the requested volume.
9021400 Bad RequestInvalid time format. Check the documentation.
9022400 Bad RequestInvalid canned ACL (aws_canned_acl) selected. Check the documentation.
9023400 Bad RequestInvalid server-side encryption (sse_algorithm) selected. Check the documentation.
9024400 Bad RequestInvalid S3 storage class (aws_storage_class) selected. Check the documentation.
9025400 Bad RequestInvalid private key (private_key) given. Check the documentation.
9026403 ForbiddenThe volume is not configured for writing access (access mode is not set to RW).
9027403 ForbiddenExporting files across different cloud services is not yet supported.
9028400 Bad RequestInvalid access configuration given. Check the documentation.
9029400 Bad RequestUnrecognized google credential type.
9030400 Bad RequestVolume name must consist of no more than 32 alphanumeric characters, that can be separated with single underscores only.
9031400 Bad RequestUnrecognized azure credential type.
9034400 Bad RequestUnrecognized s3 credential type.
9038403 ForbiddenThis environment only supports RO buckets of type 'OSS'
9039403 ForbiddenThis environment only supports RO buckets of type 'Azure'
9040403 ForbiddenGCP over EC2 authentication is not allowed
9057403 ForbiddenThis environment only supports RO buckets of type GCS.
9058403 ForbiddenThis environment only supports RO buckets of type S3.
9069409 ConflictVolume inactive
9072400 Bad RequestFile path ending with slash is not valid.
9100503 Service UnavailableThere was an error communicating with the service.
9101403 ForbiddenThe volume is not configured for writing (access mode is not set to RW).
9102403 ForbiddenInsufficient privileges to access the requested project
9103403 ForbiddenInsufficient privileges to access the requested item. See the documentation.
9104404 Not found.Requested volume does not exist.
9105404 Not FoundItem not found on the volume.
9106404 Not FoundRequested file does not exist.
9107409 ConflictLocation on volume already contains a file.
9108409 ConflictRequested file already exists.
9109404 Not FoundRequested file does not exist or not accessible.
9200404 Not FoundRequested cloud storage bucket does not exist. Check if the bucket name is correct.
9201403 ForbiddenProvided access key is not valid.
9202403 ForbiddenProvided secret key is not valid.
9203403 ForbiddenProvided IAM role is not valid or not properly configured.
Check IAM role setup instructions. Learn more about AWS IAM roles.
9204403 ForbiddenThe provided IAM user/role does not have permissions to LIST the bucket.

The policy attached to the IAM user/role should have the s3:ListBucket permission over arn:aws:s3:::{bucket_name}.

See an example of the policy. Learn more about AWS S3 bucket permissions.
9205403 ForbiddenThe provided IAM user/role does not have permissions to GET object from the provided bucket.

The policy attached to the IAM user/role should have the
s3:GetObject permission over arn:aws:s3:::{bucket_name}/{prefix}/*.

See an example of the policy. Learn more about AWS S3 bucket permissions.
9206403 ForbiddenThe provided IAM user/role does not have permissions to PUT object to the provided bucket.

The policy attached to the IAM user/role should have
s3:PutObject and s3:PutObjectAcl permissions over arn:aws:s3:::{bucket_name}/{prefix}/*.

See an example of the policy. Learn more about AWS S3 bucket permissions.
9207403 ForbiddenThe provided IAM user/role does not have permissions to GET OBJECT ACL from the provided bucket.

The policy attached to the IAM user/role should have the
s3:GetObjectAcl permission over arn:aws:s3:::{bucket_name}/{prefix}/*.

See an example of the policy. Learn more about AWS S3 bucket permissions.
9208403 ForbiddenThe provided IAM user/role does not have permissions to GET object from the Seven Bridges bucket.

The policy attached to the IAM user/role should have the
s3:GetObject permission over Seven Bridges buckets.

See an example of the policy. Learn more about AWS S3 bucket permissions.
9209403 ForbiddenCannot attach RW volume in the provided bucket region.
10xxxManifest file errors
10101400 Bad RequestManifest file is not a valid .csv file.
10102400 Bad RequestInvalid manifest file header row format.
10105400 Bad RequestManifest file contains too many rows.
10110400 Bad RequestFailed to submit manifest file.
10208403 ForbiddenInvalid or missing session ID.
10210403 ForbiddenInsufficient privileges on destination.
10211404 Not foundJob with provided id not found.
10212405 Method not allowedResource not found.
10213404 Not foundDestination path not found.
10214405 Method not allowedThe requested resource does not support wanted http method.
10215503 Service UnavavailableExternal resource unavailable.
10216409 ConflictJob is already hidden.
10217422 Unprocessable entityUnprocessable json error.
10218422 Unprocessable entityUnprocessable json - end of file.
10220503 Service UnavavailableUnexpected error occurred.
10221403 ForbiddenInsufficient privileges to access the requested destination.
10222404 Not foundRequested folder does not exist.
10223409 ConflictRequested file already exists.
10224409 ConflictRequested folder already exists.
10225404 Not foundSubmitted source does not exist.
10226403 ForbiddenInsufficient privileges to access the requested source.
10227400 Bad RequestDestination path must be a folder.
10228400 Bad RequestDestination for source is missing.
10229400 Bad RequestCannot copy to parent directory.
10230400 Bad RequestSources cannot be empty or null.
10231400 Bad RequestThere are duplicate sources.
10232400 Bad RequestInvalid request syntax. Check the documentation.
10233400 Bad RequestProvide full paths instead of file IDs.
10234400 Bad RequestList of paths for query deleting state is empty.
10235400 Bad RequestInvalid file name.
10236400 Bad RequestInvalid folder name.
10246400 Bad RequestInvalid file import uri.
10248400 Bad RequestInvalid metadata.
10276400 Bad RequestMalformed DRS bundle.
10277400 Bad RequestEmpty bundle name.
10278400 Bad RequestMalformed DRS blob.
10371429 Too Many RequestsRate limit exceeded.
10372409 ConflictConflict while importing file or bundle.
13000503 Service UnavailableSearch service is currently unavailable.
13001403 ForbiddenInsufficient privileges to access the requested file.
13002404 Not FoundRequested file does not exist.
13003409 ConflictRequested file already exists.
13004503 Service UnavailableConsistency has been violated, please retry.
57xxxBulk file system operations
57000400 Bad requestProvided continuation token is not formatted properly
57001400 Bad requestProvided continuation token is not valid
57002400 Bad requestSource location must be specified
57003400 Bad requestDestination location must be specified
57004400 Bad requestNaming strategy must be specified
57005400 Bad requestFound duplicate sources for the same destination
57006400 Bad requestCycle detected (e.g. copy <a> <b>; copy <b> <a>)
57007400 Bad requestDestination location must be undefined
57008400 Bad requestFound duplicate source locations
57009400 Bad requestUnable to copy folder to its parent
57010400 Bad requestUnable to copy folder to itself or to a subfolder
57011400 Bad requestUnable to move folder to its parent
57012400 Bad requestUnable to move folder to itself or to a subfolder
57013400 Bad requestProvided job origin is not valid
57014400 Bad requestRequest must not be undefined
57015400 Bad requestUnspecified job type
57016400 Bad requestCycle detected (e.g. move <a> <b>; move <b> <a>)
57017400 Bad requestDestination must be a folder
57018400 Bad requestInvalid file name
57019400 Bad requestInvalid folder name
57020400 Bad requestCannot copy project root
57021400 Bad requestDestination is not a folder
57022400 Bad requestCannot move project root
57023400 Bad requestJob request object must not be undefined
57024400 Bad requestJob origin must be specified
57025400 Bad request"hidden" property must be specified
57026400 Bad requestIncorrect job type
57027400 Bad requestSource path must not be blank
57028400 Bad requestSource id must be undefined
57029400 Bad requestSource query must be undefined
57030400 Bad requestSource id must not be blank
57031400 Bad requestSource path must be undefined
57032400 Bad requestSource query must not be blank
57033400 Bad requestDestination path must not be blank
57034400 Bad requestDestination id must be undefined
57035400 Bad requestDestination query must be undefined
57036400 Bad requestDestination id must not be blank
57037400 Bad requestDestination path must be undefined
57038400 Bad requestAt least one request must be present
57039404 Not foundUnable to find job
57040409 ConflictUnable to abort job due to job state conflict
57429400 Bad requestBad request
57430401 UnauthorizedUnauthorized access
57431403 Access forbiddenAccess forbidden
57432404 Not foundResource not found
57433409 ConflictConflict occurred
57434500 Internal server errorInternal server error
90xxxGeneral validation errors
90000400 Bad RequestBad request.
90001401 UnauthorizedUnauthorized.
90002403 ForbiddenForbidden.
90003404 Not FoundNot found.
90004503 Service UnavailableUnexpected error occurred.
90005503 Service UnavailableService unavailable.
90006405 Method Not AllowedMethod not allowed.
90007409 ConflictConflict.
90008415 Unsupported Media TypeUnsupported Media Type.
90009500 Server ErrorAn error occurred during the decoding of the request content.
90010501 Not ImplementedNot implemented, COPY and DELETE bulk operations are available.
90011400 Bad RequestImport failed. Please review your import links and FTP/HTTP server credentials.