Classroom StrategiesProblem Based Learning21st Century LearningTeaching TechnologyInstructional StrategiesSchool TechnologyEd TechFlipped ClassroomTechnology In The ClassroomHow to Flip Your ClassroomHow to Flip Your Classroom « hybridclassroom.com3.2k
Flipped Classroom ElementaryFlipped Classroom High SchoolFlipped LearningStudent Centered ClassroomSteam ClassroomTeacher LeadershipVirtual TeachingTop StudentProblem Based LearningFlipped Classrooms 101: A Beginner’s Guide - The Prairie PlannerMaybe you’ve encountered these scenarios before — you have some students ready to work ahead so they start multitasking on their device, waiting for the lesson to move on. Or, maybe you notice a student frantically scribbling notes, trying to keep up with the information you’re giving. Or, maybe you have students who are absent, […]773
High School Biology TeacherDigital Learning ClassroomStorytelling ArtEducation WorksheetsHigh School Science TeacherMultiple IntelligencesBiology ClassroomHigh School BiologySecondary ScienceIntroduction to the Flipped Classroom - Science IslandAn Introduction to the Flipped Classroom for Secondary Science by Science Island211
Flipped LearningDirect Instruction21st Century LearningTeaching TechniquesInstructional StrategiesEffective TeachingFlipped ClassroomInstructional DesignBlended LearningDefinition of Flipped Learning - Flipped Learning Network HubReleased March 12, 2014 To counter common misconceptions and bring clarity to discussions about “Flipped Learning,” the governing board and key leaders of the Flipped Learning Network (FLN) announced a formal definition of the term. They also released the Four Pillars of F-L-I-P™ and a checklist of eleven indicators that educators must incorporate into their […]537
Health ClassroomVideo TechnologyStudy HallCult Of PedagogyAcademic LanguageProblem Based LearningTeacher TechInstructional TechnologyTeaching TechnologyModifying the Flipped Classroom: The "In-Class" VersionModifying the Flipped Classroom: The "In-Class" Version - Flipping is a great way to take advantage of new technologies. If it hasn't worked for you yet, don't throw that baby out with the bathwater. Try an In-Class Flip. (Guest post on Edutopia 3/14/14) #edtechtools #flippedclassroom #middleschool #highschool #educationreform #CultofPedagogy870
Teaching Resources PrimaryTeacher TechInstructional TechnologyTeaching TechnologyTeacher TechnologyInstructional StrategiesTeaching ElaInstructional CoachingSchool TechnologyAdding Adventure to Instruction by Using a FliphuntWhat is better than creating an engaging lesson for your class? Creating a fliphunt! Check out the details and start the adventure!2.8k
21st Century ClassroomLearn ProgrammingEd TechFlipped ClassroomTechnology In The ClassroomInstructional DesignBlended LearningPersonalized LearningDigital Classroom5-Minute Film Festival: The Basics of Blended LearningGet a better understanding of the definition and the promise of blended learning from this playlist of nine videos and additional resources gathered by VideoAmy.7
Educational Videos For AdultsFlipped LearningWeb 2.0Teacher TechTeaching TechnologySchool TechnologyEd TechFlipped ClassroomInstructional DesignHow to Make Great Videos For Your Class – An Infographic - Flipped Learning Network HubIt’s official, I’ve made over 1000 videos for my students, parents, fellow staff and the world in the last three years. Here’s what I’ve learned The post How to Make Great Videos For Your Class – An Infographic appeared first on Joel Speranza.854
Teach The Teacher ProjectContent Based InstructionDifferentiation In The Classroom IdeasMath Differentiation StrategiesTeaching Methods Education TeachersActive Learning Strategies TeachingDifferentiation StrategiesEffective Teaching StrategiesProblem Based LearningFlipped Teaching is NOT about making videosI was chatting with a History teacher this week, who like most history teachers, was discussing how much content he had to get through and how some students just couldn’t handle the load. I n…501
Second Language TeachingFlipped LearningEducation InfographicsEducational InfographicLearning TechnologySchool TechnologyEd TechTechnology In The ClassroomFlipped ClassroomFlipped Learning: The Big Picture Infographic - e-Learning InfographicsThe Flipped Learning: The Big Picture Infographic shows how schools engaging the Flipped Learning approach develop a flexible environment.260