Rogue HomebrewRoguish ArchetypeRogue ArchetypesD D Homebrew ClassesDnd RogueDnd SubclassesHomebrew ClassesDnd StoriesFree ManRogue Archetype: Charlatan, 1st UA Draft5060 views on Imgur: The magic of the Internet355
Rpg CharactersArte FantasyCharacter Design MaleFantasy Rpg영감을 주는 캐릭터Character Design ReferencesFantasy ClothingCharacter CreationDnd CharactersRpg Characters255
Curse Of StrahdHeroic FantasyFantasy PortraitsWorld Of DarknessFantasy SettingRpg CharactersFortune TellerOld WomanFantasy RpgHuman Variant: VistaniPLEASE BE AWARE, THIS IS A HOMEBREW PAGE FOR A HOMEBREW WORLD AND DOES NOT REFLECT OFFICIAL CONTENT. PLEASE REFRAIN FROM CHANGING ANY INFORMATION ON THIS PAGE. THANK YOU. Since the vampire lord Strahd von Zarovich was slain by a company of adventuring travelers at the conclusion of Curse of Strahd, the mists of Barovia have parted and allowed the Vistani to venture out into the world. The Vistani of Barovia maintain their culture, and some remain utterly loyal to either Luvash or Madame Eva…3k
Changeling Pirate DndDnd Changeling RoguePathfinder ThaumaturgeOccultist Character DesignDnd Changeling ArtChangeling PaladinD&d ChangelingChangling Oc DndChangeling Character DesignChangeling Occultist, NatalieI had this idea of a detective / occultist researcher sitting in the back of my head for a while now and finally drew it up933
Changeling MonkChangeling DndCharacter CommissionDnd RacesDnd Character ArtNpc IdeasDnd NpcDnd InspirationDungeons And Dragons HomebrewNovo, Changeling Monk/Druid by Smolin on DeviantArtDescription Character commission for an excellent (and patient!) client of his 5E D&D character. Novo is a Changeling Monk/Druid who travels under a few regular guises.802
Character Design ChallengeBlades In The DarkWeird WestDnd InspirationArt OutfitsWorld Of DarknessCall Of CthulhuModel SheetRpg CharactersAlien Planets Vol.2, Thomas GuillonI'm working on another set of alien environments. This one will features creatures as well with very simple animation, to add more life to the scenes.1.9k
Rogue Arcane TricksterDungeons And Dragons RogueRogue CharacterElf RogueArcane TricksterPiskel ArtEpic CharactersHalf ElfFantasy HeroesRogue Arcane Trickster358
Dnd CharlatanHalf Human Half Animal Character DesignNon Binary Character DesignAasimar SorcererHalfling FighterDnd HalflingTrans CharactersHomebrew RacesCharacter Inspiration AestheticDnd Charlatan48
Wayne ReynoldsPathfinder CharacterFantasy HeroesPathfinder RpgHuman MaleDungeons And Dragons CharactersFantasy MaleRpg CharactersDnd StuffWayne ReynoldsAric - See The Red Raven334