Serving as both a federal and a state depository library, the UNT Libraries Government Documents Department maintains millions of items in a variety of formats. The department is a member of the FDLP Content Partnerships Program and an Affiliated Archive of the National Archives.
This book is part of the following collections of related materials.
Government Documents A to Z Digitization Project
An ongoing project, A-to-Z encompasses U.S. federal government documents published prior to 1960. We are digitizing the documents alphabetically, starting with the call number A, which includes agricultural documents. By popular demand, the A-to-Z Collection also contains vintage War Department field manuals and technical manuals.
The Environmental Policy Collection contains reports, policy documents, and media selected from local, statewide, national, and international organizations; government and private agencies; and scientific and research institutions. The collection also contains theses and dissertations relevant to environmental policy.
O'Neal, A. M. (Alfred Moore), b. 1881 & Klingebiel, A. A.Your Soil, Crumbly or Cloddy?,
August 1952;
Washington D.C..
accessed March 2, 2025),
University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library,;
crediting UNT Libraries Government Documents Department.