Video games Zork and Pokemon
How we built it
Challenges we ran into
Being novices in Python-development (we featured heavy-use of functions, which we just learned about this week) Making the combat system (transferring and updating information between files without losing anything) The aggregation of all sub functions into the main game function. Making the user-interface as easy to understand as possible.
Accomplishments that we're proud of
Combat system Despite it's rudimentary design visually and mechanically, we are extremely proud of the fact that we prioritized functionality, which is an important lesson in engineering and especially prototyping, and that we accomplished building a game from scratch.
What we learned
Sleep is for the weak. Communication, in conjunction with division of labor, is key for effective work. How to import functions from other files. Game development without the use of an engine requires much more time.
What's next for Python Text-RPG Prototype
Continue to build upon the foundation established during the Hackathon Hopefully implement audio and visual elements
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