We were inspired by our experiences with University Societies in the past, that due to their mostly-informal nature, their events were often posted in different places, with very little consistency between societies. This made it quite easy for people to miss events, and lose motivation to keep going to a society, and socializing, which is one of the most important parts of coming to a new place, and engaging with the University experience.
What it does
We hold data, both from the user's uni timetable, and from a society's listed events, to add both to a singular timetable, helping the user to better manage their time.
How we built it
Using full-stack web development tools, including bootstrap and flask, we made the data accessible via a web interface, allowing for dynamic access of timetable, society, and user information, in a presentable, accessible form.
Challenges we ran into
Logistical challenges were quite significant for us, especially management of many peoples' code, in a single repository, to merge them all together. Technical challenges, equally, posed substantial hurdles, especially when our use of tools like Jinja were limited by their poor documentation.
Accomplishments that we're proud of
Having made a fully-functional, highly dynamic website, with heavy use of templating, and utilization of wide variety of software tools.
What we learned
Forward planning is critical, especially with data structures, in order to minimize time spent refactoring within such a small window. Improved our skills in Jinja and Flask
What's next for a
We use as a learning experience for future web dev projects.
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