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Point template.pngPoint template classic.pngpoint_template is a point entity available in all Source Source games.

Entity Description

point_template turns an entity or set of entities into a single template that can be instanced anywhere and multiple times. When activated (ForceSpawn), it will spawn the entities in the template at the same positions, relative to itself, that they had when this entity was created. This will be their original positions if the point_template has not been moved. To spawn the template in other places, an env_entity_maker can be used.

Tip.pngTip:Any logic_relay entities within a template will fire their OnSpawn output when spawned. This behavior can be used to make templated entities do things when they spawn.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:InsurgencyDay of Infamy This entity is broken and will usually crash the game. If the gamemode is set to training in Insurgency, it will work normally.  [todo tested in ?]
Icon-Bug.pngBug:Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Spawning a func_breakable_surf with this entity will crash the game.  [todo tested in ?]
Note.pngNote:Any entity from S_PreserveEnts cannot be instanced by default. This can be workarounded by making the point_template a preserved entity itself at map load which can be done by using logic_auto to change the classname of the template with AddOutput to one from S_PreserveEnts. When spawning this template a message will be shown that there are no templated entities, however it will work anyways.
Warning.pngWarning:Entities that have a globalname will not spawn if they have been killed previously.
Warning.pngWarning:Left 4 Dead 2 Do NOT spawn the trigger_finale with a template! This bad practice leads to poor VScript compatibility down the line. Make it StartDisabled instead.

Before using this entity, consider sections like Name Fix-up and FGD Enhancement(s) first.

Name Fix-up

To prevent interdependencies (entity I/O, hierarchy, or other name references) between entities, the entities in the template will have their names changed, with any interdependent outputs reconnected to the changed names. The name change format is as follows: '<original name>&XXXX', where the '&XXXX' will be replaced with the current global template instance spawn count, so wildcard searches for '<original name>&*' will still find them. Name fixing is only for template entities spawned by output; The outputs of the point_template are not name fixed, and neither are the outputs of other objects referring to template entities.

The special targetnames (!self and such) work on spawned objects, so a trigger_multiple with an output to !activator can be used to affect individual spawned objects. Wildcards can refer to all entities spawned by a fix-up-enabled point_template.

Note that if '"Don't remove template entities"' flag is active, the first (batch of) entities spawned will be postfixed&0002. If you don't want the name fixup to happen, because you're only spawning the template once, or you want inputs to trigger all instances of the template, check the 'Preserve entity names' spawnflag.

Confirm:Ifspawnflag 2is active, will the unremoved entity have its name postfixed with&0001?
Warning.pngWarning:point_template will not do any name fixing-up in the parameter override boxes of its templated entities.
Note.pngNote:Entities must be referenced by name in a keyvalue or external I/O connection to get fixed up. If neither is present, then the name is preserved. If this isn't desired, a easy fix is to add a dummy keyvalue in the entity that references it's own name. It doesn't even have to be a keyvalue that really exists on the entity.


Template 1 (Template01) to Template 16 (Template16) <targetname>
Targetname(s) to search for entities to template. These can be exact matches, or wildcards (*). If multiple entities are matched, all entities will be included in the template.
Name (targetname) <string>
The name that other entities refer to this entity by, via Inputs/Outputs or other keyvalues (e.g. parentname or target).
Also displayed in Hammer's 2D views and Entity Report.
See also:  Generic Keyvalues, Inputs and Outputs available to all entities


Don't remove template entities : [1]

Prevent template entities being removed automatically.

Preserve entity names (Don't do name fixup) : [2]

Causes the spawned entities to be named exactly as their templates were (as opposed to renamed).


Spawn an instance of the template at the original position.


Fired after spawning an instance of this template.

FGD Enhancement(s)

From TeamSpen210's Hammer Addons,point_templatecan be made to show connecting lines to all entities part of its template.

First, go to this line in yourbase.fgdand highlight the same characters:

@PointClass base(Targetname) iconsprite("editor/point_template.vmt") = point_template :

Then copy all of this, and paste all of this over it:

@PointClass base(BaseEntityPoint) 
	line(255 255 0, targetname, Template01)
	line(255 255 0, targetname, Template09)
	line(255 255 0, targetname, Template02)
	line(255 255 0, targetname, Template10)
	line(255 255 0, targetname, Template03)
	line(255 255 0, targetname, Template11)
	line(255 255 0, targetname, Template04)
	line(255 255 0, targetname, Template12)
	line(255 255 0, targetname, Template05)
	line(255 255 0, targetname, Template13)
	line(255 255 0, targetname, Template06)
	line(255 255 0, targetname, Template14)
	line(255 255 0, targetname, Template07)
	line(255 255 0, targetname, Template15)
	line(255 255 0, targetname, Template08)
	line(255 255 0, targetname, Template16)
= point_template:

See also