

La propiedad vertical-align de CSS especifica el alineado vertical de un elemento en línea o una celda de una tabla.

Valor inicialbaseline
Applies toinline-level and table-cell elements. It also applies to ::first-letter and ::first-line.
Percentagesrefer to the line-height of the element itself
Valor calculadofor percentage and length values, the absolute length, otherwise the keyword as specified
Animation typea CSS data type are interpolated as real, floating-point numbers.">length


vertical-align: baseline | sub | super | text-top | text-bottom | middle | top | bottom | <percentage> | <length>

Valores (para elementos en línea)

La mayoría de los valores de alinean verticalmente el elemento de forma relativa al elemento padre:


Alinea la línea base del elemento con la línea base del padre. La línea base de algunos elementos reemplazados, como <textarea> no está especificado en la especificación HTML, que significa que su comportamiento puede cambiar en un navegador u otro.


Alinea la línea base del elemento con la línea subscript del elemento padre.


Alinea la línea base del elemento con la línea superscript del elemento padre.


Aligns the top of the element with the top of the parent element's font.


Aligns the bottom of the element with the bottom of the parent element's font.


Aligns the middle of the element with the middle of lowercase letters in the parent.


Aligns the baseline of the element at the given length above the baseline of its parent.


Like <length> values, with the percentage being a percent of the line-height property.

For elements that do not have a baseline, the bottom margin edge is used instead.

However, two values vertically align the element relative to the entire line rather than relative to its parent:


Align the top of the element and its descendants with the top of the entire line.


Align the bottom of the element and its descendants with the bottom of the entire line.

Negative values are allowed.

Valores (para celdas de tablas)

baseline (and sub, super, text-top, text-bottom, <length>, and <percentage>)

Align the baseline of the cell with the baseline of all other cells in the row that are baseline-aligned.


Align the top padding edge of the cell with the top of the row.


Center the padding box of the cell within the row.


Align the bottom padding edge of the cell with the bottom of the row.

Negative values are allowed.


img {
  vertical-align: bottom;


Cascading Style Sheets Level 2 Revision 2 (CSS 2.2) Specification
# propdef-vertical-align

Compatibilidad con navegadores

BCD tables only load in the browser with JavaScript enabled. Enable JavaScript to view data.

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