
Baseline 2023

Newly available

Since September 2023, this feature works across the latest devices and browser versions. This feature might not work in older devices or browsers.

The range descriptor lets the author specify one or more ranges of counter values for which the style is applied when defining custom counter styles with the @counter-style at-rule. When the range descriptor is included, the defined counter will only be used for values in the set ranges. If the counter value is outside the specified range, the fallback style will be used to construct the representation of that marker.


/* Keyword value */
range: auto;

/* Range values */
range: 2 5;
range: infinite 10;
range: 6 infinite;
range: infinite infinite;

/* Multiple range values */
  2 5,
  8 10;
  infinite 6,
  10 infinite;


The value is a comma-separated list of ranges each including a lower and upper limit or the keyword auto.


The entire set of numbers representable by the counter system. Those range values depends on the counter system:

  • For cyclic, numeric, and fixed systems, the range is negative infinity to positive infinity.
  • For alphabetic and symbolic systems, the range is 1 to positive infinity.
  • For additive systems, the range is 0 to positive infinity.
  • When using extend to extend a system, the range is whatever auto would produce for the system being extended, including extensions of complex predefined styles, such as some Japanese, Korean, Chinese, and Ethiopian counter styles.
[ [ <integer> | infinite ]{2} ]#

Each range within the comma separated list of ranges includes two values, each being either an <integer> or the keyword infinite. If infinite is used as the first value in a range, it represents negative infinity; if it is used as the second value, it represents positive infinity. The first value of each range is the lower bound for the range and the second value is the upper bound, inclusive. If the lower bound of any range in the list is higher than the upper bound, the entire range descriptor is invalid and will be ignored.


The value of the range descriptor can be either auto or a comma separated list of lower and upper bound ranges specified using negative or positive integers or the keyword infinite.

Understanding auto

When the value is set to auto, the range is the default range for the counter system. If the system is cyclic, numeric, or fixed, the range will be from negative infinity to positive infinity. If the system is alphabetic or symbolic, the range will be from 1 to positive infinity. For system: additive, auto results in the range 0 to positive infinity.

When extending a counter, if range is set to auto, the range value will be the range of the system of the counter that is being extended, not the range value, if any, of that counter. For example, if counter "B" has the system: extends A set, with counter being an alphabetic counter, setting range: auto on "B" sets the range of "B" from 1 to infinity. This is the range of the alphabetic system, not necessarily the range set in the "A" counter style definiton. With range: auto set on "B", the range is set to the default range of the alphabetic system, not the range value set in counter A's descriptor list.

infinite explained

When range is specified as integers (versus auto), the value infinite can be used to denote infinity. If infinite is specified as the first value in a range, then it is interpreted as negative infinity. If used as the upper bound, the second value in the range pair, it is taken as positive infinity.

List of ranges

The value of range is either auto, discussed above, or a comma separated list of one or more ranges. The range of the counter style is the union of all the ranges defined in the list.

Each range in the list of ranges takes two values. Those values are either an <integer> or the keyword infinite. The first value is the lower bound, inclusive. The second value is the upper bound, inclusive. For two integer values, the lower value must come first. If the lower bound of any range in the list is higher than the upper bound, the entire range descriptor is invalid and will be ignored. The infinite keyword will not invalidate the range, because the position of infinite determines its value; either negative or positive infinity based on whether it's the lower bound or upper bound, respectively.

Formal definition

Formal syntax

range = 
[ [ <integer> | infinite ]{2} ]# |


Setting counter style over a range


<ul class="list">


@counter-style range-multi-example {
  system: cyclic;
  symbols: "\25A0" "\25A1";
    2 4,
    7 9;

.list {
  list-style: range-multi-example;


The first range is the list of ranges includes 2, 3, and 4. The second includes 7, 8, and 9. The range is the union of these two ranges, or 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, and 9.


CSS Counter Styles Level 3
# counter-style-range

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser with JavaScript enabled. Enable JavaScript to view data.

See also