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Minggu, 16 November 2014


SCHOOL YEAR 2014 / 2015

Arranged   by:

Name                                       : Desi Valentina
School Register Number         : 12242
Grade                                      : Twelve
Department                             : Accounting

State Vocational High School 6 Surakarta
38 Adi Sucipto Street, Surakarta 57143
Telp (0271) 726036/ Fax. (0271) 740932

This report has been examined by the board of examiners of State Vocational High School 6 Surakarta and declared to fulfill the English curriculum.

Board of examinations

                      Class Guardian                                                      Consultant and examiner

Drs. Ramli                                                               Dra. Siti Habibah
NIP. 19590711 198103 1 008                                                NIP. 19671012 200501 2 003

Surakarta,    November 2014
Head of Accounting Department
State Vocational High School 6

    Dra. Sukinah, Msi
NIP. 19610615 199003 2 001
Praise, glory  and honour only belong to God The All Mighty because only by His grace, the writer can finish this final task report.
            By this report, the writer wants to express gratitude to:
1.      Dra. Sri Supartini, MM, as the principal of State Vocational High School 6 Surakarta
2.      Drs. Arif Suhardi, Mpd, as the vice principal of public relation
3.      Widjaja Kusumaningsih, as the head of industry and all staff  in PT ASIA MARKO
4.      Dr. Sukinah, Msi, as the head of accounting department
5.      Dra. Siti Habibah, as the consultant and examiner of this report
6.      Dra. Ramli, as the class guardian
7.      Beloved parent who support the writer to finish this report
8.      Classmate, friends and some who helps the writer to finish this report

The writer believes that this report isn’t quite perfect, so she will accept any suggestion and constructive critism from all readers. Finally, she hopes that this report will be useful for all.God bless.

Surakarta,   November 2014

The writer


TITLE PAGE........................................................................................................................
RATIFICATION.................................................................................................................. i
PREFACE............................................................................................................................. ii
TABLE OF CONTENT........................................................................................................ iii
                    A.Background................................................................................................... 1
  B.Objectives...................................................................................................... 1
  A.Time and Place............................................................................................... 2
  B.Material and Equipment................................................................................. 2
  C.Theoritical Review......................................................................................... 3
  D.Scheme of Work............................................................................................ 3
  E.Motion of Work............................................................................................. 4
  F.Result.............................................................................................................. 4
                   A.Feasibility........................................................................................................ 5
                   B.Benefit............................................................................................................ 5
                   C.Improvement................................................................................................... 5
                   A.Conclusion...................................................................................................... 6
                   B.Suggestion....................................................................................................... 6
REFERENCE........................................................................................................................ 7
APPENDIX........................................................................................................................... 8


A. Background

As long as the development of science and technology and the demands of the workplace and the community, Vocational High School 6 Surakarta try to be a superior school. One of the advantages find in human resources competent national and international standards. To that end, on the job training program in the industry for 2 months of class XI is expected to support competencies and train mental skills work culture compete as stock later if students will be working in an industry.
 In the current era of globalization, more companies are standing in Indonesia. Both species and non-species. Every company must have a financial plan that is different. Currently, all companies are required to make a report relating to the financial development of the company in a given period.
Parties who have an interest in the development of an enterprise is necessary to know the financial condition of a company is reflected in its financial statements. The financial statements are made with the intention of providing an overview of progress the company periodically.
The information is compiled and presented in the form of the company is balance sheet, income statement, capital statement and cash flow statement. Because of the financial statements is a form of accountability leadership or management company on the tasks assigned to manage the company to the parties interested in the company. If the corporation does not prepare financial statements, then the parties with an interest in the company is not able to take economic decisions in order to advance the company.

B. Objectives
The objectives of On The Job Training in industrial world are to:
1. Introduce the writer about the business world.
2. Apply the accounting theory in real activity in industrial and business world.
3. Enlarge writer knowledge.
4. Increase the experience in business world.
5. Prepare the writer so that to be ready to work after passing the final examination.


A. Time and Place
The implementation of on the job training had been done on 1st March until 29th April 2014. It had been done in PT Asia Marko, Jl. Adi Sumarmo No 280-282 Colomadu, Karanganyar, phone (0271) 716158, fax. (0271) 716159. The writer did the job training :
- Monday through Friday from 07.15 a.m until 15.00 p.m.
- Saturday from 07.15 a.m until 12.00 p.m.
B. Material and Equipment
The materials to do On The Job Training are:
1.      Evidence transaction likes: memorandum of demand for goods, permit, mail order, receipt of goods,etc
2.      Outner such us cash, purchases, sales, etc
3.      Inventory Card
4.      Annual tax letter, something about tax, etc
5.      Paper Sheet

The equipments to do On The Job Training are:
1.      Calculator
2.      Computer & Printer
3.      Pen & Pencil
4.      Eraser
5.      Manual machine & Copy machine
6.      Ruler, Sharpener, Glue
7.      Stapler & Stapless
8.      Paper clips
9.      Fax & Telephone
10.  Other office equipment

C. Theoritical Review
a.       These financial statements are statements about the position (ability) and the company's financial performance and other information needed by the user.
b.      Objective of financial statements is to provide information regarding the financial position, performance and changes in financial position of an enterprise that is useful for a large number of users in making economic decisions.
c.       Financial statements are :
1.   Balance Sheet is statement about asset, liability, and equity company at certain period can describe company’s financial position.
2.   Income Statement is statement about company’s revenue and expense for a certain period which explain company’s ability within accountancy period
3.   Capital Statement is information about change owner equity amount and resources become cause changing.
4.   Cash Flow Statement refers information on from where cash increase resource and for what cash is used.
5.   Note on Financial Statement is explanation as detail about financial statement.
D. Scheme of Work

E. Motion of Work
1. Correcting Report
The first, work step start with correcting reports like basic and subsidiary material consumption, checking inventory balance, checking cash balance from cash book and bank book, etc.
2. Making Journal and Adjusting Entries
Secondly, after correcting report is maing journal as Bank Receipt Journal, Bank Payment Journal, Cash Receipt Journal, Cash Payment Journal, Inventory Destroy Journal, etc.
3. Making Ledger, Subsidiary Ledger and Recapitulation
Next process is making ledger cash, niaga deposit, interest income, inventory, etc. as well as making recapitulation like Niaga Bank Mutation, expenses, etc.
4. Making Worksheet
Worksheet is created after making ledger and recapitulation it. Form worksheet is head of company include name of company and relation period, Account Number, Account Name, Trial Balance, Adjustment, Trial Balance After Adjustment, Income Summary, Balance Sheet.
5. Making Financial Statements
Finally, we making financial statements like income statement, capital statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement and note on financial statements.

F. Result
Financial statements are used consumer like foundation make opinions and economic decisions approciate with importance it. Such although, financial statements have general and historic characteristic as well as no available obligation for providing information non financial until no information all is needed consumer for taking economic decisions served within financial statements.


A. Feasibility
1. Proponent factors :
a. Motivation and support from all people.
b. Good cooperation between teacher and attendance.
c. Guidance from teachers and industry world.
d. Providence of materials and equipments of the competence exam.
2. Inhibiting factors :
a.       Employees less discipline.
b.      Sometimes equipment is damage.
c.       Many activity must be finish on this day.
d.      Different opinions among the staff.
B. Benefit
Benefit from On The Job Training is :
1.      Knowing the history of PT Asia Marko.
2.      Knowing how to solve many kinds of problems happen.
3.      Increasing the knowledge about the world of work reality.
4.      The writer can responsible for the job training.
5.      The writer have lunch in PT Asia Marko’s canteen
C. Improvement
During on the job training, the writer get more knowledge about difference between the accounting theory in school with real activity in industrial and business world. Difference it is practice making note on financial statements in industrial and business world but does not learn it in school. 


A. Conclusion
        The conclusion of on the job training in PT Asia Marko are :
1. The financial statements of the company is a form of accountability leadership or management company on the tasks assigned to manage the company to the parties interested in the company.
2. Objective of financial statements is to provide information regarding the financial position, performance and changes in financial position of an enterprise that is useful for a large number of users in making economic decisions.
3. Financial statements are : Balance Sheet, Income Statement , Capital Statement, Cash Flow Statement , Note on Financial Statements.
4. Many evidence transaction available in PT Asia Marko like memorandum of demand for goods, permit, mail order, receipt of goods,etc.
5. PT Asia Marko include in manufacture company.

B. Suggestion
1. Next time, on the job training be held on January. Because a lot of work going on at the beginning of the year and students are not be late for lesson on the new semester.
2. Guide more responsible on task given.
3. Checking equipment before starting work.
4. The writer must study more active again.


Somantri, Hendi.2004.Memahami Siklus Akuntansi Perusahaan Jasa dan Dagang SMK Untuk Tingkat 1.Bandung:Armico



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