Summertime Saga
Summertime Saga Android Spiel
A fun summer adventureBecome a student in the spicy visual novel Summertime Saga. The story begins when your protagonist's father dies. That, of course, means that his debt to the Mafia gets transferred to you and your family.
Summertime Saga doesn't follow a strictly linear development, so you're free to visit any part of the city whenever you wish and interact with all the characters you meet along the way. But, keep in mind that only three events can be completed per day. After that, you have to go to sleep and start a new day.
Your protagonist has a number of features that can be slowly leveled up as you participate in different events. For example, improve your charisma by competing in rap battles, or your physical appearance by going to the gym, etc.
One of the most interesting elements of Summertime Saga is that you can develop romantic relationships with many of the characters, much like you would with other visual novels. Learn more and more interesting details about the characters' backstories as you get to know them better.
Go on an adventure with Summertime Saga. You'll enjoy the entertaining (and sometimes risqué) story, numerous subplots, and strikingly good graphics.
Reviewed by Andrés López
Translated by Localization Team
Android 4.4 or higher required
Frequent questions
How many versions of Summertime Saga are there?
To date, there are more than 20 versions of Summertime Saga for Android. You can download the most recent APK from , as well as previous versions of this popular game.
How do you enter the Rump mansion in Summertime Saga?
To enter the Rump mansion in Summertime Saga, first you have to open the safe. After that, you can deliver all the items to Harold at the police station.
What kind of game is Summertime Saga?
Summertime Saga is an adventure game shown as a visual novel. Playing as a young student, you can guide the protagonist and live out your own adventure.
How big is the Summertime Saga APK?
The Summertime Saga APK is 856 MB. Thanks to its 2D graphics, you'll have no trouble downloading and opening the game on almost any smartphone. Info Info
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