Hans-Jürgen Hübner
„Nach frei stehenden Zeilen, beispielsweise Überschriften, Werktiteln oder Schlagzeilen, wird kein Punkt gesetzt, wobei es nicht darauf ankommt, ob es sich um einzelne Wörter oder vollständige Sätze handelt... Auch Bildunterschriften werden nicht mit Punkt versehen, vor allem wenn es sich nicht um vollständige Sätze handelt. Bestehen Bildunterschriften allerdings aus mehreren Sätzen, wird im Allgemeinen der Punkt gesetzt.“ Duden Newsletter, 6. September 2022
Arch. Fundpl. in Europa (Karte)
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- Benutzer:Hans-Jürgen Hübner/Artikelliste
- Benutzer:Hans-Jürgen Hübner/2006–2020 (derzeit bis 2024)
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- Copyright, S. 6
- Contents, S. VII–X
- List of Illustrations, S. XI–XII
- List of Tables, S. XIII–XV
- Preface, S. XVII–XXIV
- List of Abbreviations, S. XXV–XXVI
- 1. From Moneychanging to Deposit Banking, S. 3–32
- 2. The Supervision and Regulation of Banking, S. 33–80
- 3. The Organization and Operation of Banking Enterprises, S. 81–118
- 4. Bank Failures in the Trecento, S. 121–157
- 5. Bank Failures in the Quattrocento, S. 158–229.
- 6. The Making of the Panic of 1499–1500, S. 230–251
- 7. Florentine Merchant Bankers and Their Community, S. 255–287
- 8. Exchange and the Money Market, S. 288–355
- 9. The Grain Office, S. 359–424
- 10. Bank Loans to the State in the Fifteenth Century, S. 425–450
- 11. Venice’s Monte Vecchio, S. 453–487
- 12. Criteria Employed in Assessing Patrimonies, S. 488–515
- 13. Family and Finance, S. 516–543
- 14. Investment by Foreigners in the Monte Vecchio, S. 544–567
- Conclusion, S. 568–577
- Appendix A. Local Deposit Bankers and Partnerships, S. 579–583
- Appendix B. Failures of Local Deposit Banks, S. 584–586
- Appendix C. Foreign Exchange in Venice during the Datini Years, 1383–1410, S. 587–609
- Appendix D. Moneys of Account Revisited, S. 610–624
- Appendix E. Foreign Investors in Venetian Credit Institutions, S. 626–632
- Appendix F. Rates of Interest on Credit Sales, 1383–1405, S. 633–635
- Appendix G. Documents, S. 636–639
- Appendix H. Genealogies of the Gaddi, Soranzo, and Priuli Families, S. 640–646
- Appendix I. The Value of Money and the Cost of Living, S. 648–657
- Appendix J. Builders’ Wages from the Late Trecento to the Early Cinquecento, S. 658–664
- Bibliography, S. 665–691
- Index, S. 693–711
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Die Liste der Bischöfe von Olivolo umfasst die Bischöfe der 1092 in Castello umbenannten Gemeinde, die im Osten des historischen Zentrums von Venedig bestand. Eine Bischofsliste ist nicht überliefert, doch lassen sich aus den erzählenden Quellen mit ihren Angaben zur Dauer der Amtsführung näherungsweise Daten erschließen. Die bedeutendsten Quellen stammen von Johannes Diaconus und dem Dogen Andrea Dandolo. Neben weiteren Quellen ist für diese Zeit das Chronicon Altinate von Bedeutung.
- Obelerius † 774/776-798/802
- Christophorus 798–810 (später Cristoforo Damiata genannt; abgesetzt); erneut 813–827
- Johannes diaconus 804 (Usurpator)
- Christophorus II. Tancredi 810-ca. 813 (später Cristoforo Tancredi genannt; abgesetzt)
- Ursus Particiacus 827-854
- Mauro oder Maurizio Businiaco oder Busniago 854-864 (unsicher)
- Domenico Gradenigo I. (bl. 877 864-877 (unsicher)
- Giovanni Candiano † 877-880 (unsicher)
- Lorenzo Timens Deum (vor 883-Mai 909 (†)
- Domenico Villonico (oder Vilinico) (909-Dezember 910 oder Januar 911 (†)
- Domenico David (Orciano) (ca. 911-ca. 920 (zurückgetreten oder gestorben)
- Giovanni (bl. 920 (vielleicht bis 929)
- Pietro Tribuno (wohl 929-938)
- Orso Magadisio oder d'Arbore (wohl 938-945)
- Domenico Talonico (wohl 945-955)
- Pietro Marturio oder Quintavalle (bl. 960 (wohl 955-964)
- Gregorio Giorgio (Zorzi) (wohl 964-965)
- Marino Cassianico (Anfang 971-nach 982
- Domenico Gradenigo II. (ca. 992- ca. 1026 (†)
- Domenico Gradenigo III. (bl. 1040–1041, ca. 1026-ca. 1044 (†)
- Domenico Contarini (bl. 1045, 1053; ca. 1044-ca. 1074 (†)
Bearbeiten- Serie cronologica dai vescovi olivolensi, castellani e Patriarchi di Venezia, aggiuntavi la descrizione delle solenni esequie eseguite nella Basilica di San Marco per la morte di Sua Eccellenza Pietro Aurelio Mutti, Patriarca di Venezia, ec. ec. ec., Venedig 1857. (Digitalisat)
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- ↑ „Marino Faliero (1354.9.16-1355.4.16) – 1 (WES, coll. 6, box 186, No 1) Giovanni Gradenigo (1355.4.21-1356.8.8) – 2 (WES, coll. 6, box 186, NoNo 2, 3) Giovanni Delfino (1356.8.13-1361.7.12) – 1 (WES, coll. 6, box 186, No 4) Lorenzo Celsi (1361.7.13-1365.7.18) – 1 (WES, coll. 6, box 186, No 5) Marco Cornaro (1365.7.21-1368.1.13) – 1 (WES, coll. 6, box 186, No 6) Andrea Contarini (1368.1.20-1382.6.5) – 6 (WES, coll. 6, box 186, NoNo 7-10, 12, 13) Antonio Venier (1382.10.21-1400.11.23) – 4 (WES, coll. 6, box 186, No 14, 15, 17, 19) Michele Steno (1400.12.1-1413.12.26) – 3 (WES, coll. 6, box 186, No 20-22) Francesco Foscari (1423.4.15-1457.10.25) – 12 (WES, coll. 6, box 186, No 25-32; box 187, NoNo 1, 2, 4, 5) Nicolò Marcello (1473.8.13-1474.12.1) – 2 (WES, coll. 6, box 187, NoNo 7, 8) Pietro Mocenigo (1474.12.14-1476.2.23) – 1 (WES, coll. 6, box 187, No 9) Giovanni Mocenigo (1478.5.18-1485.9.14) – 2 (WES, coll. 6, box 187, NoNo 11, 12) Agostin Barbarigo (1486.8.30-1501.9.20) – 5 (WES, coll. 6, box 187, NoNo 13-17) Leonardo Loredan (1501.10.2-1521.6.21) – 3 (WES, coll. 6, box 187, NoNo 18-20) Andrea Gritti (1523.5.20-1538.12.28) – 3 (WES, coll. 6, box 187, NoNo 22, 22а, 24) Francesco Donato (1545.11.24-1553.5.23) – 1 (WES, coll. 6, box 188, NoNo 1)“
- ↑ „The addresses are in: Treviso (10) and 2 locations situated near Treviso, Asolo (1) and Castello di Zumelle (civitas Zumellarum, between Feltre and Belluno) (2), Verona (1), Vicenza (1), Padua (1), and Brescello containing a litigation with the Bishop of Parma (1); outside Italy: the Dalmatian and Istrian coasts, rectoribus in partibus Sclavonie (1), Albanian Shkodër, comiti et capitaneo Sсutari ceterisque rectoribus nostris partium Albanie (1), Cyprus (1), and Crete (1). The documents are mainly administrative orders regarding payment and the satisfaction of petitions submitted to the office of the doge. In two cases, the letters reveal tragic stories: the abduction of a married woman, who was taken into custody with her captor, and the search for a fugitive female slave./ 11 litterae clausae are addressed to the Marquis of Ferrara: 4 to Niccolò II d’Este (1361–1388) 21 and 7 to Niccolò III d’Este (1393–1441).22 Here we deal with local frontier conflicts involving the sending of a special commission from Andrea Contarini to clarify the boundaries and various kinds of violations, such as fishing in foreign waters and the detention of merchants in connection with smuggling. The letters mention the trade in malvasia wine, eggs, cheese, salted meat, grains, and olive oil. 6 documents issued by Andrea Contarini and Francesco Foscari deal with the Venetian possessions in the delta of the river Po in the locations Papozze (villa Papociarum) and Comacchio (Comaclum). One letter is addressed to Amadeus VI ‘the Green Count’, Count of Savoy (1343–1383), this letter contains the credentials of the Venetian ambassador. / 9 litterae patentes are confirmations of documents previously issued by Venetian notaries.“ (S. 10)