Benutzer Diskussion:FocalPoint

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Letzter Kommentar: vor 1 Jahr von FocalPoint in Abschnitt Geburtsjahr Marianna Vardinogianni
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[1] Επιτρέπεται αυτό εδώ η είναι μια ξεκάθαρη παραβίαση πολιτικής και προσπάθεια υποκατάστασης των διαχειριστών. --Ganeton (Diskussion) 08:34, 22. Jul. 2019 (CEST)Beantworten

Geburtsjahr Marianna Vardinogianni

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Hallo FocalPoint, ich habe gesehen, dass Du mehrere Änderungen an dem Artikel über Marianna Vardinogianni vorgenommen hast, unter anderem hast Du ein anderes Geburtsjahr (1937) eingetragen, das immer noch als zweite Angabe dort steht. Heute sind anlässlich ihres Ablebens zahlreiche Medienberichte in Griechenland über sie im Umlauf mit dem Vermerk, dass sie 80-jährig gestorben sei und ihr Geburtsjahr hat sie in einem Interview selbst als 1943 angegeben (siehe meine Angaben dazu auf meiner Disk). Ich würde das Geburtsjahr deshalb gern wieder auf 1943 ändern. Gruß --Osenji (Diskussion) 16:08, 25. Jul. 2023 (CEST)Beantworten

Hallo @Osenji, my German is not adequate for communication, I apologize. I believe that it is better that I write in English and you can use an automatic translator for best comprehension.
The 1943 date is mainly replicated from el-wikipedia, even though the date originally given in el-wiki was 2 September 1937.
I fully agree that everybody is replicating in the Greek news that she died 80 years old. Even if she said herself that she was born in 1943, the data available are irrefutable: According to the Greek state she was born in 1937. I do not refer to the reference which is shown in the article. I refer to the data available by the Greek state. There is a website which helps voters to find out where they are voting (Learn where you vote - mathe pou psifizeis - ). To get a result, you have to enter your surname, name, father's name (3 letters are enough), mother's name, year of birth (in this case Βαρδινογιάννη Μαριάννα Γεώργιος Ευαγγελία 1937, in fact: ΒΑΡΔΙΝΟΓΙΑΝΝΗ ΜΑΡΙΑΝΝΑ, ΓΕΩ, ΕΥΑ, 1938). This combination is giving a reply, so these data are valid (including the date).
I, therefore, cannot agree to your request to change it back to 1943. This data, 1938, is official.
To make sure there is no misunderstanding to my statement "I, therefore, cannot agree to your request": I will not make any further contributions to the article, as it would involve further communication with wikipedians and it is not fair for everybody here to continue in English. I gave you the data. You decide what to do with it. Today's situation 1937 oder 1943 is wrong, but an understandable wikipedia-type compromise.
Gruß. --FocalPoint (Diskussion) 20:35, 25. Jul. 2023 (CEST)Beantworten
Hi again, thanks for being so explicit about your research. In a way it makes sense, that birth dates and years of older Greek ladies can vary, they used to "hide" their age in order to appear younger and in the countryside (where Vardinogianni was born) children were not always registered right after their births. So I guess, I ll just leave it as it is, though 1938 is another possible birth year. I did not know, you could look up persons on - a good idea for other birth dates. Thanks and have a nice day. τα λέμε, --Osenji (Diskussion) 06:26, 26. Jul. 2023 (CEST)Beantworten
@Osenji: The .gov site purpose is to help for voting in the elections. We should not use it for birth dates, even though here, we made an exception. --FocalPoint (Diskussion) 09:12, 26. Jul. 2023 (CEST)Beantworten