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From US$10,000 to US$3 million | 4% interest rate | Up to 15 Years Repayment 
Your partner in building value chains for sustainable fisheries

The Blue Investment Fund (BIF) is a loan scheme developed specifically to support the expansion of sustainable fisheries’ value chains in Seychelles. We offer loans from US$10,000 to US$ 3 million (in SCR equivalent) at an affordable 4% interest rate to help you scale up your business.

Whether your business produces seafood goods, offers logistics and scientific services, helps local fish producers to access international markets, or pioneers aquaculture, the BIF can offer you a financial leverage to see your business thrive. To maintain its environmental integrity, currently, the BIF focuses on the value chains of managed pelagic fisheries (tuna, billfish) and does not cover demersal fish.

The BIF is capitalized with the proceeds from the world’s first sovereign Blue Bond. Together with the Blue Grants Fund (managed by Seychelles Conservation and Climate Adaptation Trust, SeyCCAT), the BIF is a part of the Blue Finance approach of the government to streamline innovative capital towards building a resilient blue economy in Seychelles.

BIF Loan Details

Up to US$ 3 million


Minimum SCR equivalent of US$10,000 – maximum US$3 million

Up to 15 Years

Repayment Time

BIF loans offer a repayment period of up to 15 years

4 %

Interest Rate

BIF loans have a fixed 4% interest rate, ensuring stability and predictability for borrowers.

Up to 90 %

Financing coverage

Financing up to 90% of the project cost

Required documents

To apply for a BIF Loan, you will need to submit the following:

  • Loan application
  • Business plan
  • Supporting documentation

BIF accepts lease as collateral at a rate of 1:1.25.

Eligibility Criteria

Who Can Apply

Find out who can apply for the BIF loans and check if you qualify for our exclusive opportunities.

Majority Foreign-Owned Businesses

Locally Registered Civil Society Organizations

Locally registered commercial entities

Small & Medium Enterprise

Locally registered commercial entities

Public-Private Partnerships

Locally registered commercial entities

Local-Foreign Joint Ventures

Eligible Activities

What Kind of Activities

Find out who can apply for the BIF loans and check if you qualify for our exclusive opportunities.

Scientific Services

Code AA: Business enterprises that provide scientific support to the fisheries sector including services related to fisheries research, management planning and fisheries monitoring (including vessel monitoring systems)

Code AB: Businesses that provide food technology and laboratory analytical services for seafood product research, development, and labelling

Logical Services

Code AC: Businesses that provide offloading, storage, and delivery services to improve cold chain management including cargo handling services

Code AD: Enterprises that provide sorting and refreezing facilities as an ancillary service to processors and exporters of bycatch

Code AE: Enterprises that provide fleet and crew management services

Code AF: Business enterprises that provide packaging, distribution, marketing, and sales services


Code AG: Businesses developing new facilities, or rehabilitating existing facilities, that are engaged in primary or secondary fish processing for eligible value chains

Code AH: Enterprises investing in processes and technology to improve waste and energy efficiency

Code AI: Existing businesses that plan to upgrade existing processing facilities for HACCP or EU certification to improve market options

Market Access

Code AJ: Industry-led investments in fishery improvement projects and assessment for internationally recognised certification schemes (e.g., Marine Stewardship Council)

Code AK: Enterprises providing services in market research, brand building, strategy development and sector intelligence

Code AL: Specialised technologies for accessing markets such as electronic sales and auction platforms

Commercial Aquaculture

Code AM: Commercial production of finfish, bivalves, echinoids, and prawns by businesses licensed under the Fisheries (Aquaculture) Regulations, 2020 (S.I. 160 of 2020) on allocated land, inshore and offshore zones for aquaculture purposes.

Code AN: Commercial hatcheries and nurseries for commercial production of finfish, bivalves, echinoids, and prawns by businesses licensed under the Fisheries (Aquaculture) Regulations, 2020 (S.I. 160 of 2020) on allocated land, inshore and offshore zones for aquaculture purposes.


Use the documents below to apply for this type of loan

Checklist BIF Company

BIF Loan Application Form Process Manual

APPENDIX I - BIF - Blue Bond Funded Activities Exclusion List

Appendix III - BIF - Complete Business Plan Model

Appendix V - BIF - Business Loan Application Form_company

Appendix VII - BIF - Checklist for submission

Checklist BIF Individual

BIF 2 PAGER - Brochure

APPENDIX II - BIF - Simplified Business Plan Model

Appendix IV - BIF - Environmental and Social Safeguards_0

Appendix VI - BIF - Business Loan Application Form - Individuals