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SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, Volume 31
Volume 31, Number 1, 2009
- Ilse C. F. Ipsen
Special Issue on Accurate Solution of Eigenvalue Problems. - Mark Embree:
The Arnoldi Eigenvalue Iteration with Exact Shifts Can Fail. 1-10 - Qiang Ye:
Relative Perturbation Bounds for Eigenvalues of Symmetric Positive Definite Diagonally Dominant Matrices. 11-17 - Ninoslav Truhar, Kresimir Veselic:
An Efficient Method for Estimating the Optimal Dampers' Viscosity for Linear Vibrating Systems Using Lyapunov Equation. 18-39 - Ilse C. F. Ipsen
, Boaz Nadler
Refined Perturbation Bounds for Eigenvalues of Hermitian and Non-Hermitian Matrices. 40-53 - Nela Bosner, Zlatko Drmac
Subspace Gap Residuals for Rayleigh-Ritz Approximations. 54-67 - Jason Slemons:
The Result of Two Steps of the LR Algorithm is Diagonally Similar to the Result of One Step of the HR Algorithm. 68-74 - Rui Ralha
Perturbation Splitting for More Accurate Eigenvalues. 75-91 - Mickaël Robbé, Miloud Sadkane, Alastair Spence:
Inexact Inverse Subspace Iteration with Preconditioning Applied to Non-Hermitian Eigenvalue Problems. 92-113 - Beresford N. Parlett, Christof Vömel:
The Spectrum of a Glued Matrix. 114-132 - Josip Matejas
Accuracy of the Jacobi Method on Scaled Diagonally Dominant Symmetric Matrices. 133-153 - Raf Vandebril
, Gene H. Golub, Marc Van Barel
A Quasi-Separable Approach to Solve the Symmetric Definite Tridiagonal Generalized Eigenvalue Problem. 154-174 - Daniel Kressner
, María José Peláez, Julio Moro
Structured Hölder Condition Numbers for Multiple Eigenvalues. 175-201
Volume 31, Number 2, 2009
- Erik Elmroth, Stefan Johansson, Bo Kågström:
Stratification of Controllability and Observability Pairs - Theory and Use in Applications. 203-226 - Chun-Yueh Chiang, Eric King-Wah Chu, Chun-Hua Guo, Tsung-Ming Huang, Wen-Wei Lin, Shu-Fang Xu:
Convergence Analysis of the Doubling Algorithm for Several Nonlinear Matrix Equations in the Critical Case. 227-247 - Lars Eldén, Berkant Savas:
A Newton-Grassmann Method for Computing the Best Multilinear Rank-(r1, r2, r3) Approximation of a Tensor. 248-271 - F. Feitzinger, T. Hylla, Ekkehard W. Sachs:
Inexact Kleinman-Newton Method for Riccati Equations. 272-288 - Claude Dellacherie, Servet Martínez, Jaime San Martín
Hadamard Functions of Inverse M-Matrices. 289-315 - Ivan V. Oseledets
, Dmitry V. Savostyanov
, Eugene E. Tyrtyshnikov:
Fast Simultaneous Orthogonal Reduction to Triangular Matrices. 316-330 - Bibhas Adhikari
, Rafikul Alam:
Structured Backward Errors and Pseudospectra of Structured Matrix Pencils. 331-359 - Michele Benzi
A Generalization of the Hermitian and Skew-Hermitian Splitting Iteration. 360-374 - Luca Dieci, Alessandro Pugliese
Two-Parameter SVD: Coalescing Singular Values and Periodicity. 375-403 - Raphaël M. Jungers, Vladimir Protasov
Counterexamples to the Complex Polytope Extremality Conjecture. 404-409 - Zhong-Zhi Bai, Michael K. Ng
, Zeng-Qi Wang
Constraint Preconditioners for Symmetric Indefinite Matrices. 410-433 - Michael J. O'Sullivan
, Michael A. Saunders
Stabilizing Policy Improvement for Large-Scale Infinite-Horizon Dynamic Programming. 434-459 - Michiel E. Hochstenbach
, Yvan Notay:
Controlling Inner Iterations in the Jacobi-Davidson Method. 460-477 - Nicholas J. Higham
, D. Steven Mackey
, Françoise Tisseur
Definite Matrix Polynomials and their Linearization by Definite Pencils. 478-502 - Tsung-Lin Lee, Tien-Yien Li, Zhonggang Zeng:
A Rank-Revealing Method with Updating, Downdating, and Applications. Part II. 503-525 - Fabio Di Benedetto
Gram Matrices of Fast Algebras Have a Rank Structure. 526-545 - Delin Chu, Moody T. Chu
, Wen-Wei Lin:
Quadratic Model Updating with Symmetry, Positive Definiteness, and No Spill-Over. 546-564 - Christopher C. Paige:
A Useful Form of Unitary Matrix Obtained from Any Sequence of Unit 2-Norm n-Vectors. 565-583 - Chen Greif, James M. Varah:
Iterative Solution of Skew-Symmetric Linear Systems. 584-601 - Nicola Guglielmi, Marino Zennaro:
Finding Extremal Complex Polytope Norms for Families of Real Matrices. 602-620 - Andrew V. Knyazev
, Klaus Neymeyr
Gradient Flow Approach to Geometric Convergence Analysis of Preconditioned Eigensolvers. 621-628 - Thomas J. Laffey, Raphael Loewy, Helena Smigoc:
Nonnegative Matrices That Are Similar to Positive Matrices. 629-649 - Froilán M. Dopico, Charles R. Johnson:
Parametrization of the Matrix Symplectic Group and Applications. 650-673 - Haim Avron
, Esmond Ng, Sivan Toledo:
Using Perturbed QR Factorizations to Solve Linear Least-Squares Problems. 674-693 - Haim Avron
, Doron Chen, Gil Shklarski, Sivan Toledo:
Combinatorial Preconditioners for Scalar Elliptic Finite-Element Problems. 694-720 - Dennis Cheung, Felipe Cucker
Componentwise Condition Numbers of Random Sparse Matrices. 721-731 - J. William Helton, Igor Klep, Raul Gomez
Determinant Expansions of Signed Matrices and of Certain Jacobians. 732-754 - Jiawang Nie, Bernd Sturmfels:
Matrix Cubes Parameterized by Eigenvalues. 755-766 - Owe Axelsson
, Radim Blaheta, Maya G. Neytcheva
Preconditioning of Boundary Value Problems Using Elementwise Schur Complements. 767-789 - Tom Bella, Yuli Eidelman, Israel Gohberg, Israel Koltracht, Vadim Olshevsky:
A Fast Björck-Pereyra-Type Algorithm for Solving Hessenberg-Quasiseparable-Vandermonde Systems. 790-815 - Shu-Qian Shen, Ting-Zhu Huang
, Yan-Fei Jing:
On Inclusion and Exclusion Intervals for the Real Eigenvalues of Real Matrices. 816-830 - Xiao-Wen Chang, Christopher C. Paige, David Titley-Péloquin:
Stopping Criteria for the Iterative Solution of Linear Least Squares Problems. 831-852 - Jörg Liesen, Petr Tichý
On Best Approximations of Polynomials in Matrices in the Matrix 2-Norm. 853-863
Volume 31, Number 3, 2009
- Vincent D. Blondel, Yurii E. Nesterov:
Polynomial-Time Computation of the Joint Spectral Radius for Some Sets of Nonnegative Matrices. 865-876 - Fei Xue, Howard C. Elman:
Convergence Analysis of Iterative Solvers in Inexact Rayleigh Quotient Iteration. 877-899 - Shreemayee Bora
Structured Eigenvalue Condition Number and Backward Error of a Class of Polynomial Eigenvalue Problems. 900-917 - Shuai Lu, Sergei V. Pereverzev
, Ulrich Tautenhahn:
Regularized Total Least Squares: Computational Aspects and Error Bounds. 918-941 - Melina A. Freitag
, Alastair Spence:
Shift-Invert Arnoldi's Method with Preconditioned Iterative Solves. 942-969 - Awad H. Al-Mohy
, Nicholas J. Higham
A New Scaling and Squaring Algorithm for the Matrix Exponential. 970-989 - Jorge Delgado
, Juan Manuel Peña
Optimal Conditioning of Bernstein Collocation Matrices. 990-996 - Alessandro Russo
, Cristina Tablino Possio
Preconditioned Hermitian and Skew-Hermitian Splitting Method for Finite Element Approximations of Convection-Diffusion Equations. 997-1018 - Mili I. Shah, Danny C. Sorensen:
Best Nonspherical Symmetric Low Rank Approximation. 1019-1039 - Brian D. Ewald, Jeffrey Humpherys
, Jeremy M. West:
Computing Expected Transition Events in Reducible Markov Chains. 1040-1054 - Silvère Bonnabel, Rodolphe Sepulchre:
Riemannian Metric and Geometric Mean for Positive Semidefinite Matrices of Fixed Rank. 1055-1070 - Xiao-Wen Chang, Gene H. Golub:
Solving Ellipsoid-Constrained Integer Least Squares Problems. 1071-1089 - Michael K. P. Ng
, Liqun Qi
, Guanglu Zhou:
Finding the Largest Eigenvalue of a Nonnegative Tensor. 1090-1099 - Vladimir Rokhlin, Arthur Szlam, Mark Tygert:
A Randomized Algorithm for Principal Component Analysis. 1100-1124 - William Anderson, Martin T. Wells:
The Exact Distribution of the Condition Number of a Gaussian Matrix. 1125-1130 - Chun-Hua Guo, Nicholas J. Higham
, Françoise Tisseur
An Improved Arc Algorithm for Detecting Definite Hermitian Pairs. 1131-1151 - Nicholas I. M. Gould
, Valeria Simoncini:
Spectral Analysis of Saddle Point Matrices with Indefinite Leading Blocks. 1152-1171 - Tomonari Kitahara, Takashi Tsuchiya:
Proximity of Weighted and Layered Least Squares Solutions. 1172-1186 - Delin Chu, Y. S. Hung, Hugo J. Woerdeman
Inertia and Rank Characterizations of Some Matrix Expressions. 1187-1226 - S. D. Eubanks, Judith J. McDonald
On a Generalization of Soules Bases. 1227-1234 - Zhang Liu, Lieven Vandenberghe:
Interior-Point Method for Nuclear Norm Approximation with Application to System Identification. 1235-1256 - Marc Jungers
, Cristian Oara
, Hisham Abou-Kandil, Radu Stefan:
General Matrix Pencil Techniques for Solving Discrete-Time Nonsymmetric Algebraic Riccati Equations. 1257-1278 - Andreas Frommer, Behnam Hashemi
Verified Computation of Square Roots of a Matrix. 1279-1302 - Yves Nievergelt:
Why Lagrange Multipliers with Extreme Magnitudes Give Extrema of Definite Hermitian Forms on Quadric Surfaces. 1303-1328 - Zlatko Drmac
A Global Convergence Proof for Cyclic Jacobi Methods with Block Rotations. 1329-1350 - George Ostrouchov:
A Matrix Computation View of FastMap and RobustMap Dimension Reduction Algorithms. 1351-1360 - Wolf-Jürgen Beyn, Vera Thümmler:
Continuation of Invariant Subspaces for Parameterized Quadratic Eigenvalue Problems. 1361-1381 - Jianlin Xia
, Shivkumar Chandrasekaran, Ming Gu, Xiaoye S. Li:
Superfast Multifrontal Method for Large Structured Linear Systems of Equations. 1382-1411 - Peter Butkovic
, Raymond A. Cuninghame-Green, Stéphane Gaubert:
Reducible Spectral Theory with Applications to the Robustness of Matrices in Max-Algebra. 1412-1431 - Yan Gao, Defeng Sun
Calibrating Least Squares Semidefinite Programming with Equality and Inequality Constraints. 1432-1457 - G. W. Stewart:
On the Semidefinite B-Arnoldi Method. 1458-1468 - Alwin Stegeman, André L. F. de Almeida
Uniqueness Conditions for Constrained Three-Way Factor Decompositions with Linearly Dependent Loadings. 1469-1490 - Carlos Beltrán
, Jean-Pierre Dedieu, Gregorio Malajovich
, Mike Shub:
Convexity Properties of the Condition Number. 1491-1506 - Qingxiang Xu, Chuanning Song, Yimin Wei
The Stable Perturbation of the Drazin Inverse of the Square Matrices. 1507-1520 - Andrew V. Knyazev
, Merico E. Argentati:
Rayleigh-Ritz Majorization Error Bounds with Applications to FEM. 1521-1537 - Andrzej Kielbasinski, Krystyna Zietak:
Note on "A New Scaling for Newton's Iteration for the Polar Decomposition and Its Backward Stability" by R. Byers and H. Xu. 1538-1539
Volume 31, Number 4, 2010
- Vartan Choulakian:
Some Numerical Results on the Rank of Generic Three-Way Arrays over R. 1541-1551 - Sandrine Bargiacchi-Soula, Jérôme Fehrenbach, Mohamed Masmoudi:
From Linear to Nonlinear Large Scale Systems. 1552-1569 - So Yeon Chun
, Alexander Shapiro:
Construction of Covariance Matrices with a Specified Discrepancy Function Minimizer, with Application to Factor Analysis. 1570-1583 - Lei-Hong Zhang, Li-Zhi Liao
, Michael K. Ng
Fast Algorithms for the Generalized Foley-Sammon Discriminant Analysis. 1584-1605 - Yanxia Zhang, Li Qiu
From Subadditive Inequalities of Singular Values to Triangle Inequalities of Canonical Angles. 1606-1620 - Amit Singer
, Mihai Cucuringu:
Uniqueness of Low-Rank Matrix Completion by Rigidity Theory. 1621-1641 - Karl Meerbergen
, Zhaojun Bai:
The Lanczos Method for Parameterized Symmetric Linear Systems with Multiple Right-Hand Sides. 1642-1662 - Eric Ngondiep
, Stefano Serra-Capizzano
, Debora Sesana:
Spectral Features and Asymptotic Properties for g-Circulants and g-Toeplitz Sequences. 1663-1687 - Daniel Kressner
, Christine Tobler:
Krylov Subspace Methods for Linear Systems with Tensor Product Structure. 1688-1714 - Jok Man Tang, Scott P. MacLachlan, Reinhard Nabben, Cornelis Vuik
A Comparison of Two-Level Preconditioners Based on Multigrid and Deflation. 1715-1739 - Bernhard Beckermann, Stefan Güttel
, Raf Vandebril
On the Convergence of Rational Ritz Values. 1740-1774 - Erik S. Van Vleck
On the Error in the Product QR Decomposition. 1775-1791 - Yun-Bin Zhao:
The Legendre-Fenchel Conjugate of the Product of Two Positive Definite Quadratic Forms. 1792-1811 - Cristobald de Kerchove, Paul Van Dooren:
Iterative Filtering in Reputation Systems. 1812-1834 - Kazufumi Ito, Karl Kunisch, Volker Schulz
, Ilia Gherman:
Approximate Nullspace Iterations for KKT Systems. 1835-1847 - Oliver G. Ernst
, Elisabeth Ullmann
Stochastic Galerkin Matrices. 1848-1872 - Qiang Zhang, Richard T. Guy, Robert J. Plemmons:
Matrix Structures and Parallel Algorithms for Image Superresolution Reconstruction. 1873-1893 - Steven Delvaux, Maurice Duits:
An Equilibrium Problem for the Limiting Eigenvalue Distribution of Rational Toeplitz Matrices. 1894-1914 - Sk. Safique Ahmad
, Rafikul Alam, Ralph Byers:
On Pseudospectra, Critical Points, and Multiple Eigenvalues of Matrix Pencils. 1915-1933 - Junfeng Lu, Zhenyue Zhang:
A Modified Nonlinear Inexact Uzawa Algorithm with a Variable Relaxation Parameter for the Stabilized Saddle Point Problem. 1934-1957 - Musheng Wei, Xuehan Cheng, Qian Wang:
A Canonical Decomposition of the Right Invertible System with Applications. 1958-1981 - Karl Meerbergen
, Alastair Spence:
Inverse Iteration for Purely Imaginary Eigenvalues with Application to the Detection of Hopf Bifurcations in Large-Scale Problems. 1982-1999 - Zhaosong Lu
Adaptive First-Order Methods for General Sparse Inverse Covariance Selection. 2000-2016 - Thomas J. Laffey, Helena Smigoc:
Sufficient Conditions on Commutators for a Pair of Stable Matrices to Have a Common Solution to the Lyapunov Equation. 2017-2028 - Lars Grasedyck:
Hierarchical Singular Value Decomposition of Tensors. 2029-2054 - Pavel Jiránek, David Titley-Péloquin:
Estimating the Backward Error in LSQR. 2055-2074 - Ruth F. Curtain, Leiba Rodman:
Analytic Solutions of Matrix Riccati Equations with Analytic Coefficients. 2075-2092 - Wim Michiels, Suat Gumussoy
Characterization and Computation of HINFINITY Norms for Time-Delay Systems. 2093-2115 - Milan Hladík
, David Daney, Elias P. Tsigaridas:
Bounds on Real Eigenvalues and Singular Values of Interval Matrices. 2116-2129 - Ivan V. Oseledets
Approximation of 2d˟2d Matrices Using Tensor Decomposition. 2130-2145 - Vladimir Protasov
, Raphaël M. Jungers, Vincent D. Blondel:
Joint Spectral Characteristics of Matrices: A Conic Programming Approach. 2146-2162 - Nicholas J. Higham
, Christian Mehl, Françoise Tisseur
The Canonical Generalized Polar Decomposition. 2163-2180 - Fernando de Terán
, Froilán M. Dopico, D. Steven Mackey
Fiedler Companion Linearizations and the Recovery of Minimal Indices. 2181-2204 - Vance Faber, Jörg Liesen, Petr Tichý
On Chebyshev Polynomials of Matrices. 2205-2221 - Yariv Ephraim, Michael Tinston:
Iterative Schur Complement and Multistage Wiener Filtering. 2222-2238
Volume 31, Number 5, 2010
- Aubrey Clayton:
Quasi-Birth-and-Death Processes and Matrix-Valued Orthogonal Polynomials. 2239-2260 - Shiv Chandrasekaran, Patrick M. Dewilde, Ming Gu, N. Somasunderam:
On the Numerical Rank of the Off-Diagonal Blocks of Schur Complements of Discretized Elliptic PDEs. 2261-2290 - Roland Herzog
, Ekkehard W. Sachs:
Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method for Optimal Control Problems with Control and State Constraints. 2291-2317 - Marija Dodig
, Marko Stosic
Combinatorics of Column Minimal Indices and Matrix Pencil Completion Problems. 2318-2346 - Christopher C. Paige:
An Augmented Stability Result for the Lanczos Hermitian Matrix Tridiagonalization Process. 2347-2359 - Othmar Koch
, Christian Lubich:
Dynamical Tensor Approximation. 2360-2375 - Nicola Mastronardi
, Eugene E. Tyrtyshnikov, Paul Van Dooren:
A Fast Algorithm for Updating and Downsizing the Dominant Kernel Principal Components. 2376-2399 - Ken Hayami, Jun-Feng Yin, Tokushi Ito:
GMRES Methods for Least Squares Problems. 2400-2430 - Rafael Bru, José Marín, José Mas, Miroslav Tuma:
Improved Balanced Incomplete Factorization. 2431-2452 - Shu-Qian Shen, Ting-Zhu Huang
, Juan Yu:
Eigenvalue Estimates for Preconditioned Nonsymmetric Saddle Point Matrices. 2453-2476 - Takeshi Ogita:
Accurate Matrix Factorization: Inverse LU and Inverse QR Factorizations. 2477-2497 - Alwin Stegeman:
On Uniqueness of the nth Order Tensor Decomposition into Rank-1 Terms with Linear Independence in One Mode. 2498-2516 - Yuning Yang, Qingzhi Yang:
Further Results for Perron-Frobenius Theorem for Nonnegative Tensors. 2517-2530 - Paola Favati
, Grazia Lotti, Ornella Menchi:
Stability of the Levinson Algorithm for Toeplitz-Like Systems. 2531-2552 - Bart Vandereycken
, Stefan Vandewalle
A Riemannian Optimization Approach for Computing Low-Rank Solutions of Lyapunov Equations. 2553-2579 - Paola Boito
, Jean-Pierre Dedieu:
The Condition Metric in the Space of Rectangular Full Rank Matrices. 2580-2602 - Rüdiger Borsdorf, Nicholas J. Higham
, Marcos Raydan:
Computing a Nearest Correlation Matrix with Factor Structure. 2603-2622 - Amir Beck, Yonina C. Eldar:
Structured Total Maximum Likelihood: An Alternative to Structured Total Least Squares. 2623-2649 - Ming Gu, Xiaoye S. Li, Panayot S. Vassilevski:
Direction-Preserving and Schur-Monotonic Semiseparable Approximations of Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices. 2650-2664 - Mathias Drton
, Josephine Yu
On a Parametrization of Positive Semidefinite Matrices with Zeros. 2665-2680 - Paul G. Constantine
, David F. Gleich, Gianluca Iaccarino:
Spectral Methods for Parameterized Matrix Equations. 2681-2699 - Yuji Nakatsukasa
, Zhaojun Bai, François Gygi:
Optimizing Halley's Iteration for Computing the Matrix Polar Decomposition. 2700-2720 - Nicola Mastronardi
, Michael K. Ng
, E. E. Tyrtyshnikov:
Decay in Functions of Multiband Matrices. 2721-2737 - Paul Van Dooren, Kyle A. Gallivan, Pierre-Antoine Absil:
H2-Optimal Model Reduction with Higher-Order Poles. 2738-2753 - Maxim A. Olshanskii
, Valeria Simoncini:
Acquired Clustering Properties and Solution of Certain Saddle Point Systems. 2754-2768 - Peter Bürgisser, Felipe Cucker
Smoothed Analysis of Moore-Penrose Inversion. 2769-2783 - Chun-Hua Guo, Wen-Wei Lin:
Solving a Structured Quadratic Eigenvalue Problem by a Structure-Preserving Doubling Algorithm. 2784-2801 - Julien M. Hendrickx, Alexander Olshevsky:
Matrix p-Norms Are NP-Hard to Approximate If p!=q1, 2, INFINITY. 2802-2812 - Catherine Elizabeth Powell
, Elisabeth Ullmann
Preconditioning Stochastic Galerkin Saddle Point Systems. 2813-2840 - Xiao-Wen Chang, Damien Stehlé
Rigorous Perturbation Bounds of Some Matrix Factorizations. 2841-2859 - Michael Karow:
Structured Pseudospectra and the Condition of a Nonderogatory Eigenvalue. 2860-2881 - Bubacarr Bah
, Jared Tanner:
Improved Bounds on Restricted Isometry Constants for Gaussian Matrices. 2882-2898 - Jianlin Xia, Ming Gu:
Robust Approximate Cholesky Factorization of Rank-Structured Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices. 2899-2920 - Lyonell Boulton, Peter Lancaster:
Schur Decompositions of a Matrix and the Boundary of Its Pseudospectrum. 2921-2933 - Joseph F. Grcar:
Spectral Condition Numbers of Orthogonal Projections and Full Rank Linear Least Squares Residuals. 2934-2949 - Thanh T. Ngo, Mohammed Bellalij, Yousef Saad
The Trace Ratio Optimization Problem for Dimensionality Reduction. 2950-2971 - Lei-Hong Zhang:
Riemannian Newton Method for the Multivariate Eigenvalue Problem. 2972-2996
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