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NeuroImage, Volume 41
Volume 41, Number 1, May 2008
- Colline Poirier
, Michiel Vellema
, Marleen Verhoye
, Vincent Van Meir, J. Martin Wild, Jacques Balthazart, Annemie van der Linden
A three-dimensional MRI atlas of the zebra finch brain in stereotaxic coordinates. 1-6
- Li-Wei Kuo, Jyh-Horng Chen, Van J. Wedeen, Wen-Yih Isaac Tseng
Optimization of diffusion spectrum imaging and q-ball imaging on clinical MRI system. 7-18 - Xue Hua, Alex D. Leow, Suh Lee, Andrea D. Klunder, Arthur W. Toga, Natasha Leporé, Yi-Yu Chou, Caroline C. Brun, Ming-Chang Chiang, Marina Barysheva, Clifford R. Jack Jr.
, Matt A. Bernstein, Paula J. Britson, Chadwick P. Ward, Jennifer L. Whitwell, Bret J. Borowski, Adam Fleisher, Nick C. Fox
, Richard G. Boyes, Josephine Barnes
, Danielle J. Harvey, John Kornak, Norbert Schuff, Lauren Boreta, Gene E. Alexander, Michael W. Weiner, Paul M. Thompson
3D characterization of brain atrophy in Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment using tensor-based morphometry. 19-34 - Antoine Bruguier, Kerstin Preuschoff
, Steven Quartz, Peter Bossaerts
Investigating signal integration with canonical correlation analysis of fMRI brain activation data. 35-44 - Alexander Li Cohen
, Damien A. Fair, Nico U. F. Dosenbach, Francis M. Miezin, Donna L. Dierker, David C. Van Essen, Bradley L. Schlaggar, Steven E. Petersen:
Defining functional areas in individual human brains using resting functional connectivity MRI. 45-57 - Peter Savadjiev, Jennifer S. W. Campbell, Maxime Descoteaux, Rachid Deriche
, G. Bruce Pike
, Kaleem Siddiqi
Labeling of ambiguous subvoxel fibre bundle configurations in high angular resolution diffusion MRI. 58-68
- Christian F. Altmann
, Michaela Henning
, Maria Katharina Döring, Jochen Kaiser:
Effects of feature-selective attention on auditory pattern and location processing. 69-79 - Boris Schiffer
, Thomas Paul, Elke Ruth Gizewski
, Michael Forsting, Norbert Leygraf, Manfred Schedlowski, Tillmann H. C. Kruger:
Functional brain correlates of heterosexual paedophilia. 80-91 - Nikhil Sharma
, Peter S. Jones, Adrian T. Carpenter, Jean-Claude Baron
Mapping the involvement of BA 4a and 4p during Motor Imagery. 92-99 - Krishna D. Singh
, Ian P. Fawcett:
Transient and linearly graded deactivation of the human default-mode network by a visual detection task. 100-112 - Antoine J. Shahin, Larry E. Roberts, Wilkin Chau, Laurel J. Trainor
, Lee M. Miller:
Music training leads to the development of timbre-specific gamma band activity. 113-122 - María A. Pastor
, Emiliano Macaluso
, Brian L. Day, Richard S. J. Frackowiak
Putaminal activity is related to perceptual certainty. 123-129
- Philippe A. Chouinard
, Brendan F. Morrissey, Stefan Köhler
, Melvyn A. Goodale
Repetition suppression in occipital-temporal visual areas is modulated by physical rather than semantic features of objects. 130-144 - Tomoki Asari, Seiki Konishi, Koji Jimura, Junichi Chikazoe
, Noriko Nakamura, Yasushi Miyashita
Right temporopolar activation associated with unique perception. 145-152 - Enrico Schulz
, Urs Maurer
, Sanne van der Mark, Kerstin Bucher, Silvia Brem
, Ernst Martin, Daniel Brandeis:
Impaired semantic processing during sentence reading in children with dyslexia: Combined fMRI and ERP evidence. 153-168 - Roger D. Newman-Norlund, Jurjen Bosga, Ruud G. J. Meulenbroek
, Harold Bekkering:
Anatomical substrates of cooperative joint-action in a continuous motor task: Virtual lifting and balancing. 169-177
Volume 41, Number 2, June 2008
- Yi-Ching Lynn Ho, Rishma Vidyasagar, Yuji Shen, George Balanos
, Xavier Golay
, Risto A. Kauppinen:
The BOLD response and vascular reactivity during visual stimulation in the presence of hypoxic hypoxia. 179-188 - Maria Angela Franceschini, Ilkka Nissilä
, Weicheng Wu, Solomon Gilbert Diamond
, Giorgio Bonmassar, David A. Boas:
Coupling between somatosensory evoked potentials and hemodynamic response in the rat. 189-203 - Florian Gerstl, Christian Windischberger
, Markus Mitterhauser
, Wolfgang Wadsak
, Alexander Holik, Kurt Kletter, Ewald Moser
, Siegfried Kasper
, Rupert Lanzenberger
Multimodal imaging of human early visual cortex by combining functional and molecular measurements with fMRI and PET. 204-211 - Diederick Stoffers
, Johannes L. W. Bosboom, Jan Berend Deijen
, Erik Ch. Wolters, Cornelis J. Stam
, Henk W. Berendse
Increased cortico-cortical functional connectivity in early-stage Parkinson's disease: An MEG study. 212-222 - Deqiang Qiu
, Li-Hai Tan, Ke Zhou, Pek-Lan Khong:
Diffusion tensor imaging of normal white matter maturation from late childhood to young adulthood: Voxel-wise evaluation of mean diffusivity, fractional anisotropy, radial and axial diffusivities, and correlation with reading development. 223-232 - Stefan P. Koch
, Sophie Koendgen, Riad Bourayou
, Jens Steinbrink
, Hellmuth Obrig:
Individual alpha-frequency correlates with amplitude of visual evoked potential and hemodynamic response. 233-242 - Jason P. Lerch
, Jeffrey B. Carroll
, Adrienne Dorr
, Shoshana Spring, Alan C. Evans
, Michael R. Hayden
, John G. Sled
, R. Mark Henkelman:
Cortical thickness measured from MRI in the YAC128 mouse model of Huntington's disease. 243-251 - Lino Becerra, W. Harris, D. Joseph, Theodore J. Huppert
, David A. Boas, David Borsook:
Diffuse optical tomography of pain and tactile stimulation: Activation in cortical sensory and emotional systems. 252-259
- Elina Salmi, Sargo Aalto
, Jussi Hirvonen, Jaakko W. Långsjö, Anu T. Maksimow, Vesa Oikonen
, Liisa Metsähonkala, Jussi Virkkala, Kjell Någren
, Harry Scheinin
Measurement of GABAA receptor binding in vivo with [11C]Flumazenil: A test-retest study in healthy subjects. 260-269 - Matilde Inglese
, Henry Rusinek, Ilena C. George
, James S. Babb
, Robert I. Grossman, Oded Gonen
Global average gray and white matter N-acetylaspartate concentration in the human brain. 270-276 - Yong Fan, Susan M. Resnick, Xiaoying Wu, Christos Davatzikos
Structural and functional biomarkers of prodromal Alzheimer's disease: A high-dimensional pattern classification study. 277-285 - Mark William Woolrich
Robust group analysis using outlier inference. 286-301 - Tonio Ball
, Evariste Demandt
, Isabella Mutschler
, Eva Neitzel
, Carsten Mehring
, Klaus Vogt, Ad Aertsen, Andreas Schulze-Bonhage
Movement related activity in the high gamma range of the human EEG. 302-310 - Kenneth P. Eaton, Jerzy P. Szaflarski, Mekibib Altaye, Angel L. Ball, Brett M. Kissela
, Christi Banks, Scott K. Holland
Reliability of fMRI for studies of language in post-stroke aphasia subjects. 311-322 - Susann Boretius
, Ivana Gadjanski
, Iris Demmer, Mathias Bähr, Ricarda Diem, Thomas Michaelis, Jens Frahm:
MRI of optic neuritis in a rat model. 323-334 - Tim B. Dyrby
, Egill Rostrup
, William F. C. Baaré
, Elisabeth C. W. van Straaten, Frederik Barkhof
, Hugo Vrenken, Stefan Ropele, Reinhold Schmidt, Timo Erkinjuntti, Lars-Olof Wahlund
, Leonardo Pantoni, Domenico Inzitari, Olaf B. Paulson
, Lars Kai Hansen
, Gunhild Waldemar:
Segmentation of age-related white matter changes in a clinical multi-center study. 335-345 - Andreas Weibull, Helen Gustavsson, Sören Mattsson, Jonas Svensson
Investigation of spatial resolution, partial volume effects and smoothing in functional MRI using artificial 3D time series. 346-353 - Mukeshwar Dhamala, Govindan Rangarajan, Mingzhou Ding:
Analyzing information flow in brain networks with nonparametric Granger causality. 354-362 - Bedda L. Rosario, Scott K. Ziolko, Lisa A. Weissfeld, Julie C. Price:
Assessment of parameter settings for SPM5 spatial normalization of structural MRI data: Application to type 2 diabetes. 363-370 - Borys Shuter, Yeh Ing Berne, Steven Graham, Chris Au, Shih-Chang Wang:
Reproducibility of brain tissue volumes in longitudinal studies: Effects of changes in signal-to-noise ratio and scanner software. 371-379 - Ferenc Acs, Mark W. Greenlee
Connectivity modulation of early visual processing areas during covert and overt tracking tasks. 380-388 - David A. Soltysik
, James S. Hyde:
High spatial resolution increases the specificity of block-design BOLD fMRI studies of overt vowel production. 389-397 - Junning Li, Z. Jane Wang, Samantha J. Palmer, Martin J. McKeown
Dynamic Bayesian network modeling of fMRI: A comparison of group-analysis methods. 398-407 - Lee M. Harrison, William D. Penny
, Jean Daunizeau
, Karl J. Friston
Diffusion-based spatial priors for functional magnetic resonance images. 408-423 - Angela R. Laird
, Jacob M. Robbins, Karl Li, Larry R. Price, Matthew D. Cykowski, Shalini Narayana
, Robert W. Laird, Crystal Franklin, Peter T. Fox
Modeling motor connectivity using TMS/PET and structural equation modeling. 424-436 - Jan-Mathijs Schoffelen
, Robert Oostenveld
, Pascal Fries
Imaging the human motor system's beta-band synchronization during isometric contraction. 437-447 - Paul A. Yushkevich
, Hui Zhang
, Tony J. Simon, James C. Gee:
Structure-specific statistical mapping of white matter tracts. 448-461 - Claudia E. Rodríguez-Carranza, Pratik Mukherjee
, Daniel B. Vigneron, A. James Barkovich, Colin Studholme:
A framework for in vivo quantification of regional brain folding in premature neonates. 462-478
- Angela Deutschländer, Thomas Stephan, Eva Riedel, Vera C. Zingler, Katharina Hüfner
, Martin Wiesmann, Charles Pierrot-Deseilligny, Michael Strupp, Thomas Brandt:
Nicotine-induced nystagmus correlates with midpontine activation. 479-482 - Matthias Nagel, Andreas Sprenger
, Fritz Hohagen, Ferdinand Binkofski
, Rebekka Lencer:
Cortical mechanisms of retinal and extraretinal smooth pursuit eye movements to different target velocities. 483-492 - Lucas Spierer
, Micah M. Murray
, Eric Tardif, Stephanie Clarke:
The path to success in auditory spatial discrimination: Electrical neuroimaging responses within the supratemporal plane predict performance outcome. 493-503 - Christian M. Siedentopf, K. Heubach, Anja Ischebeck
, Eugen Gallasch, Martin Fend, Felix M. Mottaghy
, Florian Koppelstaetter, Ilka A. Haala, Bernd J. Krause, Stephan Felber, Franz Gerstenbrand, Stefan Golaszewski:
Variability of BOLD response evoked by foot vibrotactile stimulation: Influence of vibration amplitude and stimulus waveform. 504-510 - Laura Lorenzo-López
, Elena Amenedo
, Roberto D. Pascual-Marqui
, Fernando Cadaveira
Neural correlates of age-related visual search decline: A combined ERP and sLORETA study. 511-524 - Christopher P. Pawela
, Anthony G. Hudetz, B. Douglas Ward, Marie L. Schulte, Rupeng Li, Dennis S. Kao, Matthew C. Mauck, Younghoon R. Cho, Jay Neitz, James S. Hyde:
Modeling of region-specific fMRI BOLD neurovascular response functions in rat brain reveals residual differences that correlate with the differences in regional evoked potentials. 525-534 - Aaron L. Berkowitz, Daniel Ansari:
Generation of novel motor sequences: The neural correlates of musical improvisation. 535-543 - Saskia P. A. Wolfensberger, Dick J. Veltman, Witte J. G. Hoogendijk, Dorret I. Boomsma, Eco J. C. de Geus
Amygdala responses to emotional faces in twins discordant or concordant for the risk for anxiety and depression. 544-552 - Elvira Bramon
, Madiha Shaikh, Matthew R. Broome
, Julia M. Lappin
, Daniel Bergé
, Fern Day
, James Woolley, Paul Tabraham, Mercè Madre
, Louise Johns
, Oliver D. Howes
, Lucia Valmaggia
, Víctor Pérez, Pak C. Sham, Robin M. Murray
, Philip K. McGuire
Abnormal P300 in people with high risk of developing psychosis. 553-560 - Andrew C. N. Chen, Weijia Feng, Huixuan Zhao, Yanling Yin, Peipei Wang:
EEG default mode network in the human brain: Spectral regional field powers. 561-574
- Seiki Konishi, Hiroki M. Morimoto, Koji Jimura, Tomoki Asari, Junichi Chikazoe
, Ken-ichiro Yamashita
, Satoshi Hirose, Yasushi Miyashita
Differential superior prefrontal activity on initial versus subsequent shifts in naive subjects. 575-580 - Gordon D. Waiter, Helen C. Fox, Alison D. Murray, John M. Starr, Roger T. Staff
, Victoria J. Bourne, Lawrence J. Whalley, Ian J. Deary:
Is retaining the youthful functional anatomy underlying speed of information processing a signature of successful cognitive ageing? An event-related fMRI study of inspection time performance. 581-595 - Karl-Heinz Bäuml, Simon Hanslmayr
, Bernhard Pastötter
, Wolfgang Klimesch:
Oscillatory correlates of intentional updating in episodic memory. 596-604 - Julius Fridriksson, Joel Moss, Ben Davis, Gordon Baylis
, Leonardo Bonilha, Chris Rorden
Motor speech perception modulates the cortical language areas. 605-613 - Manuel Martín-Loeches
, Pilar Casado
, Juan Antonio Hernández Tamames, Juan Alvarez-Linera:
Brain activation in discourse comprehension: A 3t fMRI study. 614-622 - Nadia E. Cone, Douglas D. Burman, Tali Bitan
, Donald J. Bolger
, James R. Booth:
Developmental changes in brain regions involved in phonological and orthographic processing during spoken language processing. 623-635 - Luke E. Stoeckel
, Rosalyn E. Weller, Edwin W. Cook III, Donald B. Twieg, Robert C. Knowlton, James E. Cox:
Widespread reward-system activation in obese women in response to pictures of high-calorie foods. 636-647 - Kateri McRae, Eric Reiman, Carolyn L. Fort, Kewei Chen
, Richard D. Lane:
Association between trait emotional awareness and dorsal anterior cingulate activity during emotion is arousal-dependent. 648-655
Volume 41, Number 3, July 2008
- Elisabetta Pagani
, Federica Agosta
, Maria Assunta Rocca
, Domenico Caputo, Massimo Filippi
Voxel-based analysis derived from fractional anisotropy images of white matter volume changes with aging. 657-667 - Guadalupe Soria
, Dirk Wiedermann, Carles Justicia
, Pedro Ramos-Cabrer
, Mathias Hoehn:
Reproducible imaging of rat corticothalamic pathway by longitudinal manganese-enhanced MRI (L-MEMRI). 668-674 - Elbert Geuze
, Herman G. M. Westenberg, Armin Heinecke, Carien S. de Kloet, Rainer Goebel
, Eric Vermetten
Thinner prefrontal cortex in veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder. 675-681 - Ulrich Mehnert, Sönke Boy, Jonas Svensson
, Lars Michels
, André Reitz, Victor Candia, Raimund Kleiser, Spyros S. Kollias, Brigitte Schurch:
Brain activation in response to bladder filling and simultaneous stimulation of the dorsal clitoral nerve - An fMRI study in healthy women. 682-689 - Garth E. Terry, Jeih-San Liow, Eyassu Chernet, Sami S. Zoghbi, Lee Phebus, Christian C. Felder
, Johannes T. Tauscher, John M. Schaus, Victor W. Pike, Christer Halldin, Robert B. Innis:
Positron emission tomography imaging using an inverse agonist radioligand to assess cannabinoid CB1 receptors in rodents. 690-698 - Francesca Sabattoli, Marina Boccardi
, Samantha Galluzzi
, Alessandro Treves
, Paul M. Thompson
, Giovanni B. Frisoni
Hippocampal shape differences in dementia with Lewy bodies. 699-705 - N. Jon Shah
, Heiko Neeb, Gerald Kircheis, P. Engels, Dieter Häussinger, Karl Zilles
Quantitative cerebral water content mapping in hepatic encephalopathy. 706-717 - Andrea G. Ludolph, Jan Kassubek
, Klaus Schmeck
, Cornelia Glaser, Arthur Wunderlich, Andreas K. Buck
, Sven N. Reske, Joerg M. Fegert, Felix M. Mottaghy
Dopaminergic dysfunction in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), differences between pharmacologically treated and never treated young adults: A 3, 4-dihdroxy-6-[18F]fluorophenyl-l-alanine PET study. 718-727 - Mónica Giménez, Maria J. Miranda, Alfred Peter Born, Zoltán Nagy
, Egill Rostrup
, Terry L. Jernigan:
Accelerated cerebral white matter development in preterm infants: A voxel-based morphometry study with diffusion tensor MR imaging. 728-734
- Ali R. Khan
, Lei Wang
, Mirza Faisal Beg
FreeSurfer-initiated fully-automated subcortical brain segmentation in MRI using Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping. 735-746 - Karl J. Friston
Variational filtering. 747-766 - Xue Wang, Yonghong Chen, Mingzhou Ding:
Estimating Granger causality after stimulus onset: A cautionary note. 767-776 - Yusuke Takeda, Kentaro Yamanaka
, Daichi Nozaki
, Yoshiharu Yamamoto
Extracting a stimulus-unlocked component from EEG during NoGo trials of a Go/NoGo task. 777-788 - Li-Wei Kuo, Chun-Yao Lee, Jyh-Horng Chen, Van J. Wedeen, Chih-Chuan Chen, Horng-Huei Liou
, Wen-Yih Isaac Tseng
Mossy fiber sprouting in pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus rat hippocampus: A correlative study of diffusion spectrum imaging and histology. 789-800 - Tao Jin
, Seong-Gi Kim:
Functional changes of apparent diffusion coefficient during visual stimulation investigated by diffusion-weighted gradient-echo fMRI. 801-812 - Mark A. Eckert, Linda J. Lombardino, Adam R. Walczak, Leonardo Bonilha, Christiana Morison Leonard, Jeffrey R. Binder
Manual and automated measures of superior temporal gyrus asymmetry: Concordant structural predictors of verbal ability in children. 813-822 - Philippe Millet
, Marcelle Moulin
, Antonietta Bartoli, Alberto Del Guerra
, Nathalie Ginovart
, Laurent Lemoucheux, Stephano Buono, Daniel Fagret, Yves Charnay, Vicente Ibáñez:
In vivo quantification of 5-HT1A-[18F]MPPF interactions in rats using the YAP-(S)PET scanner and a β-microprobe. 823-834 - Alan Anticevic, Donna L. Dierker, Sarah K. Gillespie, Grega Repovs
, John G. Csernansky, David C. Van Essen, Deanna M. Barch:
Comparing surface-based and volume-based analyses of functional neuroimaging data in patients with schizophrenia. 835-848 - Karl J. Friston
, Nelson J. Trujillo-Barreto
, Jean Daunizeau
DEM: A variational treatment of dynamic systems. 849-885 - Xilin Shen
, François G. Meyer
Low-dimensional embedding of fMRI datasets. 886-902 - Marko Wilke, Scott K. Holland
, Mekibib Altaye, Christian Gaser
Template-O-Matic: A toolbox for creating customized pediatric templates. 903-913 - Laurent Koessler
, A. Benhadid, Louis Maillard, Jean Pierre Vignal, Jacques Felblinger
, Hervé Vespignani, M. Braun:
Automatic localization and labeling of EEG sensors (ALLES) in MRI volume. 914-923 - Johanna M. Zumer
, Hagai Thomas Attias, Kensuke Sekihara, Srikantan S. Nagarajan:
Probabilistic algorithms for MEG/EEG source reconstruction using temporal basis functions learned from data. 924-940 - Salima Makni, Jérôme Idier, Thomas Vincent, Bertrand Thirion, Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz
, Philippe Ciuciu:
A fully Bayesian approach to the parcel-based detection-estimation of brain activity in fMRI. 941-969 - David Rudrauf
, Sonya H. Mehta, Joel Bruss, Daniel Tranel
, Hanna Damasio, Thomas J. Grabowski:
Thresholding lesion overlap difference maps: Application to category-related naming and recognition deficits. 970-984
- Morteza Moazami-Goudarzi, Johannes Sarnthein
, Lars Michels
, Renata Moukhtieva, Daniel Jeanmonod:
Enhanced frontal low and high frequency power and synchronization in the resting EEG of parkinsonian patients. 985-997 - M. Bakker, Floris P. de Lange, Rick C. Helmich
, René Scheeringa
, Bastiaan R. Bloem, Ivan Toni:
Cerebral correlates of motor imagery of normal and precision gait. 998-1010 - Michael S. Beauchamp
, Nafi E. Yasar, Richard E. Frye, Tony Ro:
Touch, sound and vision in human superior temporal sulcus. 1011-1020 - Kazumi Iseki, Takashi Hanakawa, Jun Shinozaki, Manabu Nankaku, Hidenao Fukuyama:
Neural mechanisms involved in mental imagery and observation of gait. 1021-1031 - Jennifer S. Labus, Bruce D. Naliboff, J. Fallon, Steve M. Berman, Brandall Y. Suyenobu, Joshua A. Bueller, Mark A. Mandelkern, Emeran A. Mayer:
Sex differences in brain activity during aversive visceral stimulation and its expectation in patients with chronic abdominal pain: A network analysis. 1032-1043 - Jacob M. Hooker
, Youwen Xu, Wynne K. Schiffer, Colleen Shea, Pauline Carter, Joanna S. Fowler:
Pharmacokinetics of the potent hallucinogen, salvinorin A in primates parallels the rapid onset and short duration of effects in humans. 1044-1050 - Vinal D. Patel, Dianne E. Lee, David L. Alexoff, Stephen L. Dewey, Wynne K. Schiffer:
Imaging dopamine release with Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and 11C-raclopride in freely moving animals. 1051-1066 - Danilo Arnone
, Thomas R. Barrick
, S. Chengappa, Clare E. Mackay
, Chris A. Clark, Mohammed T. Abou-Saleh:
Corpus callosum damage in heavy marijuana use: Preliminary evidence from diffusion tensor tractography and tract-based spatial statistics. 1067-1074 - M. Edward Pierson, Jan Andersson, Svante Nyberg, Dennis J. McCarthy, Sjoerd J. Finnema, Katarina Varnäs, Akihiro Takano, Per Karlsson, Balázs Gulyás
, Amy M. Medd, Chi-Ming Lee, Mark E. Powell, J. Richard Heys, William Potts, Nicholas Seneca, Ladislav Mrzljak, Lars Farde
, Christer Halldin:
[11C]AZ10419369: A selective 5-HT1B receptor radioligand suitable for positron emission tomography (PET). Characterization in the primate brain. 1075-1085 - Sandra Fuchs, Søren K. Andersen
, Thomas Gruber, Matthias M. Müller:
Attentional bias of competitive interactions in neuronal networks of early visual processing in the human brain. 1086-1101 - Bettina Mohr, Friedemann Pulvermüller
, Brigitte Rockstroh, Tanja Endrass
Hemispheric cooperation - A crucial factor in schizophrenia? Neurophysiological evidence. 1102-1110
- Alexandra Bendixen
, Wolfgang Prinz, János Horváth
, Nelson J. Trujillo-Barreto
, Erich Schröger
Rapid extraction of auditory feature contingencies. 1111-1119 - Erik C. Brown
, Robert Rothermel, Masaaki Nishida, Csaba Juhász, Otto Muzik, Karsten Hoechstetter, Sandeep Sood, Harry T. Chugani, Eishi Asano
In vivo animation of auditory-language-induced gamma-oscillations in children with intractable focal epilepsy. 1120-1131 - Mia Liljeström
, Antti Tarkiainen, Tiina Parviainen
, Jan Kujala
, Jussi Numminen, Jaana Hiltunen, Matti Laine, Riitta Salmelin
Perceiving and naming actions and objects. 1132-1141 - Sho Yagishita
, Takamitsu Watanabe
, Tomoki Asari, Hiroshi Ito, Motoichiro Kato, Hiroo Ikehira, Iwao Kanno, Tetsuya Suhara, Hideyuki Kikyo:
Role of left superior temporal gyrus during name recall process: An event-related fMRI study. 1142-1153 - Elizabeth Tricomi
, Julie A. Fiez:
Feedback signals in the caudate reflect goal achievement on a declarative memory task. 1154-1167 - Ming Song, Yuan Zhou
, Jun Li, Yong Liu
, Lixia Tian, Chunshui Yu
, Tianzi Jiang:
Brain spontaneous functional connectivity and intelligence. 1168-1176
Volume 41, Number 4, July 2008
- Alison C. Burggren, Michael Zeineh
, Arne D. Ekstrom
, Meredith N. Braskie, Paul M. Thompson
, Gary W. Small, Susan Y. Bookheimer
Reduced cortical thickness in hippocampal subregions among cognitively normal apolipoprotein E e4 carriers. 1177-1183 - Marco Catani
, Derek K. Jones
, Eileen M. Daly
, Nitzia Embiricos, Quinton Deeley
, Luca Pugliese, Sarah Curran, Dene Robertson, Declan G. M. Murphy
Altered cerebellar feedback projections in Asperger syndrome. 1184-1191 - Renata Ferranti Leoni
, K. C. Mazzeto-Betti, K. C. Andrade, D. B. De Araujo:
Quantitative evaluation of hemodynamic response after hypercapnia among different brain territories by fMRI. 1192-1198 - Arijitt Borthakur
, Matthew Sochor, Christos Davatzikos
, John Q. Trojanowski, Christopher M. Clark:
T1ρ MRI of Alzheimer's disease. 1199-1205
- Rei Enatsu, Nobuhiro Mikuni, K. Usui, Jun Matsubayashi
, Junya Taki, T. Begum, Riki Matsumoto
, Akio Ikeda
, Takashi Nagamine, Hidenao Fukuyama, Nobuo Hashimoto:
Usefulness of MEG magnetometer for spike detection in patients with mesial temporal epileptic focus. 1206-1219 - Christos Davatzikos
, Susan M. Resnick, X. Wu, P. Parmpi, Christopher M. Clark:
Individual patient diagnosis of AD and FTD via high-dimensional pattern classification of MRI. 1220-1227 - Antonino Mario Cassarà
, Bruno Maraviglia
Microscopic investigation of the resonant mechanism for the implementation of nc-MRI at ultra-low field MRI. 1228-1241 - Jing Zhang, Lichen Liang, Jon R. Anderson, Lael C. Gatewood, David A. Rottenberg, Stephen C. Strother
Evaluation and comparison of GLM- and CVA-based fMRI processing pipelines with Java-based fMRI processing pipeline evaluation system. 1242-1252 - Mohamed L. Seghier
, Anil F. Ramlackhansingh, Jennifer T. Crinion
, Alexander P. Leff
, Cathy J. Price:
Lesion identification using unified segmentation-normalisation models and fuzzy clustering. 1253-1266 - Van J. Wedeen, R. P. Wang, Jeremy D. Schmahmann, Thomas Benner, Wen-Yih Isaac Tseng
, Guangping Dai, Deepak N. Pandya, Patric Hagmann, Helen D'Arceuil, Alex J. de Crespigny:
Diffusion spectrum magnetic resonance imaging (DSI) tractography of crossing fibers. 1267-1277 - Jorge L. Bernal-Rusiel, Mercedes Atienza
, Jose Luis Cantero:
Detection of focal changes in human cortical thickness: Spherical wavelets versus Gaussian smoothing. 1278-1292 - Chun-Chuan Chen
, Stefan J. Kiebel
, Karl J. Friston
Dynamic causal modelling of induced responses. 1293-1312 - Jessica F. Galgano, Karen Froud:
Evidence of the voice-related cortical potential: An electroencephalographic study. 1313-1323 - Gaby S. Pell, Regula S. Briellmann, Chow Huat (Patrick) Chan, Heath R. Pardoe
, David F. Abbott
, Graeme D. Jackson
Selection of the control group for VBM analysis: Influence of covariates, matching and sample size. 1324-1335
- Michael Landgrebe, Winfried Barta, Katharina Rosengarth, Ulrich Frick, Simone Hauser, Berthold Langguth, Roland Marcus Rutschmann, Mark W. Greenlee
, Goeran Hajak, Peter Eichhammer:
Neuronal correlates of symptom formation in functional somatic syndromes: A fMRI study. 1336-1344 - Hengyi Rao, Xin Di
, Raymond C. K. Chan, Yulong Ding
, Binbin Ye, Dingguo Gao:
A regulation role of the prefrontal cortex in the fist-edge-palm task: Evidence from functional connectivity analysis. 1345-1351 - Chiang-shan Ray Li
, Peisi Yan, Rajita Sinha, Tien-Wen Lee:
Subcortical processes of motor response inhibition during a stop signal task. 1352-1363 - Andreas Kastrup, Jürgen Baudewig, Sonja Schnaudigel, Ralph Huonker, Lars Becker, Jan Martin Sohns, Peter Dechent, Carsten Klingner, Otto W. Witte
Behavioral correlates of negative BOLD signal changes in the primary somatosensory cortex. 1364-1371 - Thomas Weiss
, Thomas Straube, Joachim Boettcher, Holger Hecht, Dorothee Spohn, Wolfgang H. R. Miltner:
Brain activation upon selective stimulation of cutaneous C- and Aδ-fibers. 1372-1381 - Christian Grefkes
, Simon B. Eickhoff
, Dennis A. Nowak, Manuel Dafotakis
, Gereon R. Fink
Dynamic intra- and interhemispheric interactions during unilateral and bilateral hand movements assessed with fMRI and DCM. 1382-1394 - S. Houweling, Andreas Daffertshofer
, Bob W. van Dijk, Peter Jan Beek
Neural changes induced by learning a challenging perceptual-motor task. 1395-1407
- Tal Yarkoni, Nicole K. Speer, Jeffrey M. Zacks
Neural substrates of narrative comprehension and memory. 1408-1425 - Joachim H. Laudien, Sonja Wencker, Roman Ferstl, Bettina M. Pause:
Context effects on odor processing: An event-related potential study. 1426-1436 - Tamara Vanderwal
, Elinora Hunyadi, Daniel W. Grupe, Caitlin M. Connors, Robert T. Schultz:
Self, mother and abstract other: An fMRI study of reflective social processing. 1437-1446 - James K. Rilling, Julien E. Dagenais, David R. Goldsmith, Andrea L. Glenn, Giuseppe Pagnoni
Social cognitive neural networks during in-group and out-group interactions. 1447-1461 - Chun-Yu Tse
, Trevor B. Penney:
On the functional role of temporal and frontal cortex activation in passive detection of auditory deviance. 1462-1470 - Aymeric Guillot, Christian Collet, Vo An Nguyen, Francine Malouin, Carol L. Richards
, Julien Doyon:
Functional neuroanatomical networks associated with expertise in motor imagery. 1471-1483 - Jens Brauer, Jane Neumann, Angela D. Friederici:
Temporal dynamics of perisylvian activation during language processing in children and adults. 1484-1492 - Moriah E. Thomason, Catherine E. Chang, Gary H. Glover, John D. E. Gabrieli, Michael D. Greicius, Ian H. Gotlib:
Default-mode function and task-induced deactivation have overlapping brain substrates in children. 1493-1503 - Edmund T. Rolls
, Fabian Grabenhorst
, Benjamin A. Parris:
Warm pleasant feelings in the brain. 1504-1513
- Kristine B. Walhovd
, Vibeke Moe
, Kari Slinning, Paulina Due-Tønnessen, Atle Bjørnerud, Anders M. Dale, André J. W. van der Kouwe, Brian T. Quinn, Barry Kosofsky, Douglas N. Greve, Bruce Fischl:
Corrigendum to "Volumetric cerebral characteristics of children exposed to opiates and other substances in utero" [NeuroImage 36 (2007) 1331-1344]. 1514-1516
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