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Neural Computing and Applications, Volume 20
Volume 20, Number 1, February 2011
- Yunong Zhang
, Chenfu Yi, Dongsheng Guo, Jinhuan Zheng:
Comparison on Zhang neural dynamics and gradient-based neural dynamics for online solution of nonlinear time-varying equation. 1-7 - Xiao-feng Song, Pei-pei Wang:
Flexible array self-organizing map neural network and its application in complex pattern recognition. 9-16 - Min Xia
, Yang Tang, Jian-An Fang, Feng Pan:
Efficient multi-sequence memory with controllable steady-state period and high sequence storage capacity. 17-24 - Sultan Yamak, Osman Kazanci, Bijan Davvaz:
Normal fuzzy hyperideals in hypernear-rings. 25-30 - Shiliang Sun, Yue Lu, Youguang Chen:
The stochastic approximation method for adaptive Bayesian classifiers: towards online brain-computer interfaces. 31-40 - Yunqiang Yin, Jianming Zhan
, Piergiulio Corsini:
Fuzzy roughness of n-ary hypergroups based on a complete residuated lattice. 41-57 - Sam Romano, Hala ElAarag:
A neural network proxy cache replacement strategy and its implementation in the Squid proxy server. 59-78 - Derrick Takeshi Mirikitani, Nikolay I. Nikolaev:
Nonlinear maximum likelihood estimation of electricity spot prices using recurrent neural networks. 79-89 - Dipak M. Adhyaru
, I. N. Kar
, Madan Gopal:
Bounded robust control of nonlinear systems using neural network-based HJB solution. 91-103 - Bipin K. Tripathi, Prem K. Kalra:
On the learning machine for three dimensional mapping. 105-111 - Andrew Chi-Sing Leung
, Pui-Fai Sum, Kevin Ho:
The effect of weight fault on associative networks. 113-121 - Juntao Li
, Yingmin Jia, Wenlin Li:
Adaptive huberized support vector machine and its application to microarray classification. 123-132 - Yantao Li, Shaojiang Deng, Di Xiao:
A novel Hash algorithm construction based on chaotic neural network. 133-141 - Ankur Bansal, Tingting Chen, Sheng Zhong:
Privacy preserving Back-propagation neural network learning over arbitrarily partitioned data. 143-150 - Robert F. Chevalier, Gerrit Hoogenboom
, Ronald W. McClendon, Joel A. Paz
Support vector regression with reduced training sets for air temperature prediction: a comparison with artificial neural networks. 151-159
Volume 20, Number 2, March 2011
- Chun-Hou Zheng, Yanwen Chong, Hong-Qiang Wang:
Gene selection using independent variable group analysis for tumor classification. 161-170 - Debao Chen
, Chunxia Zhao, Haofeng Zhang:
An improved cooperative particle swarm optimization and its application. 171-182 - Hua Su, Kil To Chong, R. Ravi Kumar:
Vibration signal analysis for electrical fault detection of induction machine using neural networks. 183-194 - Mehmet Ali Çavuslu
, Cihan Karakuzu
, Suhap Sahin, Mehmet Yakut:
Neural network training based on FPGA with floating point number format and it's performance. 195-202 - Jiang Tian, Hong Gu, Wenqi Liu:
Imbalanced classification using support vector machine ensemble. 203-209 - C. J. B. Macnab:
Neural-adaptive control using alternate weights. 211-221 - Arpita Das
, Mahua Bhattacharya
Affine-based registration of CT and MR modality images of human brain using multiresolution approaches: comparative study on genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization. 223-237 - S. M. Khazraee, Abdolhossein Jahanmiri, S. A. Ghorayshi:
Model reduction and optimization of reactive batch distillation based on the adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system and differential evolution. 239-248 - Rahib Hidayat Abiyev:
Fuzzy wavelet neural network based on fuzzy clustering and gradient techniques for time series prediction. 249-259 - Daqing Yi, Ping Jiang, Edward Mallen, Xiaonian Wang, Jin Zhu:
Enhancement of image luminance resolution by imposing random jitter. 261-272 - Mostafa Ghazizadeh Ahsaee, Hadi Sadoghi Yazdi, Mahmoud Naghibzadeh
Curve fitting space for classification. 273-285 - Prasun Das, Indranil Banerjee:
An hybrid detection system of control chart patterns using cascaded SVM and neural network-based detector. 287-296 - Shifei Ding, Weikuan Jia, Chunyang Su, Liwen Zhang, Lili Liu:
Research of neural network algorithm based on factor analysis and cluster analysis. 297-302 - Mohsen Ghazikhani
, I. Mirzaii:
Soot emission prediction of a waste-gated turbo-charged DI diesel engine using artificial neural network. 303-308
Volume 20, Number 3, April 2011
- Yu-Quan Zhu, Jishun Ou
, Geng Chen, Hai-Ping Yu:
Dynamic weighting ensemble classifiers based on cross-validation. 309-317 - Jianming Zhan
, Young Bae Jun:
On (⋶, ⋶ ∨ q)-fuzzy ideals of BCI-algebras. 319-328 - Lyes Saad Saoud
, Abdelhafid Khellaf:
A neural network based on an inexpensive eight-bit microcontroller. 329-334 - Young Bae Jun, Yong Uk Cho, Eun Hwan Roh, Jianming Zhan
General types of ( ∈, ∈ ∨ q)-fuzzy filters in BL-algebras. 335-343 - Ivan Villaverde
, Manuel Graña:
Neuro-evolutionary mobile robot egomotion estimation with a 3D ToF camera. 345-354 - Ajay Kumar Dhamija, V. K. Bhalla:
Exchange rate forecasting: comparison of various architectures of neural networks. 355-363 - Melkon Tatlier
Artificial neural network methods for the prediction of framework crystal structures of zeolites from XRD data. 365-371 - Giampiero Campa, Mario Luca Fravolini, Marco Mammarella, Marcello R. Napolitano:
Bounding set calculation for neural network-based output feedback adaptive control systems. 373-387 - Cuauhtémoc López Martín:
Applying a general regression neural network for predicting development effort of short-scale programs. 389-401 - Bayram Cetisli, Rifat Edizkan
Estimation of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system parameters with the expectation maximization algorithm and extended Kalman smoother. 403-415 - Gecynalda Soares da Silva Gomes, Teresa Bernarda Ludermir, Leyla M. M. R. Lima:
Comparison of new activation functions in neural network for forecasting financial time series. 417-439 - Fang Liu, Min Wu, Yong He, Ryuichi Yokoyama:
Improved delay-dependent stability analysis for uncertain stochastic neural networks with time-varying delay. 441-449 - Bo Chen
, Li Yu, Wen-an Zhang:
Exponential convergence rate estimation for neutral BAM neural networks with mixed time-delays. 451-460
Volume 20, Number 4, June 2011
- Somayeh Motamed
, Arsham Borumand Saeid
n-Fold obstinate filters in BL-algebras. 461-472 - Jianbo Yu
Online tool wear prediction in drilling operations using selective artificial neural network ensemble model. 473-485 - Sahar Amiri, Mohammad Reza Mehrnia, Davood Barzegari, Aryan Yazdani:
An artificial neural network for prediction of gas holdup in bubble columns with oily solutions. 487-494 - Jianming Zhan
, Kar-Ping Shum:
On fuzzy h-ideals in \Upgamma-hemirings. 495-505 - Qian Ma, Guodong Shi, Shengyuan Xu, Yun Zou:
Stability analysis for delayed genetic regulatory networks with reaction-diffusion terms. 507-516 - P. C. Chen, Cheng-Wu Chen, Wei-Ling Chiang, D. C. Lo:
GA-based decoupled adaptive FSMC for nonlinear systems by a singular perturbation scheme. 517-526 - Cheng-Wu Chen:
Modeling, control, and stability analysis for time-delay TLP systems using the fuzzy Lyapunov method. 527-534 - Jun Peng, Zaiming Liu:
Stability analysis of stochastic reaction-diffusion delayed neural networks with Levy noise. 535-541 - Jun Peng, Zaiming Liu:
pth Moment stability of stochastic neural networks with Markov volatilities. 543-547 - Xiaofang Yuan
, Yaonan Wang, Hui Wang, Beining Wang:
RBF networks-based adaptive approximate model controller for steam valving control. 549-556 - Chih-Min Lin, Ang-Bung Ting, Ming-Chia Li, Te-Yu Chen:
Neural-network-based robust adaptive control for a class of nonlinear systems. 557-563 - Zhihui Lai, Minghua Wan, Zhong Jin:
Locality preserving embedding for face and handwriting digital recognition. 565-573 - B. Lamrini, El-K. Lakhal, Marie-Véronique Le Lann, Louis Wehenkel
Data validation and missing data reconstruction using self-organizing map for water treatment. 575-588 - Yunqiang Yin, Jianming Zhan
, Xiaokun Huang:
A new view of L-fuzzy polygroups. 589-602 - Ertan Mert, Serhat Yilmaz
, Melih Inal:
An assessment of total RMR classification system using unified simulation model based on artificial neural networks. 603-610
Volume 20, Number 5, July 2011
- Xin Wan, Toshio Okamoto:
Utilizing learning process to improve recommender system for group learning support. 611-621 - Jose Manuel Marquez Vazquez, Juan Antonio Ortega
, Luis González Abril
, Francisco Velasco Morente
Designing adaptive learning itineraries using features modelling and swarm intelligence. 623-639 - Giovanni Acampora
, Matteo Gaeta
, Vincenzo Loia:
Hierarchical optimization of personalized experiences for e-Learning systems through evolutionary models. 641-657 - Ching-Hsue Cheng
, Tai-Liang Chen, Liang-Ying Wei, Jr-Shian Chen:
A new e-learning achievement evaluation model based on RBF-NN and similarity filter. 659-669 - Mostafa Sabzekar
, Hadi Sadoghi Yazdi, Mahmoud Naghibzadeh
Relaxed constraints support vector machines for noisy data. 671-685 - Mauri Aparecido de Oliveira:
The influence of ARIMA-GARCH parameters in feed forward neural networks prediction. 687-701 - M. Ehsan Abbasnejad, Dhanesh Ramachandram
, Mandava Rajeswari:
An unsupervised approach to learn the kernel functions: from global influence to local similarity. 703-715 - Hicham Chaoui, Pierre Sicard:
Adaptive Lyapunov-based neural network sensorless control of permanent magnet synchronous machines. 717-727 - Chaochao Chen, Yoshio Inoue, Kyoko Shibata:
Identification of a golf swing robot using soft computing approach. 729-740 - Stanislaw Duer
Qualitative evaluation of the regeneration process of a technical object in a maintenance system with an artificial neural network. 741-752 - R. A. Menezes, Luiz H. A. Monteiro
Synaptic compensation on Hopfield network: implications for memory rehabilitation. 753-757
Volume 20, Number 6, September 2011
- Dominic Palmer-Brown:
Editorial. 759-760 - Petr Hájek
, Vladimír Olej:
Credit rating modelling by kernel-based approaches with supervised and semi-supervised learning. 761-773 - Chrisina Jayne
, Andreas Lanitis
, Chris Christodoulou
Neural network methods for one-to-many multi-valued mapping problems. 775-785 - Achilleas Zapranis
, Antonis Alexandridis
Modeling and forecasting cumulative average temperature and heating degree day indices for weather derivative pricing. 787-801 - Pekka Kumpulainen
, Marja Mettänen
, Mikko Lauri
, Heimo Ihalainen:
Relating halftone dot quality to paper surface topography. 803-813 - Aruna Shenoy, Sue H. Anthony, Ray J. Frank, Neil Davey:
Categorizing facial expressions: a comparison of computational models. 815-823 - Nadia Mammone, Giuseppina Inuso, Fabio La Foresta, Mario Versaci
, Francesco Carlo Morabito
Clustering of entropy topography in epileptic electroencephalography. 825-833 - Marcos A. Lévano
, Hans Nowak:
New aspects of the elastic net algorithm for cluster analysis. 835-850 - Massimo Camplani
, Barbara Cannas, Alessandra Fanni
, Gabriella Pautasso, Giuliana Sias
Tracking of the plasma states in a nuclear fusion device using SOMs. 851-863 - Mario Malcangi:
Soft-computing methods for robust authentication using soft-biometric data. 865-877 - Guillaume F. Remy, Hassan B. Kazemian, Phil D. Picton
Application of neural-fuzzy controller for streaming video over Bluetooth 1.2. 879-887 - Jun Li, Karim Ouazzane, Hassan B. Kazemian, Yanguo Jing
, Richard Boyd:
A neural network based solution for automatic typing errors correction. 889-896 - Chun-Cheng Peng, George D. Magoulas
Nonmonotone Levenberg-Marquardt training of recurrent neural architectures for processing symbolic sequences. 897-908 - Wei-Po Lee, Tsung-Hsien Yang:
Combining GRN modeling and demonstration-based programming for robot control. 909-921
Volume 20, Number 7, October 2011
- Tommy W. S. Chow, John Sum:
Guest editorial: special issue on the emerging applications of neural networks. 923-924 - Jeong-Woo Woo, Young-Chul Lim, Minho Lee:
Dynamic obstacle identification based on global and local features for a driver assistance system. 925-933 - Mónica Millán-Giraldo, José Salvador Sánchez
, V. Javier Traver
On-line learning from streaming data with delayed attributes: a comparison of classifiers and strategies. 935-944 - Zhi-Bin Wang, Hong-Wei Hao, Xu-Cheng Yin
, Qian Liu, Kaizhu Huang
Exchange rate prediction with non-numerical information. 945-954 - Xu-Cheng Yin
, Qian Liu, Hong-Wei Hao, Zhi-Bin Wang, Kaizhu Huang
FMI image based rock structure classification using classifier combination. 955-963 - Hiroshige Takeichi
, Takako Mitsudo
, Yoshitaka Nakajima, Gerard B. Remijn
, Yoshinobu Goto, Shozo Tobimatsu:
A neural decoding approach to auditory temporal assimilation. 965-973 - José J. López
, Maximo Cobos
, Emanuel Aguilera:
Computer-based detection and classification of flaws in citrus fruits. 975-981 - Peter Wai-Ming Tsang, Wai Keung Cheung, Andrew Chi-Sing Leung
Decoding ambisonic signals to irregular quad loudspeaker configuration based on hybrid ANN and modified tabu search. 983-991 - Shiro Usui, Nilton Liuji Kamiji
, Tatsuki Taniguchi, Naonori Ueda:
RAST: finding related documents based on triplet similarity. 993-999 - Dong Yang, Ping Guo
Image modeling with combined optimization techniques for image semantic annotation. 1001-1015 - Toan Nguyen Dinh, Jonghyun Park, Soo-Hyung Kim, Hyuk Ro Park, Gueesang Lee:
Automatically improving image quality using tensor voting. 1017-1026 - Gang Yu
, Zhiwei Hu, Hongtao Lu, Wenbin Li:
Robust object tracking with occlusion handle. 1027-1034 - Yi Xiao, Andrew Chi-Sing Leung
, Tze-Yui Ho, Ping-Man Lam:
A GPU implementation for LBG and SOM training. 1035-1042 - Hui Xue, Songcan Chen:
Glocalization pursuit support vector machine. 1043-1053 - Sayed Yousef Monir Vaghefi, Sayed Mahmoud Monir Vaghefi:
Prediction of phosphorus content of electroless nickel-phosphorous coatings using artificial neural network modeling. 1055-1060 - Furao Shen, Hui Yu, Keisuke Sakurai, Osamu Hasegawa:
An incremental online semi-supervised active learning algorithm based on self-organizing incremental neural network. 1061-1074 - Hongqiao Wang, Yan-Ning Cai, Fuchun Sun:
A non-biased form of least squares support vector classifier and its fast online learning. 1075-1085 - Yong Xu, David Zhang
Accelerating the kernel-method-based feature extraction procedure from the viewpoint of numerical approximation. 1087-1096 - Matías Alvarado, Farid García
Wheeled vehicles' velocity updating by navigating on outdoor terrains. 1097-1109 - Ivanka M. Stamova
, Rajcho Ilarionov, Krasimir Krustev:
Asymptotic behavior of equilibriums of a class of impulsive bidirectional associative memory neural networks with time-varying delays. 1111-1116 - Lale Özbakir
, Adil Baykasoglu
, Sinem Kulluk
Rule extraction from artificial neural networks to discover causes of quality defects in fabric production. 1117-1128
Volume 20, Number 8, November 2011
- Zeng-Guang Hou, Long Cheng, Zhigang Zeng, Min Tan:
Editorial to special issue: Biomedical engineering: information processing, modeling, and control. 1129-1130 - Mahmood Amiri, Fariba Bahrami, Mahyar Janahmadi:
Functional modeling of astrocytes in epilepsy: a feedback system perspective. 1131-1139 - Wen Yu
, Francisco Panuncio Cruz, Xiaoou Li
Two-stage neural sliding-mode control of magnetic levitation in minimal invasive surgery. 1141-1147 - Guici Chen
, Yi Shen, Song Zhu:
Non-fragile observer-based H ∞ control for neutral stochastic hybrid systems with time-varying delay. 1149-1158 - Chaoxu Mu, Changyin Sun, Xinghuo Yu
Internal model control based on a novel least square support vector machines for MIMO nonlinear discrete systems. 1159-1166 - Quanxin Cheng, Jinde Cao:
Global synchronization of complex networks with discrete time delays and stochastic disturbances. 1167-1179 - Meng Hu, Hongmiao Zhang, Hualou Liang:
Extraction of microsaccade-related signal from single-trial local field potential by ICA with reference. 1181-1186 - Yan Li, Yasuharu Koike:
A real-time BCI with a small number of channels based on CSP. 1187-1192 - Shaoning Pang
, Lei Song, Nikola K. Kasabov
Correlation-aided support vector regression for forex time series prediction. 1193-1203 - Wei Liu, Chaojin Fu, Hongchang Hu:
Global exponential stability of a class of Hopfield neural networks with delays. 1205-1209 - Daniel P. Berrar, Georg Ohmayer:
Multidimensional scaling with discrimination coefficients for supervised visualization of high-dimensional data. 1211-1218 - H. Hedayati:
Fuzzy ideals of semirings. 1219-1228 - Mohamed M. Mostafa
, Mehmet Duran Toksari:
Market segmentation of organ donors in Egypt: a bio-inspired computational intelligence approach. 1229-1247 - Serhat Yilmaz
, Aziz Armagan Arici
, Erol Feyzullahoglu:
Surface roughness prediction in machining of cast polyamide using neural network. 1249-1254 - Haldun Sarnel
, Yavuz Senol
Accurate and robust image registration based on radial basis neural networks. 1255-1262 - Yi-Chung Hu
, Hsiao-Chi Chen:
Integrating multicriteria PROMETHEE II method into a single-layer perceptron for two-class pattern classification. 1263-1271 - Adenilson R. Carvalho, Fernando Manuel Ramos, Antonio Augusto Chaves:
Metaheuristics for the feedforward artificial neural network (ANN) architecture optimization problem. 1273-1284 - Sohrab Effati
, Morteza Pakdaman
, Mahdi Ranjbar
A new fuzzy neural network model for solving fuzzy linear programming problems and its applications. 1285-1294 - Hasan Merdun
Self-organizing map artificial neural network application in multidimensional soil data analysis. 1295-1303 - Yantao Li, Di Xiao, Shaojiang Deng, Qi Han, Gang Zhou:
Parallel Hash function construction based on chaotic maps with changeable parameters. 1305-1312 - Young Bae Jun, Seok-Zun Song
, Keum Sook So:
Soft set theory applied to p-ideals of BCI-algebras related to fuzzy points. 1313-1320 - Pejman Aminian, Mohamad Reza Javid, Abazar Asghari
, Amir Hossein Gandomi
, Milad Arab Esmaeili:
A robust predictive model for base shear of steel frame structures using a hybrid genetic programming and simulated annealing method. 1321-1332
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