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Mathematics of Operations Research, Volume 49
Volume 49, Number 1, 2024
- Editorial Board. 2-
- Yiwen Chen
, Warren L. Hare
, Gabriel Jarry-Bolduc
Error Analysis of Surrogate Models Constructed Through Operations on Submodels. 1-18 - Tianyun Tang
, Kim-Chuan Toh
A Feasible Method for Solving an SDP Relaxation of the Quadratic Knapsack Problem. 19-39 - Andrew Daw
Conditional Uniformity and Hawkes Processes. 40-57 - Heinz H. Bauschke
, Walaa M. Moursi
On the Douglas-Rachford Algorithm for Solving Possibly Inconsistent Optimization Problems. 58-77 - Laura Doval
, Vasiliki Skreta:
Constrained Information Design. 78-106 - Viswanath Nagarajan
, Lily Wang:
Online Generalized Network Design Under (Dis)Economies of Scale. 107-124 - Daoli Zhu, Lei Zhao, Shuzhong Zhang
A First-Order Primal-Dual Method for Nonconvex Constrained Optimization Based on the Augmented Lagrangian. 125-150 - Xujin Chen
, Guoli Ding, Wenan Zang
, Qiulan Zhao
Packing Feedback Arc Sets in Tournaments Exactly. 151-170 - Nicolò Cesa-Bianchi
, Tommaso Cesari
, Roberto Colomboni
, Federico Fusco
, Stefano Leonardi
Bilateral Trade: A Regret Minimization Perspective. 171-203 - Jourdain B. Lamperski
, Robert M. Freund
, Michael J. Todd:
An Oblivious Ellipsoid Algorithm for Solving a System of (In)Feasible Linear Inequalities. 204-231 - Péter Csóka
, P. Jean-Jacques Herings
Uniqueness of Clearing Payment Matrices in Financial Networks. 232-250 - Jan Hazla, Yan Jin, Elchanan Mossel, Govind Ramnarayan:
A Geometric Model of Opinion Polarization. 251-277 - Armin Askari
, Alexandre d'Aspremont
, Laurent El Ghaoui
Naive Feature Selection: A Nearly Tight Convex Relaxation for Sparse Naive Bayes. 278-296 - Xi Chen
, Will Ma
, David Simchi-Levi
, Linwei Xin
Assortment Planning for Recommendations at Checkout Under Inventory Constraints. 297-325 - José H. Blanchet
, Renyuan Xu
, Zhengyuan Zhou
Delay-Adaptive Learning in Generalized Linear Contextual Bandits. 326-345 - Ewelina Bednarz, Philip A. Ernst
, Adam Osekowski:
On the Diameter of the Stopped Spider Process. 346-365 - Nachuan Xiao
, Xin Liu
, Kim-Chuan Toh
Dissolving Constraints for Riemannian Optimization. 366-397 - Simina Brânzei, Fedor Sandomirskiy
Algorithms for Competitive Division of Chores. 398-429 - Can Kizilkale, Rakesh Vohra
Constrained Trading Networks. 430-440 - José Correa
, Andrés Cristi
, Boris Epstein, José A. Soto
Sample-Driven Optimal Stopping: From the Secretary Problem to the i.i.d. Prophet Inequality. 441-475 - Daan Rutten
, Debankur Mukherjee
A New Approach to Capacity Scaling Augmented with Unreliable Machine Learning Predictions. 476-508 - Vittorio Bilò
, Luca Moscardelli, Cosimo Vinci
Uniform Mixed Equilibria in Network Congestion Games with Link Failures. 509-535 - Lei Guo, Jane J. Ye
, Jin Zhang
Sensitivity Analysis of the Maximal Value Function with Applications in Nonconvex Minimax Programs. 536-556 - Xin Chen
, Alexander L. Stolyar
, Linwei Xin
Asymptotic Optimality of Constant-Order Policies in Joint Pricing and Inventory Models. 557-577 - Felix Happach
, Andreas S. Schulz
Approximation Algorithms and Linear Programming Relaxations for Scheduling Problems Related to Min-Sum Set Cover. 578-598 - Yiyun Luo, Will Wei Sun, Yufeng Liu
Distribution-Free Contextual Dynamic Pricing. 599-618 - Qi Cai
, Zhuoran Yang
, Jason D. Lee
, Zhaoran Wang
Neural Temporal Difference and Q Learning Provably Converge to Global Optima. 619-651
Volume 49, Number 2, 2024
- Editorial Board. 2-
- Alon Eden
, Michal Feldman
, Amos Fiat
, Kira Goldner
, Anna R. Karlin:
Combinatorial Auctions with Interdependent Valuations: SOS to the Rescue. 653-674 - Stefan Ankirchner
, Nabil Kazi-Tani, Julian Wendt, Chao Zhou
Large Ranking Games with Diffusion Control. 675-696 - Julien Grand-Clément
, Christian Kroer
Solving Optimization Problems with Blackwell Approachability. 697-728 - Hao Hu
, Xinxin Li
, Haesol Im, Henry Wolkowicz:
A Semismooth Newton-Type Method for the Nearest Doubly Stochastic Matrix Problem. 729-751 - Ales Cerný
, Christoph Czichowsky
, Jan Kallsen:
Numeraire-Invariant Quadratic Hedging and Mean-Variance Portfolio Allocation. 752-781 - Yuetian Luo, Xudong Li
, Anru R. Zhang
On Geometric Connections of Embedded and Quotient Geometries in Riemannian Fixed-Rank Matrix Optimization. 782-825 - Alexey Kushnir
, Vinod Krishnamoorthy:
A Simple Characterization of Supply Correspondences. 826-831 - Jiaming Liang
, Renato D. C. Monteiro:
A Unified Analysis of a Class of Proximal Bundle Methods for Solving Hybrid Convex Composite Optimization Problems. 832-855 - Paul Dütting
, Silvio Lattanzi
, Renato Paes Leme
, Sergei Vassilvitskii
Secretaries with Advice. 856-879 - Yuval Emek, Ron Lavi, Rad Niazadeh
, Yangguang Shi
Stateful Posted Pricing with Vanishing Regret via Dynamic Deterministic Markov Decision Processes. 880-900 - Paul Dütting
, Felix A. Fischer
, David C. Parkes
Nontruthful Position Auctions Are More Robust to Misspecification. 901-927 - Junjie Qin
, Shai Vardi
, Adam Wierman
Minimization Fractional Prophet Inequalities for Sequential Procurement. 928-947 - Xuefeng Gao
, Junfei Huang
Asymptotically Optimal Control of Make-to-Stock Systems. 948-985 - Isabel Haasler
, Axel Ringh
, Yongxin Chen
, Johan Karlsson
Scalable Computation of Dynamic Flow Problems via Multimarginal Graph-Structured Optimal Transport. 986-1011 - Sen Na
, Mihai Anitescu, Mladen Kolar
A Fast Temporal Decomposition Procedure for Long-Horizon Nonlinear Dynamic Programming. 1012-1044 - Kristoffer J. Glover
, Goran Peskir
Quickest Detection Problems for Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes. 1045-1064 - Jiawang Nie
, Xindong Tang
Nash Equilibrium Problems of Polynomials. 1065-1090 - Bernhard von Stengel
Zero-Sum Games and Linear Programming Duality. 1091-1108 - Jugal Garg
, Martin Hoefer
, Kurt Mehlhorn
Satiation in Fisher Markets and Approximation of Nash Social Welfare. 1109-1139 - Hoai An Le Thi
, Ngai Van Huynh, Tao Pham Dinh:
Minimizing Compositions of Differences-of-Convex Functions with Smooth Mappings. 1140-1168 - Moïse Blanchard
, Alexandre Jacquillat
, Patrick Jaillet
Probabilistic Bounds on the k-Traveling Salesman Problem and the Traveling Repairman Problem. 1169-1191 - Yash Kanoria
, Ilan Lobel
, Jiaqi Lu
Managing Customer Churn via Service Mode Control. 1192-1222 - Stephan Eckstein, Marcel Nutz
Convergence Rates for Regularized Optimal Transport via Quantization. 1223-1240 - Kaito Fujii
, Yuichi Yoshida:
The Secretary Problem with Predictions. 1241-1262 - Ryoga Mahara
Extension of Additive Valuations to General Valuations on the Existence of EFX. 1263-1277 - Oktay Günlük
, Raphael Andreas Hauser
, Réka Ágnes Kovács
Binary Matrix Factorization and Completion via Integer Programming. 1278-1302
Volume 49, Number 3, 2024
- Martin Nägele
, Richard Santiago
, Rico Zenklusen
Congruency-Constrained TU Problems Beyond the Bimodular Case. 1303-1348 - János Flesch
, Eilon Solan:
Stochastic Games with General Payoff Functions. 1349-1371 - Thomas Ragel
Weak Approachability of Convex Sets in Absorbing Games. 1372-1402 - Johannes Milz
, Thomas M. Surowiec
Asymptotic Consistency for Nonconvex Risk-Averse Stochastic Optimization with Infinite-Dimensional Decision Spaces. 1403-1418 - Wim van Ackooij
, Pedro Pérez-Aros
, Claudia Soto, Emilio Vilches:
Inner Moreau Envelope of Nonsmooth Conic Chance-Constrained Optimization Problems. 1419-1451 - Patrick Beißner, Tim J. Boonen
, Mario Ghossoub
(No-)Betting Pareto Optima Under Rank-Dependent Utility. 1452-1471 - Aris Daniilidis
, Sebastian Tapia
Oriented Calmness and Sweeping Process Dynamics. 1472-1486 - Bettina Klaus
, Flip Klijn
Minimal-Access Rights in School Choice and the Deferred Acceptance Mechanism. 1487-1501 - Elizabeth Baldwin
, Paul W. Goldberg
, Paul Klemperer
, Edwin Lock
Solving Strong-Substitutes Product-Mix Auctions. 1502-1534 - Renbo Zhao
A Primal-Dual Smoothing Framework for Max-Structured Non-Convex Optimization. 1535-1565 - Manuel Aprile
, Michele Conforti, Marco Di Summa
Binary Extended Formulations and Sequential Convexification. 1566-1581 - Tristan Pollner, Mohammad Roghani, Amin Saberi, David Wajc:
Improved Online Contention Resolution for Matchings and Applications to the Gig Economy. 1582-1606 - Christos H. Papadimitriou, Tristan Pollner, Amin Saberi, David Wajc:
Online Stochastic Max-Weight Bipartite Matching: Beyond Prophet Inequalities. 1607-1628 - Junpei Komiyama
, Kaito Ariu
, Masahiro Kato, Chao Qin:
Rate-Optimal Bayesian Simple Regret in Best Arm Identification. 1629-1646 - J. Massey Cashore
, Peter I. Frazier
, Éva Tardos:
Dynamic Pricing Provides Robust Equilibria in Stochastic Ridesharing Networks. 1647-1677 - Vasileios Charisopoulos
, Damek Davis
A Superlinearly Convergent Subgradient Method for Sharp Semismooth Problems. 1678-1709 - Chao Zhang
, Xiaojun Chen
, Shiqian Ma
A Riemannian Smoothing Steepest Descent Method for Non-Lipschitz Optimization on Embedded Submanifolds of Rn. 1710-1733 - Huizhen Yu
On Strategic Measures and Optimality Properties in Discrete-Time Stochastic Control with Universally Measurable Policies. 1734-1760 - Pascal Bianchi, Walid Hachem
, Sholom Schechtman
Stochastic Subgradient Descent Escapes Active Strict Saddles on Weakly Convex Functions. 1761-1790 - Takashi Kunimoto
, Rene Saran, Roberto Serrano:
Interim Rationalizable Implementation of Functions. 1791-1824 - Steven Delong, Alireza Farhadi, Rad Niazadeh
, Balasubramanian Sivan, Rajan Udwani:
Online Bipartite Matching with Reusable Resources. 1825-1854 - Ernesto G. Birgin
, John L. C. Gardenghi
, Antoine Laurain
Bounds on the Optimal Radius When Covering a Set with Minimum Radius Identical Disks. 1855-1889 - Luis M. Briceño-Arias, Patrick L. Combettes
A Perturbation Framework for Convex Minimization and Monotone Inclusion Problems with Nonlinear Compositions. 1890-1914 - Xingbang Cui
, Liping Zhang
A Localized Progressive Hedging Algorithm for Solving Nonmonotone Stochastic Variational Inequalities. 1915-1937 - Péter Biró, Flip Klijn
, Xenia Klimentova
, Ana Viana
Shapley-Scarf Housing Markets: Respecting Improvement, Integer Programming, and Kidney Exchange. 1938-1972 - Duy Nhat Phan
, Hoai An Le Thi
Difference-of-Convex Algorithm with Extrapolation for Nonconvex, Nonsmooth Optimization Problems. 1973-1985 - Johannes Brustle, José Correa, Paul Duetting
, Victor Verdugo
The Competition Complexity of Dynamic Pricing. 1986-2008 - Vijay V. Vazirani
A Theory of Alternating Paths and Blossoms from the Perspective of Minimum Length. 2009-2047
Volume 49, Number 4, 2024
- Somnath Pradhan
, Serdar Yüksel
Robustness of Stochastic Optimal Control to Approximate Diffusion Models Under Several Cost Evaluation Criteria. 2049-2077 - Martin Nägele
, Rico Zenklusen
A New Dynamic Programming Approach for Spanning Trees with Chain Constraints and Beyond. 2078-2108 - Xi Chen, Christian Kroer
, Rachitesh Kumar
The Complexity of Pacing for Second-Price Auctions. 2109-2135 - Nabil Kahalé
Unbiased Time-Average Estimators for Markov Chains. 2136-2165 - Koyo Hayashi, Hiroshi Hirai
, Keiya Sakabe:
Finding Hall Blockers by Matrix Scaling. 2166-2179 - Moshe Babaioff
, Tomer Ezra
, Uriel Feige
Fair-Share Allocations for Agents with Arbitrary Entitlements. 2180-2211 - Albert S. Berahas
, Frank E. Curtis
, Michael O'Neill, Daniel P. Robinson
A Stochastic Sequential Quadratic Optimization Algorithm for Nonlinear-Equality-Constrained Optimization with Rank-Deficient Jacobians. 2212-2248 - Hiroki Nishimura
, Efe A. Ok
A Class of Dissimilarity Semimetrics for Preference Relations. 2249-2270 - Lukasz Kruk
Fluid Limits for Longest Remaining Time First Queues. 2271-2294 - Chi Jin, Qinghua Liu
, Yuanhao Wang
, Tiancheng Yu:
V-Learning - A Simple, Efficient, Decentralized Algorithm for Multiagent Reinforcement Learning. 2295-2322 - Bhaskar Ray Chaudhury
, Jugal Garg
, Kurt Mehlhorn
, Ruta Mehta
, Pranabendu Misra
Improving Envy Freeness up to Any Good Guarantees Through Rainbow Cycle Number. 2323-2340 - Hui Shao
, Zhe George Zhang
Extreme-Case Distortion Risk Measures: A Unification and Generalization of Closed-Form Solutions. 2341-2355 - Guanxing Fu
, Ulrich Horst
, Xiaonyu Xia
A Mean-Field Control Problem of Optimal Portfolio Liquidation with Semimartingale Strategies. 2356-2384 - Siyu Kong
, Adrian S. Lewis
The Cost of Nonconvexity in Deterministic Nonsmooth Optimization. 2385-2401 - Oliver Hinder
, Yinyu Ye:
Worst-Case Iteration Bounds for Log Barrier Methods on Problems with Nonconvex Constraints. 2402-2424 - Georgios Amanatidis
, Georgios Birmpas
, Federico Fusco
, Philip Lazos
, Stefano Leonardi
, Rebecca Reiffenhäuser
Allocating Indivisible Goods to Strategic Agents: Pure Nash Equilibria and Fairness. 2425-2445 - Marcel Celaya, Stefan Kuhlmann, Joseph Paat
, Robert Weismantel:
Proximity and Flatness Bounds for Linear Integer Optimization. 2446-2467 - Nicolas Gast, Bruno Gaujal, Chen Yan
Linear Program-Based Policies for Restless Bandits: Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for (Exponentially Fast) Asymptotic Optimality. 2468-2491 - You-Lin Chen, Sen Na
, Mladen Kolar
Convergence Analysis of Accelerated Stochastic Gradient Descent Under the Growth Condition. 2492-2526 - Joe Jackson
, Ludovic Tangpi
Quantitative Convergence for Displacement Monotone Mean Field Games with Controlled Volatility. 2527-2564 - Jérôme Bolte
, Cyrille W. Combettes
, Edouard Pauwels:
The Iterates of the Frank-Wolfe Algorithm May Not Converge. 2565-2578 - Calvin Beideman, Karthekeyan Chandrasekaran
, Weihang Wang:
Counting and Enumerating Optimum Cut Sets for Hypergraph k-Partitioning Problems for Fixed k. 2579-2601 - Penghe Zhang
, Naihua Xiu, Ziyan Luo
Zero-One Composite Optimization: Lyapunov Exact Penalty and a Globally Convergent Inexact Augmented Lagrangian Method. 2602-2625 - Priyank Agrawal
, Eric Balkanski
, Vasilis Gkatzelis
, Tingting Ou, Xizhi Tan
Learning-Augmented Mechanism Design: Leveraging Predictions for Facility Location. 2626-2651 - Hamed Amini
, Zhongyuan Cao
, Agnès Sulem
Limit Theorems for Default Contagion and Systemic Risk. 2652-2683 - Jaap Storm, Wouter Berkelmans, René Bekker
Diffusion-Based Staffing for Multitasking Service Systems with Many Servers. 2684-2722 - Jiawang Nie
, Zi Yang
The Multi-Objective Polynomial Optimization. 2723-2748 - Guocheng Liao
, Yu Su
, Juba Ziani
, Adam Wierman
, Jianwei Huang
The Privacy Paradox and Optimal Bias-Variance Trade-offs in Data Acquisition. 2749-2767 - Ranojoy Basu
, Conan Mukherjee
Strategy-Proof Multidimensional Mechanism Design. 2768-2785 - Takaaki Koike
, Liyuan Lin
, Ruodu Wang
Joint Mixability and Notions of Negative Dependence. 2786-2802
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