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Microprocessors and Microsystems, Volume 10
Volume 10, Number 1, January - February 1986
- V. Lakshmi Narasimhan, J. K. Ramachandra, D. K. Anvekar:
Design and evaluation of a dual-microcomputer shared memory system with a shared I/O bus. 3-10 - S. M. Said, Keith R. Dimond:
Realtime implementation of the Viterbi decoding algorithm on a high-performance microprocessor. 11-16 - Nigel Linge:
Emerging local area network technologies. 17-24 - Saad Alshaban, Z. Mansour:
Microprocessor-based delay generators. 25-27 - Jacob Davidson:
32008-based single-board microcomputer. 28-32 - Philip J. Robertson, Bruce Campbell:
Example of the use of the BBC microcomputer for data collection. 33-37 - Bill Bateson:
X/OPEN portability guide: X/Open Group (Eds)North-Holland, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (1985) DF1 275.00 pp xxviii + 702. 38 - George Ettinger:
Electronic logic systems: Almaini, A E APrentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA (1985) £14.95 pp 452. 39 - Joe Gallacher:
modula-2 programming: Ed Knepley and Robert PlattReston Publishing, Reston, VA, USA (1985) £12.95 pp x + 390. 40
Volume 10, Number 2, March 1986
- Rob Wilson:
The physics of driving backplane buses. 61-64 - Roger Edwards:
Futurebus - the independent standard for 32-bit systems. 65-68 - Simon Peyton Jones:
Using Futurebus in a fifth-generation computer. 69-76 - David B. Gustavson:
Introduction to the Fastbus. 77-85 - Steve Heath:
Building up a system architecture using VMEbus. 86-90 - Simon Muchmore:
Multibus II message passing. 91-93 - Paul L. Borrill:
Objective comparison of 32-bit buses. 94-100 - Dante Del Corso:
Experiences in designing the M3 backplane bus standard. 101-107 - Steve Dawes:
Why the Q-bus lives on. 108-114 - David Batchelor:
Advances in STD system capability. 115-119 - George W. George:
S100 in commercial applications. 120-124 - Mike Rowe:
An independent user's view of backplane bus standards. 125-129 - Steve Hitchcock:
IEE P896 Futurebus Colloquium: 31 January 1986, London, UK. 131-132
Volume 10, Number 3, April 1986
- Hideo Fujiwara:
Design for testability and built-in self-test for VLSI circuits. 139-147 - Alan Bradshaw, Peter Konnanov, M. A. Woodhead:
Minimal M68000 system controllers for fast-acting multi-input multi-output processes. 148-155 - Kam-Wing Ng:
Message-passing primitives for multimicroprocessor systems. 156-160 - Ala A. Wahab, R. Nagarajan, Dakhil Jerew:
Simple IC tester using a database technique. 161-168 - Paritosh K. Chakraborty, Juran C. Biswas:
Logical operations on flag bits X5 and CY, definition of D3 and an undocumented feature of instruction DADrp in the 8085. 169-170 - Alan Clements:
Thesis gives first-hand insights into RISC design: Manolis G H Katevenls 'Reduced instruction set computer architectures for VLSI' MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA (1985) £33.50 pp 215. 171 - Karl Farrell:
Unix introduction is informative and practical: R J Whiddet, R E Berry, G S Blair, P N Hurley, R J Nicol and S J Muir 'UNIX - R J Whiddet, R E Berry, G S Blair, P N Hurley, R J Nicol and S J Muir 'UNIX - a practical introduction for users' John Wiley, New York, USA (1985) £9.50 pp 195. 171-172 - R. G. Bennetts:
Digital test text caters for academia and researchers: Hideo Fujiwara 'Logic testing and design for testability' MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA (1985) £34.95 pp x + 284. 173 - Lionel Thompson:
Data comms for industry and management: Fred Halsall 'Introduction to data communications and computer networks' Addison-Wesley, Wokingham, UK (1985) £12.95 pp ix + 27. 173-174 - Ian P. Leslie:
Interactive graphics guide based on IBM PC: Chan S Park 'Interactive microcomputer graphics' Addison-Wesley, Wokingham, UK (1985) £36.95 pp xviii + 458. 174 - Nigel Linge:
Understanding networking, without too much detail: Colin Pye 'Networking with microcomputers' NCC Publications, Manchester, UK (1985) £12.50 pp 196. 175 - Alan Clements:
μp introduction gains strength by its completeness: J Ffynlo Craine and Graham R Martin'Microcomputers in engineering and science' Addison-Wesley, Wokingham, UK (1985) £13.95 pp ix + 444. 176-177 - Don Fay:
Microsystem design text is marred by dated reference sources: Michael F Hordeski'Design of microprocessor sensor and control systems' Reston Publishing, Reston, VA, USA (1985) £37.40 pp xv + 376. 177 - J. Peter Westwood:
Systems Union versus Simdell. 190
Volume 10, Number 4, May 1986
- Anthony C. Davies, A. S. Goussous:
Graphbug - a microprocessor software debugging tool. 195-201 - Alan Clements:
Exception handling in the 68000, Part 1. 202-210 - Richard James Taylor:
Transputer communication link. 211-215 - James L. Martin, Jaeho Kim:
Microcomputer for the dynamics laboratory. 216-221 - Malcolm Taylor:
Flexible interface based on the peripheral interface structure. 222-225 - Moss Mossakowski:
Pulse operating system textbook casts doubts on ADA: D Keeffe, G M Tomlinson, I C Wand and A J Wand'PULSE: an ADA-based distributed operating system' Academic Press, Orlando, FL, USA (1985) £15.50 pp xiii + 244. 227-228 - Joe Gallacher:
Broad treatment of micro-based measurement and control: George C Barney'Intelligent instrumentation' Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA (1985) £12.95 pp 532. 228-229 - P. A. Ivey:
VLSI design course provides timely telecomms tutorial: Y Tsividis and P Antognetti (Eds)'Design of MOS VLSI for telecommunications applications' Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA (1985) £37.40 pp xiv + 620. 229 - Simon R. Wiseman:
Variety of papers introduces specialized computers: L Snyder, L H Jamieson, D B Gannon and H J Siegel (Eds)'Algorithmically specialized parallel computers' Academic Press, Orlando, FL, USA (1985) £24.00 pp xiii + 252. 230 - George Barney:
Control text is pitched at undergraduate level: S A Money'Microprocessors in instrumentation and control' Collins, Glasgow, UK (1985) £20.00 pp viii + 246. 230 - Alan Clements:
Microsystems text makes good sense for engineers: John Ferguson'Microprocessor systems engineering' Addison-Wesley, Wokingham, UK (1985) £12.95 pp xi + 303. 231 - W. H. P. Leslie:
Practical guide to BBC Micro interfacing: Roger Morgan, Winston McClean and Joan Rosell'Interfacing your BBC Microcomputer' Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA (1985) £8.95 pp ix + 179. 231-232
Volume 10, Number 5, June 1986
- John Dunlop, Manal Jamil Al-Kindi:
Hardware system for realtime signal processing software development. 251-257 - Alan Clements:
Exception handling in the 68000, Part 2. 258-267 - Andrew Haley, Howerd Oakford, Chris Stephens:
Interactive development environment for single-board computers. 268-272 - Wen-Hsien Chen, I. S. Chang:
Microcomputer processing of 10 MHz acoustic signals. 273-277 - B. T. G. Tan, L. C. Sia:
6800 coprocessor for a 6502 bus. 278-281 - Philip J. Robertson:
Interfacing fundamentals in microprocessor-controlled systems: Chris GeorgopoulosKluwer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands (1985) £24.95 pp xix + 364. 282-283 - Oluwole R. Omotayo:
Fundamentals of human-computer interaction: Andrew Monk (Ed.)Academic Press, New York, USA (1984) £22.50 pp xvii + 293. 283
Volume 10, Number 6, July - August 1986
- John Alexander:
Evolution and use of the VME subsystem bus - VSB. 307-312 - G. D. Alford:
Teaching computer-aided engineering on the BBC microcomputer. 313-324 - Marek Chmielowski:
Data acquisition and control system for laboratory experiments. 325-331 - John Knight, David Lowery:
Pingpong-playing robot controlled by a microcomputer. 332-335 - Ivan Tomek, Peter Steele:
Assembler-monitor package to teach assembly language. 336-339 - Roderick Manzie:
The Motorola MC68000: an introduction to processor, memory and interfacing: Jean BaconPrentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA (1986) £14.95 pp 319. 343 - Norbert Nessler:
Dictionary of microelectronics and microcomputer technology: Y H Attiyate and R SwanVDI Verlag, Dusseldorf, FRG (1986) DM78, - pp 470. 343-344 - D. M. Vaidya:
The 8085A microprocessor: software, programming and architecture: Barry B BreyPrentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA (1986) $29.95 pp 354. 344-345
Volume 10, Number 7, September 1986
- Richard H. Weston, Christopher M. Sumpter, Jack D. Gascoigne:
Industrial computer networks and the role of MAP, Part 1. 363-370 - Hani Dabbagh, Robert I. Damper, David P. Guy:
'Transparent' interfacing of speech recognizers to microcomputers. 371-376 - Ron Malyan, Sunny Sunthankar:
Handprinted text reader that learns by experience. 377-385 - P. Prabhakar Rao, S. Srinivasan:
New design for an 82720-based colour graphics generator. 386-391 - G. D. Bergman:
Development equipment with switched memory decoding. 392-395
Volume 10, Number 8, October 1986
- Jim Chance:
Simulation experiences in the development of software for digital signal processors. 419-426 - Jon Tyler:
Speech recognition system using Walsh analysis and dynamic programming. 427-433 - Douglas R. Campbell, Chris Canning, Kenneth Miller:
Crossassembler for the TMS32010 digital signal processor. 434-441 - K. V. Ranga Rao, O. Subramanyam:
Software controller for an arithmetic processor. 442-449 - Barbara A. Kitchenham:
Microprocessor software project management: Eli Fathi and Cedric Armstrong Marcel Dekker, New York, USA (1985) $69.00 pp 368. 454 - David Renshaw:
Introduction to NMOS and CMOS VLSI design: Amar Mukherjee Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA (1986) £19.95 pp 370. 454-455 - David Jenkins:
Modula-2 discipline and design: Arthur Sale Addison-Wesley, Wokingham, UK (1986) £13.95 pp 464. 455 - Ian R. Whitworth:
16-bit microprocessor handbook: Trevor Raven Newnes, Twickenham, UK (1986) £9.95 pp 172. 456-457 - Bruce Anderson:
Using Unix by example: P C Poole and N Poole Addison-Wesley, Wokingham, UK (1985) £12.95 pp xi + 416. 457
Volume 10, Number 9, November 1986
- Dick Whiddett:
Distributed programs: an overview of implementations. 475-484 - Andrew Russell:
Vision system based on a single-chip microcomputer. 485-489 - Franco Civello:
Embedded microprocessor software: case study of an automatic computer exchange. 491-499 - B. T. G. Tan, L. P. Tay:
12-bit digital audio time delay using the 6809. 500-505 - Joe Gallacher:
Gustav Pomberger: Software engineering and Modula-2 Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA (1986) £12.95 pp 277. 510 - Lindsay Marshall:
The Locus distributed system architecture: Gerald J Popek and Bruce J Walker MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA (1986) £24.95 pp 163. 511 - Helmut H. Bez:
Programming principles in computer graphics: Leendert Ammeraal John Wiley, New York, USA (April 1986) £11.50 pp 168. 511 - Colin D. Walter, Jonathan P. Bowen:
Microprocessor interfacing and communication using the Intel SDK-85: Borivoje Furht and Himanshu Parikh Prentice-Hall Reston, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA (April 1986) £31.00 pp 499. 513 - C. L. Stephen:
FORTH: a text and reference: M.G. Kelly and N. Spies Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA (February 1986), £19.10 pp 487. 514 - P. A. L. Ham, John Fox:
VLSI 85: VLSI design of digital systems: E. Hörbst (Ed.) Elsevier, Amsterdam The Netherlands (1986) £53.50 pp 44.3. 515
Volume 10, Number 10, December 1986
- Gordon Russell, Ian L. Sayers:
Design for testability - a review of advanced methods. 531-539 - Paolo Corsini, Cosimo Antonio Prete:
Software development tool for target systems and EPROM programmers within a Unix environment. 540-542 - M. K. Refai:
Microprocessor-based digital controller for DC motor speed control. 543-552 - Oluwole R. Omotayo:
Talking teletext receiver for the blind. 553-556 - Steve Hitchcock:
Euromicro '86. 557-558 - Derek Wilson:
Euromicro: past and future. 558-559 - Alan Clements:
The 68000 microprocessor: architecture, software and interfacing techniques: Walter A Triebel and Avtar Singh Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA (February 1986) £37.40 pp xli + 366. 563-564 - Colin Maunder:
Digital logic testing and simulation: Alexander Miczo Harper and Row, Plymouth, UK (1986) £24.95 pp 141. 564 - Trevor J. Terrell:
VLSI signal processing systems: Earl E Swartzlander Jr Kluwer Dordrecht, The Netherlands (1986) £36.95 pp 188. 565-566 - Charles J. Hughes:
Performance analysis of local computer networks: Joseph L Hammond and Peter J P O'Reilly Addison-Wesley, Wokingham, UK (1986) £21.95 pp 411. 566
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