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3. CCGRID 2003: Tokyo, Japan
- 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2003), 12-15 May 2003, Tokyo, Japan. IEEE Computer Society 2003, ISBN 0-7695-1919-9
Regular Papers
- Darius Buntinas, Dhabaleswar K. Panda, Ron Brightwell:
Application-Bypas Broadcast in MPICH over GM. 2-9 - Motohiko Matsuda, Tomohiro Kudoh, Yutaka Ishikawa:
Evaluation of MPI Implementations on Grid-connected Clusters using an Emulated WAN Environmen. 10-17 - Matthias S. Müller, Matthias Hess, Edgar Gabriel:
Grid enabled MPI solutions for Clusters. 18-25 - Olivier Aumage, Guillaume Mercier:
MPICH/MADIII: a Cluster of Clusters Enabled MPI Implementation. 26-33
- Shannon Hastings, Tahsin M. Kurç, Stephen Langella, Ümit V. Çatalyürek, Tony Pan, Joel H. Saltz:
Image Processing or the Grid: A Toolkit or Building Grid-enabled Image Processing Applications. 36-43 - Tsz Kin Ho, Jack Y. B. Lee:
A Row-Permutated Data Reorganization Algorithm for Growing Server-less Video-on-Demand Systems. 44-51 - Ludmila Cherkasova, Loren Staley:
Building a Performance Model of Streaming Media Applications in Utility Data Center Environment. 52-59
Algorithms & Applications
- Ken-ichi Kurata, Vincent Breton, Hiroshi Nakamura:
A Method to Find Uniq e Sequences on Distrib ted Genomic Databases. 62-69 - James Cheetham, Frank K. H. A. Dehne, Andrew Rau-Chaplin, Ulrike Stege, Peter J. Taillon:
A Parallel FPT Application For Clusters. 70-77 - Christophe Cérin, Hazem Fkaier, Mohamed Jemni:
A Synthesis of P rallel Out-of-core Sorting Programs on Heterogeneous Clusters. 78-85 - Frank K. H. A. Dehne, Todd Eavis, Andrew Rau-Chaplin:
Parallel Multi-Dimensional ROLAP Indexing. 86-93
Parallel I/O
- Murali Vilayannur, Anand Sivasubramaniam, Mahmut T. Kandemir, Rajeev Thakur, Robert B. Ross:
Discretionary Caching for I/O on Clusters. 96-103 - Avery Ching, Alok N. Choudhary, Kenin Coloma, Wei-keng Liao, Robert B. Ross, William Gropp:
Noncontiguous I/O Accesses Through MPI-IO. 104-111 - Vlad Olaru, Walter F. Tichy:
CARDs: Cluster-Aware Remote Disks. 112-119 - Tobias Mayr, Philippe Bonnet, Johannes Gehrke, Praveen Seshadri:
Leveraging Non-Uniform Resources for Parallel Query Processing. 120-127
Scheduling and Resource Management
- Sathish S. Vadhiyar, Jack J. Dongarra:
A Performance Oriented Migration Framework For The Grid. 130-137 - Arnaud Legrand, Loris Marchal, Henri Casanova:
Scheduling Distributed Applications: the SimGrid Simulation Framework. 138-145 - Stephen D. Kleban, Scott H. Clearwater:
Fair Share on High Performance Computing Systems: What Does Fair Really Mean? 146-153
Programming on the Grid
- Kento Aida, Wataru Natsume, Yoshiaki Futakata:
Distributed Computing with Hierarchical Master-worker Paradigm for Parallel Branch and Bound Algorithm. 156-163 - Win Bausch, Cesare Pautasso, Gustavo Alonso:
Programming for Dependability in a Service-based Grid. 164-171 - Beomseok Nam, Alan Sussman:
Improving Access to Multi-dimensional Self-describing Scientific Dataset. 172-179
Grid Tools
- Madhusudhan Govindaraju, Sriram Krishnan, Kenneth Chiu, Aleksander Slominski, Dennis Gannon, Randall Bramley:
Merging the CCA Component Model with the OGSI Framework. 182-189 - Maozhen Li, P. van Santen, David W. Walker, Omer F. Rana, Mark A. Baker:
PortalLab: A Web Services Toolkit for Building Semantic Grid Portals. 190-197 - Junwei Cao, Stephen A. Jarvis, Subhash Saini, Graham R. Nudd:
GridFlow: Workflow Management for Grid Computing. 198-205 - Mitsuhisa Sato, Taisuke Boku, Daisuke Takahashi:
OmniRPC: a Grid RPC ystem for Parallel Programming in Cluster and Grid Environment. 206-213
- Vani Prasad, Yugyung Lee:
A Scalable Infrastructure for Peer-to-Peer Networks Using Web Service Registries and Intelligent Peer Locators. 216-223 - Chris M. Kenyon, Giorgos Cheliotis:
Creating Services with Hard Guarantees from Cycle-Harvesting Systems. 224-231 - Yi Ren, Chaofeng Sha, Weining Qian, Aoying Zhou, Beng Chin Ooi, Kian-Lee Tan:
Explore the "Small World Phenomena" in Pure P2P Information Sharing Systems. 232-239 - Bennet Uk, Michela Taufer, Thomas Stricker, Giovanni Settanni, Andrea Cavalli, Amedeo Caflisch:
Combining Task- and Data Parallelism to Speed up Protein Folding on a Desktop Grid Platform. 240-247
Data Grid
- Radhakrishnan Sundaresan, Tahsin M. Kurç, Mario Lauria, Srinivasan Parthasarathy, Joel H. Saltz:
A Slacker Coherence rotocol for Pull-based Monitoring of On-line Data Source. 250-257 - Sang-Min Park, Jai-Hoon Kim:
Chameleon: A Resource Scheduler in A Data Grid Environment. 258-265 - Arne Wiebalck, Peter T. Breuer, Volker Lindenstruth, Timm M. Steinbeck:
Fault-Tolerant Distributed Mass Storage for LHC Computing. 266-273
- Chang Li, Gang Peng, Kartik Gopalan, Tzi-cker Chiueh:
Performance Guarantees for Cluster-Based Internet Services. 276-283 - Takashi Okumura, Daniel Mossé, Masaki Minami, Osamu Nakamura:
Network QoS Management Framework for Server Clusters An End-Host Retrofitting Event-Handler Approachusin Netnice. 284-291 - Akhil Sahai, Sven Graupner, Vijay Machiraju, Aad P. A. van Moorsel:
Specifying and Monitoring Guarantees in Commercial Grids through SLA. 292-299
Cluster Tools
- Anca I. D. Bucur, Dick H. J. Epema:
The Performance of Processor Co-Allocation in Multicluster Systems. 302-309 - Mark K. Gardner, Wu-chun Feng, Michael Broxton, Adam Engelhart, Justin Gus Hurwitz:
MAGNET: A Tool for Debugging, Analyzing and Adapting Computing Systems. 310-317 - Konosuke Watanabe, Tomohiro Otsuka, Junichiro Tsuchiya, Hideharu Amano, Hiroshi Harada, Junji Yamamoto, Hiroaki Nishi, Tomohiro Kudoh:
Performance Evaluation of RHiNET-2/NI: A Network Interface for Distributed Parallel Computing Systems. 318-325 - Shinji Sumimoto, Kouichi Kumon:
PM/Ehernet-kRMA: A High Performance Remote Memory Access Facility Using Multiple Gigabit Ethernet Cards. 326-333
Global and Peer-to-Peer Computing on Large Scale Distributed Systems
- Hung-Chang Hsiao, Chung-Ta King:
A Tree Model for Structured Peer-to-Peer Protocols. 336-343 - Luc Onana Alima, Sameh El-Ansary, Per Brand, Seif Haridi:
DKS (N, k, f): A Family of Low Communication, Scalable and Fault-Tolerant Infrastructures for P2P Applications. 344-350 - Farnoush Banaei Kashani, Cyrus Shahabi:
Criticality-based Analysis and Design of Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks as "Complex Systems". 351-358 - Kiyohide Nakauchi, Yuichi Ishikawa, Hiroyuki Morikawa, Tomonori Aoyama:
Peer-to-Peer Keyword Search Using Keyword Relationship. 359-366 - Abhishek Agrawal, Henri Casanova:
Clustering Hosts in P2P and Global Computing Platforms. 367-373 - Shoji Ogura, Satoshi Matsuoka, Hidemoto Nakada:
Evaluation of the inter-cluster data transfer on Grid environment. 374-381 - Oleg Lodygensky, Gilles Fedak, Franck Cappello, Vincent Néri, Miron Livny, Douglas Thain:
XtremWeb & Condor sharing resources between Internet connected Condor pools. 382-389 - Thomas Fuhrmann:
Supporting Peer-to-Peer Computing with FlexiNet. 390-397 - Ronaldo A. Ferreira, Christian Grothoff, Paul Ruth:
A Transport Layer A straction for Peer-to-Peer Networks. 398-405 - Samir Djilali:
P2P-RPC: Programming Scientific Applications on Peer-to-Peer Systems with Remote Procedure Call. 406-413 - Tyron Stading:
Secure Communication in a Distributed System Using Identity Based Encryption. 414-420 - Konstantinos G. Zerfiridis, Helen D. Karatza:
Large Scale Dissemination Using a Peer-to-Peer Network. 421-427 - Vaidy S. Sunderam, James S. Pascoe, Roger J. Loader:
Towards a Framework for Collaborative Peer Groups. 428-433 - Nodoka Mimura, Kiyohide Nakauchi, Hiroyuki Morikawa, Tomonori Aoyama:
RelayCast: A Middleware for Application-level Multicast Services. 434-441 - Yaohang Li, Michael Mascagni:
Improving Performance via Computational Replication on a Large-Scale Computational Grid. 442-448
DSM2003: Distributed Shared Memory on Clusters
- Yoshinori Ojima, Mitsuhisa Sato, Hiroshi Harada, Yutaka Ishikawa:
Performance of Cluster-enabled OpenMP for the SCASH Software Distributed Shared Memory System. 450-456 - Thomas Seidmann:
Distributed Shared Memory Using The .NET Framework. 457-462 - Yoshiaki Sakae, Mitsuhisa Sato, Satoshi Matsuoka, Hiroshi Harada:
Preliminary Evaluation of Dynamic Load Balancing Using Loop Re-partitioning on Omni/SCASH. 463-470 - Ramamurthy Badrinath, Christine Morin, Geoffroy Vallée:
Checkpointing an Recovery of Share Memory Parallel Applications in a Cluster. 471-478 - Yvon Jégou:
Implementation of Page Management in Mome, a User-Level DSM. 479-486 - Cristian Tapus:
Kernel Level Speculative DSM. 487-494 - Liang Peng, Weng-Fai Wong, Chung-Kwong Yuen:
The Performance Model of SilkRoad - A Multithreaded DSM System for Clusters. 495-501 - Michael Schöttner, Moritz Wende, Ralph Göckelmann, T. Bindhammer, U. Schmid, Peter Schulthess:
A Gaming Framework for a Transactional DSM System. 502-509 - Jerzy Brzezinski, Michal Szychowiak:
An Extended Home-ased Coherence Protocol for Causally Consistent Replicated Read-Write Objects. 510-515 - Gabriel Antoniu, Luc Bougé, Sébastien Lacour:
Making a DSM Consistency Protocol Hierarchy-Aware: an Efficient Synchronization Scheme. 516-523
Grids and Advanced Networks (GAN'03)
- Micah Beck, Ying Ding, Erika Fuentes, Sharmila Kancherl:
An Exposed Approach to Reliable Multicast in Heterogeneous Logistical Networks. 526-533 - Craig A. Lee, Eric Coe, B. Scott Michel, James Stepanek, Ignacio Solis, J. Matt Clark, Brooks Davis:
Using Topology-Aware Communication Services in Grid Environments. 534-541 - Se-Chang Son, Miron Livny:
Recovering Internet Symmetry in Distributed Computing. 542-549 - Markus Fidler, Volker Sander:
Multi-class Applications for Parallel Usage of a Guaranteed Rate and a Scavenger Service. 550-557 - Taisuke Boku, Mitsuhisa Sato, Kenji Onuma, Junichiro Makino, Hajime Susa, Daisuke Takahashi, Masayuki Umemura, Akira Ukawa:
HMCS-G: Grid-enabled Hybrid Computing System for Computational Astrophysics. 558-565
- Yaohang Li, Michael Mascagni, Michael H. Peter:
Grid-based Nonequilibrium Multiple-Time Scale Molecular Dynamics/Brownian Dynamics Simulations of Ligand-Receptor Interactions in Structured Protein Systems. 568-573 - Sophia Corsava, Vladimir Getov:
Cluster Infrastructure for Biological and Health Related Research. 574-581 - Hugues Benoit-Cattin, Fabrice Bellet, Johan Montagnat, Christophe Odet:
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Mri) Simulation On A Grid Computing Architecture. 582-587 - Johan Montagnat, Vincent Breton, Isabelle E. Magnin:
Using grid technologies to face medical image analysis challenges. 588-593 - Brian Sturgeon, Damian McCourt, John Cowper, Fiona Palmer, Sally I. McClean, Werner Dubitzky:
Can the Grid Help to Solve the Data Integration Problems in Molecular Biology? 594-600 - Thomas Fuhrmann, Andrea Schafferhans, Thure Etzold:
An Overlay-Network Approach for Distributed Access to SRS. 601-605 - Hector Duque, Johan Montagnat, Jean-Marc Pierson, Lionel Brunie, Isabelle E. Magnin:
DM2: A Distributed Medical Data Manager for Grids. 606-611
Agent Based Cluster and Grid Computing
- Tieyan Li, Zhi-Gang Zhao, Si-Zhen Yo:
A-peer: An Agent Platform Integrating Peer-to-Peer Network. 614-617 - Niranjan Suri, Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, Marco M. Carvalho, Thomas B. Cowin, Maggie R. Breedy, Paul T. Groth, Raul Saavedra:
Agile Computing: Bridging the Gap between Grid Computing and Ad-hoc Peer-to-Peer Resource Sharing. 618-625 - Line Pouchard, Luca Cinquini, Bob Drach, Don Middleton, David E. Bernholdt, Kasidit Chanchio, Ian T. Foster, Veronika Nefedova, David Brown, Peter Fox, José García, Gary Strand, Dean N. Williams, Ann L. Chervenak, Carl Kesselman, Arie Shoshani, Alex Sim:
An Ontology for Scientific Information in a Grid Environment: the Earth System Grid. 626-632 - Sophia Corsava, Vladimir Getov:
Agent-Based Service Management in Large Datacentres and Grids. 633-640 - Andraz Bezek, Matjaz Gams:
An Agent Version of a Cluster Server. 641-644 - Torsten Eymann, Michael Reinicke, Oscar Ardaiz, Pau Artigas, Felix Freitag, Leandro Navarro:
Decentralized Resource Allocation in Application Layer Networks. 645-650 - Seng Wai Loke:
Towards Data-Parallel Skeletons for Grid Computing: An Itinerant Mobile Agent Approach. 651-652 - Luc Moreau, Simon Miles, Carole A. Goble, Robert Mark Greenwood, Vijay Dialani, Matthew Addis, Mahmut Nedim Alpdemir, Rich Cawley, David De Roure, Justin Ferris, Robert J. Gaizauskas, Kevin Glover, Chris Greenhalgh, Peter Li, Xiaojian Liu, Phillip W. Lord, Michael Luck, Darren Marvin, Thomas M. Oinn, Norman W. Paton, Steve Pettifer, Milena V. Radenkovic, Angus Roberts, Alan J. Robinson, Tom Rodden, Martin Senger, Nick Sharman, Robert Stevens, Brian Warboys, Anil Wipat, Chris Wroe:
On the Use of Agents in BioInformatics Grid. 653-660 - William H. Bell, David G. Cameron, Rubén Carvajal-Schiaffino, A. Paul Millar, Kurt Stockinger, Floriano Zini:
Evaluation of an economy-based file replication strategy for a data grid. 661-668 - Dario Bruneo, Marco Scarpa, Angelo Zaia, Antonio Puliafito:
Communication Paradigms for Mobile Grid Users. 669-676 - Marc-Laurent Aird, Walter Barbera-Medina, Julian A. Padget:
MONET: service discovery and composition for mathematical problems. 678-685
- Benno J. Overeinder, Frances M. T. Brazier, Olivier Marin:
Fault Tolerance in Scalable Agent Support Systems: Integrating DARX in the AgentScape Framework. 688-695
Parallel I/O in Cluster Computing and Computational Grids
- Olivier Cozette, Cyril Randriamaro, Gil Utard:
READ2: Put disks at network level. 698-704 - Koji Segawa, Osamu Tatebe, Yuetsu Kodama, Tomohiro Kudoh, Toshiyuki Shimizu:
Design and implementation of PVFS-PM: a cluster file system on SCore. 705-711 - Xinrong Zhou, Tong Wei:
A Greedy I/O Scheduling Method in the Storage System of Clusters. 712-717 - José María Pérez, Félix García, Jesús Carretero, Alejandro Calderón, Luis Miguel Sánchez:
Data Allocation and Load Balancing for Heterogeneous Cluster Storage Systems. 718-723 - Jemal H. Abawajy:
Performance Analysis of Parallel I/O Scheduling Approaches on Cluster Computing Systems. 724-729 - Yifeng Zhu, Hong Jiang, Xiao Qin, Dan Feng, David R. Swanson:
Improved Read Performance in a Cost-Effective, Fault-Tolerant Parallel Virtual File System (CEFT-PVFS). 730-735 - Ming Zhang, Qing Yang, Xubin He:
Performability Evaluation of Networked Storage Systems Using N-SPEK. 736-741
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