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AAAI Fall Symposia 2014: Arlington, VA, USA
- 2014 AAAI Fall Symposia, Arlington, Virginia, USA, November 13-15, 2014. AAAI Press 2014
1 - Artificial Intelligence for Human-Robot Interaction
- Saminda Abeyruwan, Ramesh Baral, Ugan Yasavur, Christine L. Lisetti, Ubbo Visser:
Humanoid Robots and Spoken Dialog Systems for Brief Health Interventions. - Julie A. Adams:
Shared Mental Models for Human-Robot Teams. - Henny Admoni, Brian Scassellati:
Nonverbal Behavior Modeling for Socially Assistive Robots. - Baris Akgün, Kalesha Bullard, Vivian Chu, Andrea Thomaz:
An HRI Approach to Learning from Demonstration. - Patrícia Alves-Oliveira, Eugenio Di Tullio, Tiago Ribeiro, Ana Paiva:
Meet Me Halfway: Eye Behaviour as an Expression of Robot's Language. - Amir Aly, Adriana Tapus:
Towards Enhancing Human-Robot Relationship: Customized Robot's Behavior to Human's Profile. - Michael Anderson, Susan Leigh Anderson:
Toward Ensuring Ethical Behavior from Autonomous Systems: A Case-Supported Principle-Based Paradigm. - Pierre Andry:
Learning Anticipatory Control: A Trace for Intention Recognition. - Brenna D. Argall, Todd D. Murphey:
Computable Trust in Human Instruction. - Yoav Artzi, Maxwell Forbes, Kenton Lee, Maya Cakmak:
Programming by Demonstration with Situated Semantic Parsing. - David J. Atkinson, William J. Clancey, Micah Henry Clark:
Shared Awareness, Autonomy and Trust in Human-Robot Teamwork. - Ruth Aylett, Wolmet Barendregt, Ginevra Castellano, Arvid Kappas, Nuno Menezes, Ana Paiva:
An Embodied Empathic Tutor. - Vahan Babushkin, Mayada Oudah
, Tennom Chenlinangjia, Ahmed Alshaer, Jacob W. Crandall:
Online Learning in Repeated Human-Robot Interactions. - Aijun Bai, Reid G. Simmons, Manuela Veloso, Xiaoping Chen:
Intention-Aware Multi-Human Tracking for Human-Robot Interaction via Particle Filtering over Sets. - Patrick Beeson, David Kortenkamp, R. Peter Bonasso, Andreas Persson, Amy Loutfi, Jonathan P. Bona:
An Ontology-Based Symbol Grounding System for Human-Robot Interaction. - Frank Broz, Alessandro G. Di Nuovo, Tony Belpaeme, Angelo Cangelosi:
Towards Integrating Dialog, Planning, and Execution for Service Robots. - Nathan Burke, Joe Saunders, Kerstin Dautenhahn, Chrystopher L. Nehaniv:
Analysis of the Limitations of an Experience Metric Space when Used in a Mobile Domestic Robot. - Crystal Chao, Justin S. Smith, Andrea Thomaz:
CADENCE for Collaboration and Companionship with Robots. - Nicholas Brian DePalma:
"Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?", Artificial Intelligence and the Interactionist Stance. - Priya L. Donti, James C. Boerkoel Jr.:
Exploring Active and Passive Team-Based Coordination. - François Ferland, Francis Leconte, Adriana Tapus, François Michaud:
An Architecture with Integrated Episodic Memory for Adaptive Robot Behavior. - Michael W. Floyd, Michael Drinkwater, David W. Aha:
Adapting Autonomous Behavior Based on an Estimate of an Operator's Trust. - Richard Gabriel Freedman, Hee-Tae Jung, Shlomo Zilberstein:
Temporal and Object Relations in Plan and Activity Recognition for Robots Using Topic Models. - Matthew Craig Gombolay, Julie Arnold Shah:
Challenges in Collaborative Scheduling of Human-Robot Teams. - Goren Gordon, Cynthia Breazeal:
Learning to Maintain Engagement: No One Leaves a Sad DragonBot. - Jillian Greczek, Elaine Short, Caitlyn E. Clabaugh, Katelyn Swift-Spong, Maja J. Mataric:
Socially Assistive Robotics for Personalized Education for Children. - Stephen Hart, Paul Dinh, Kimberly A. Hambuchen:
Affordance Templates for Shared Robot Control. - Bradley Hayes, Brian Scassellati:
Developing Effective Robot Teammates for Human-Robot Collaboration. - Cory Juwuan Hayes, Laurel Dawn Riek:
Establishing Human Personality Metrics for Adaptable Robots During Learning Tasks. - Chien-Ming Huang, Bilge Mutlu:
Modeling Human-Robot Interactions as Systems of Distributed Cognition. - Tariq Iqbal, Michael J. Gonzales, Laurel D. Riek:
Mobile Robots and Marching Humans: Measuring Synchronous Joint Action While in Motion. - Piyush Khandelwal, Peter Stone:
Leading the Way: An Efficient Multi-Robot Guidance System. - Wallace E. Lawson, Keith Sullivan, J. Greg Trafton:
Understanding Touch Gestures on a Humanoid Robot. - Jun Ki Lee, Odest Chadwicke Jenkins:
Goal-Based Teleoperation for Robot Manipulation. - Séverin Lemaignan, Rachid Alami:
A Few AI Challenges Raised while Developing an Architecture for Human-Robot Cooperative Task Achievement. - Katrin S. Lohan, Amol A. Deshmukh, Mei Yii Lim, Ruth Aylett:
Spotting Social Interaction by Using the Robot Energy Consumption. - Jim Mainprice, Dmitry Berenson:
Learning Cost Functions for Motion Planning of Human-Robot Collaborative Manipulation Tasks from Human-Human Demonstration. - Ross Alan Mead, Amin Atrash, Edward Kaszubski, Aaron St. Clair, Jillian Greczek, Caitlyn Clabaugh, Brian Kohan, Maja J. Mataric:
Building Blocks of Social Intelligence: Enabling Autonomy for Socially Intelligent and Assistive Robots. - Tim Miller, Adrian R. Pearce, Liz Sonenberg, Frank Dignum, Paolo Felli, Christian J. Muise:
Foundations of Human-Agent Collaboration: Situation-Relevant Information Sharing. - Anahita Mohseni-Kabir, Sonia Chernova, Charles Rich:
Collaborative Learning of Hierarchical Task Networks from Demonstration and Instruction. - Stefanos Nikolaidis, Keren Gu, Ramya Ramakrishnan, Julie A. Shah:
Learning Human Types from Demonstration. - Hae Won Park, Ayanna M. Howard:
Robot Learners: Interactive Instance-Based Learning and Its Application to Therapeutic Tasks. - Vittorio Perera, Manuela Veloso:
Task Based Dialog For Service Mobile Robot. - John Giulian Raiti, Odest Chadwicke Jenkins, Alice Lux-Fawzi:
EMPOWER: Enhanced Movement and Physical-Augmentation through Web-Enabled Robots. - Arunkumar Ramaswamy, Bruno Monsuez, Adriana Tapus:
AI Dimensions in Software Development for Human-Robot Interaction Systems. - Tiago Ribeiro, Ana Paiva:
Make Way for the Robot Animators! Bringing Professional Animators and AI Programmers Together in the Quest for the Illusion of Life in Robotic Characters. - Akanksha Saran, Kris M. Kitani, Thanassis Rikakis:
Automating Stroke Rehabilitation for Home-Based Therapy. - Debra Schreckenghost, Tod Milam, Terrence Fong:
A Perspective on Human-Robot Interaction for NASA's Human Exploration Missions. - Vikas Shivashankar, Krishnanand N. Kaipa, Dana S. Nau, Satyandra K. Gupta:
Towards Integrating Hierarchical Goal Networks and Motion Planners to Support Planning for Human Robot Collaboration in Assembly Cells. - Candace L. Sidner, Charles Rich, Mohammad Shayganfar, Morteza Behrooz, Timothy W. Bickmore, Lazlo Ring, Zessie Zhang:
Robotic and Virtual Companions for Isolated Older Adults. - Elizabeth Sklar, Eric Schneider, Arif Tuna Ozgelen, M. Q. Azhar:
Toward Human/Multi-Robot Systems to Support Emergency Services Agencies. - Samuel Spaulding, Cynthia Breazeal:
Exploring Child-Robot Tutoring Interactions with Bayesian Knowledge Tracing. - Andrew Sutcliffe, Daniel H. Grollman, Joelle Pineau:
Estimating People's Subjective Experiences of Robot Behavior. - Konstantinos Theofilis, Chrystopher L. Nehaniv, Kerstin Dautenhahn:
Adaptive Gesture Extraction and Imitation for Human-Robot Interaction. - Manuela Veloso:
A Few Issues on Human-Robot Interaction for Multiple Persistent Service Mobile Robots. - Andrew B. Williams, Elise Russell:
Humanoid Robots Discovering Creative Concepts Through Social Interaction.
2 - Energy Market Prediction
- Brian Bush, Elizabeth Doris, Dan Getman, Ksenia Kuskova-Burns:
Understanding the Complexities of Subnational Incentives in Supporting a National Market for Distributed Photovoltaics. - Germán Gonzalo Creamer, Bernardo Creamer:
A Non-Linear Dependence Analysis of Oil, Coal and Natural Gas Futures with Brownian Distance Correlation. - Ria Langheim:
Third Party-Owned PV Systems: Understanding Market Diffusion with Geospatial Tools. - Joshua Letchford, Kiran Lakkaraju, Yevgeniy Vorobeychik:
Individual Household Modeling of Photovoltaic Adoption. - Charles M. Macal, Diane J. Graziano, Jonathan Ozik:
Modeling Solar PV Adoption: A Social-Behavioral Agent-Based Framework. - Unni Pillai:
Competition Among Solar Contractors in California. - Unni Pillai:
Cost Reduction in Crystalline Silicon Solar Modules. - Ben Sigrin, Easan Drury:
Diffusion into New Markets: Economic Returns Required by Households to Adopt Rooftop Photovoltaics. - Haifeng Zhang, Yevgeniy Vorobeychik, Joshua Letchford, Kiran Lakkaraju:
Predicting Rooftop Solar Adoption Using Agent-Based Modeling.
3 - Expanding the Boundaries of Health Informatics Using AI
- Ofra Amir, Barbara J. Grosz, Krzysztof Z. Gajos, Sonja M. Swenson, Lee M. Sanders:
AI Support of Teamwork for Coordinated Care of Children with Complex Conditions. - Frank J. Blaauw, Lian van der Krieke, Elske Bos, Ando Emerencia, Bertus F. Jeronimus, Maria Schenk, Stijn de Vos, Rob Wanders, Klaas Wardenaar, Johanna T. W. Wigman, Marco Aiello, Peter de Jonge:
HowNutsAreTheDutch: Personalized Feedback on a National Scale. - Nancy L. Green:
AI-Based Argumentation in Participatory Medicine. - Martin Michalowski, Szymon Wilk, Wojtek Michalowski, Xing Tan, Daniela Rosu:
Using First-Order Logic to Represent Clinical Practice Guidelines and to Mitigate Adverse Interactions. - Matthew Michelson:
Automating Meta-Analyses of Randomized Clinical Trials: A First Look. - Matthew Michelson, Steven Minton, Kane See:
A Language-Modeling Approach to Health Data Interoperability. - Enea Parimbelli, Silvana Quaglini, Carlo Napolitano, Silvia G. Priori, Riccardo Bellazzi, John H. Holmes:
Use of Patient Generated Data from Social Media and Collaborative Filtering for Preferences Elicitation in Shared Decision Making. - Evan W. Patton, Deborah L. McGuinness:
Toward Next Generation Integrative Semantic Health Information Assistants.
4 - Knowledge, Skill, and Behavior Transfer in Autonomous Robots
- Gabriel Barth-Maron, David Abel, James MacGlashan, Stefanie Tellex:
Affordances as Transferable Knowledge for Planning Agents. - Marie desJardins, Tenji Tembo, Nicholay Topin, Michael Bishoff, Shawn Squire, James MacGlashan, Rose Carignan, Nicholas Haltmeyer:
Discovering Subgoals in Complex Domains. - Stéphane Doncieux:
Knowledge Extraction from Learning Traces in Continuous Domains. - Gabriel John Ferrer:
Towards Human-Induced Vision-Guided Robot Behavior. - Tesca Fitzgerald, Ashok K. Goel, Andrea Lockerd Thomaz:
Representing Skill Demonstrations for Adaptation and Transfer. - Sachithra Hemachandra, Matthew R. Walter, Seth J. Teller:
Information Theoretic Question Asking to Improve Spatial Semantic Representations. - Bruce Andrew Johnson, Hairong Qi, Jason C. Isaacs:
Computing a Heuristic Solution to the Watchman Route Problem by Means of Photon Mapping Within a 3D Virtual Environment Testbed. - George Dimitri Konidaris, Finale Doshi-Velez:
Hidden Parameter Markov Decision Processes: An Emerging Paradigm for Modeling Families of Related Tasks. - Milad S. Malekzadeh, Sylvain Calinon, Danilo Bruno, Darwin G. Caldwell:
A Skill Transfer Approach for Continuum Robots - Imitation of Octopus Reaching Motion with the STIFF-FLOP Robot. - Benjamin Saul Rosman:
Behavioural Domain Knowledge Transfer for Autonomous Agents.
5 - Modeling Changing Perspectives: Reconceptualizing Sensorimotor Experiences
- Tarek Richard Besold:
Sensorimotor Analogies in Learning Abstract Skills and Knowledge: Modeling Analogy-Supported Education in Mathematics and Physics. - Ian Gemp, Sridhar Mahadevan:
Modeling Context in Cognition Using Variational Inequalities. - Frank Guerin, Paulo Abelha Ferreira, Bipin Indurkhya:
Using Analogy to Transfer Manipulation Skills. - Joanna Misztal, Bipin Indurkhya:
A Computational Approach to Re-Interpretation: Generation of Emphatic Poems Inspired by Internet Blogs. - Deepali Semwal, Sunakshi Gupta, Amitabha Mukerjee:
From Visuo-Motor to Language. - Bartlomiej Marian Sniezynski:
Integration of Inference and Machine Learning as a Tool for Creative Reasoning. - Georgi Kiril Stojanov:
Research Approaches to Creativity: Weaving the Threads. - Goran Trajkovski, Benjamin Sibley:
Emotional Context in Imitation-Based Learning in Multi-Agent Societies. - Tony Veale, Alessandro Valitutti:
A World With or Without You* (*Terms and Conditions May Apply). - Cong Yang, Marcin Grzegorzek:
Object Similarity by Humans and Machines.
6 - Natural Language Access to Big Data
- Nitish Aggarwal, Paul Buitelaar:
Wikipedia-Based Distributional Semantics for Entity Relatedness. - Sunandan Chakraborty, Lakshminarayanan Subramanian, Yaw Nyarko:
Extraction of (Key, Value) Pairs from Unstructured Ads. - Bonnie J. Dorr, Milenko Petrovic, James F. Allen, Choh Man Teng, Adam Dalton:
Discovering and Characterizing Emerging Events in Big Data. - Charles Jochim, Bogdan Sacaleanu, Léa A. Deleris:
Risk Event and Probability Extraction for Modeling Medical Risks. - James Mayfield, Paul McNamee, Craig Harman, Tim Finin, Dawn J. Lawrie:
KELVIN: Extracting Knowledge from Large Text Collections. - Malte Sander, Ulli Waltinger, Mikhail Roshchin, Thomas A. Runkler:
Ontology-Based Translation of Natural Language Queries to SPARQL. - Jennifer Sleeman, Tim Finin:
Taming Wild Big Data. - Gyula Vörös, Peter Rabi, Balázs Pintér, Andras Sarkany, Daniel Sonntag, András Lörincz:
Recommending Missing Symbols of Augmentative and Alternative Communication by Means of Explicit Semantic Analysis. - Peter Z. Yeh, Adwait Ratnaparkhi:
Mining Large-Scale Knowledge Graphs to Discover Inference Paths for Query Expansion in NLIDB.
7 - The Nature of Humans and Machines: A Multidisciplinary Discourse
- Justin Brody:
Neural Networks, Human Perception and Modern Buddhism. - Brian J. Dellinger, Jon Doyle:
Metaphysical Conservatism and Mechanical Characteristics of Human Nature. - James Giordano:
Conscious Machines? Trajectories, Possibilities, and Neuroethical Considerations. - Cindy Mason:
The Multi-Disciplinary Case for Human Sciences in Technology Design. - Kenneth M. M'Balé, Darsana P. Josyula:
Emulating a Brain System. - Don Perlis:
Imagination, Human and Artificial. - Andrew Peabody Porter:
A Theologian Looks at AI. - James A. Reggia:
Conscious Machines: The AI Perspective.
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