That day, mankind saw half of its number sacrificed to bring forth Zodiark.
And now, in that boundless sky where our friend sought infinite possibilities, I see only death.
There were no lands untouched by the Final Days. Not even Amaurot, over which the heavens now burned.
“Hythlodaeus, please.“ Emet-Selch had found him, after some effort, judging from his breathless, disheveled state. "You mustn’t… With your wisdom and skill, surely you could do more for our people if you remained…”
“I was wise enough to recruit others who surpass me in every respect. Enough will survive me to ensure our work can continue." It hadn’t been a concern voiced on behalf of the Amaurotines. Better to pretend otherwise, though.
To forestall the Final Days, the will of the star would be given shape and form. An offering of life unprecedented in scale would be required. The Convocation themselves had called for willing participants, and so Emet-Selch was in no position to deny any the right to volunteer. He could but dance around the unspeakable request and clench his fists in frustration when refused.
Hythlodaeus was not a fighter. It was the pragmatic choice to sacrifice himself. To be reduced to aether and serve as fuel for the great summoning, Hythlodaeus did not fear this. He understood death, and the terror which had come to grip many when it drew near, but that understanding only emboldened him to embrace it. Once, he would have died to perpetuate the cycle. Now, he would die to preserve a myriad lives that might yet be saved. Even so, it pained him deeply to see Emet-Selch reduced to such a state. Though he knew full well he was not the sole cause of his distress.
"Azem has not forsaken us. He follows his heart, as he ever has, and seeks to defy this fate in his own way.”
“Don’t you think I know that!? There is no time, Hythlodaeus! We need solutions now. We have a duty to this star!" The words were as a guttural howl, so terrible was his fury.
He who held out hope for Azem’s return longer than any. He whose anger and frustration and pain I see writ plain in his pleading eyes. He who has ever been constant and true and who I am proud to call my dearest friend.
"You are right, Emet-Selch. You are right, and that is why I must place my faith in the Convocation’s plan.”
The hour of Zodiark’s summoning was at hand.
He speaks again, but there is nothing left to say. I raise my hand in apology and farewell, and I leave him behind. I do not turn to look. I remember a garden, and a sky, and a man, and it is enough. It is enough.
It ends.
It ends…and yet it goes on…
Days Gone By, Days Yet To Come, Tales from the Dawn