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WAHO accepts Yemen as a member

Rosemary B. Doyle, who is attending the 2009 WAHO conference in Oman, just reported to the Al Khamsa Board about the first day of WAHO meetings. One event worth noticing is that Yemen was voted in as a WAHO member. Yemen, the cradle of the Arabian breed, if one is to believe the old Arab legends.

Great. Now the Yemenis can safely import and register Polish and Spanish “Arabians” from the Gulf countries and cross them with whatever asil Arabians Yemen has left, in the name of “improving the heads of their horses”. 

Let me make a forecast, and I really hope time will prove me wrong: there will be no asil Arabians left in Yemen ten years from now. That’s how long it took to destroy the remnants of asil Arabian breeding in countries like Lebanon and Algeria.  Asil Arabians in these two countries survived two civil wars (Lebanon: 1975-1990; Algeria: 1991-2004), looting by militias, air raids and bombings, famine and government neglect. By the time Lebanon was a full WAHO member, in 1992, non-asil stallions of Russian, French and Spanish lines had been imported to the country and crossed with the remaining elderly asil mares.  By 2000, not one asil horse was left in Lebanon (save for the Egyptian imports). Algerian asils suffered exactly the same fate. Lets hope Yemen doesn’t follow suit.

6 Replies to “WAHO accepts Yemen as a member”

  1. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this does not happen, and that it does not happen in Syria, either. Sometimes being a cross-roads is not the best thing for preserving good things!

  2. I guess your not going to the conference!:)

    Hum…well i hope that does not happen either. Yemen asked to be member of WAHO? What are the benefits of being a member? Why would they (Yememis) think cross-breeding would be beneficial?

    i am really green at this subject. i am just learning, the true history of the Arabian horse. I love the asil horse, they are the beginning, the seed if you will, this is how i understand it. why would they cross-breed. wouldn’t it be better being able to say their horses are true asil?


  3. ok, i get it!

    “improving the heads of their horses.”

    but thats one reason, i personally love the look of these horses. hum…they have a look that is different, can i say this “real.” i mean that in the nicest possible way.

    are there enough asil arabians in Yemen to continue breeding without inbreeding to the max? i did read in your blog
    “Arabian horses from Yemen: remnants of a distant (or perhaps not so distant) past”
    that there are less than 100 that you found out about in 2002. have you found out anymore on the numbers of these horses?

    re:your photo, i didn’t realize Yemen was so lush. are there crops planted on the terraces?


  4. The biggest problem

    Yemen does not have horses
    All imported from Africa
    Yemen are farmers People
    They have mountains and farmers use donkeys only

    Horses can ont Liveing In the mountains

    Yemen People Like Mexico all use donkeys only

  5. But the Shaykh of Bakil has Arabian horses as gifts from Saudi Arabia and maybe from Syria also. See the youtube video..

  6. I do not believe Yemen Horses
    I do not accept Yemen Horses

    Shaykh of Bakil Hassan alahmr and his Son he Buy Horses from Jeddah city and Everywhere and Any horses
    Does not have Any idea about the world of horses Arabic
    they are lieing in the media We Source and Origin Arabian horses

    People in Yemen they Do not know Arabic Word (kail)horses And called Hasna

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