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ام الفحل السوري الشهير كروش جهيم

  وقعت عيناي على حجة باسم جهيم المطخان يفيد بها ان ام الفحل الشهير كروش جهيم المعروف باسمه هي كروش محمد النواف الجربا مما يعني ان كروش جهيم يرد الى فرس علي العبد الرزاق الجربا التي وردت مع امه العمشة اثر رجوعها من حائل حيث اقامت عدة سنوات في ضيافة ابن رشيد وقد اتى ابن رشيد بالكروش من الدويش شيوخ مطير

Goodbye Ginger

Seven years after this post, it’s time to say goodbye to Ginger (DA Ginger Moon, photo below). She went to Bev Davison, who had been keeping her for me for some time. Bev now has quite a collection of horses with high percentage Abbas Pasha blood from the dam lines of both Gulida and Rabanna, where Ginger will fit in nicely. She also has Ginger’s younger full sister, DA Moon Dancer, who at 21 is yet to produce a foal . It was very rewarding to have owned Ginger. She is a grand mare, with style, power, distinction, a long slender neck, deep jowls, soulful eyes, and an unmatchable shoulder-withers complex. She has produced several good foals over the past years, in addition to those she’s had for her breeder Sheila Harmon, who sold her to me. Ginger came to me with a 2014 black colt by Sheila’s good Babson stallion Serr Serabaar; I gave the colt to Chris Yost who’s been training him for endurance racing. He has grown into a fiery black stallion (video here). Chris also owns the colt’s full sister, DA Ebony Moon. Together they finished the Tevis Cup in 2013 (photo below).   I then…

The only American woman doctor in Aramco

This interesting 2019 article from Aramco Expat is an obituary of sorts for John Ames, an early (pre-World War II) Aramco employee. He was the husband of Dr. Esther Ames, who imported the Ubayyah mare *Mahraa and her daughter *Muhaira to the USA. The following exceprt struck me: John was married to Esther – Esther Ames MD.  As the only American woman doctor in Aramco, she spent a fair amount of time in Riyadh tending to the women of the royal family: the dowagers, the princesses and their daughters. She was a great favorite and was showered with elaborate hand-embroidered dresses, finely worked brass coffee pots, silk scarves and the like. Sometimes Emir Saud bin Jiluwi, the governor and most powerful man in eastern Saudi Arabia, would send his personal black Cadillac and two bodyguards to take her to his palace. John even managed to get a blade out of the connection when some grateful prince sent him a curved, eight-inch dagger in a beautiful jet black scabbard filigreed in fine gold-plated wire. Surely, if Dr Ames, the only American female doctor in East Arabian, had attended to the wealth of the wives, sisters or daughters of Saud Ibn Jalawi,…

Al-Ashhab a.k.a Krush al-Na’em, Kuhaylan Krush from the Tai tribe in Syria

This handsome stallion, a personal favorite of mine, born in 1988, is the sire of the flee-bitten Kuhaylat Ibn Mizhir mare that many of you liked in the entry below. He was one of the last stallions the Tai Bedouins used as a herdsire, in the village of al-Na’em, where some Tai had settled. This earned him the nickname “Krush al-Na’em”. His sire was a Hamdani Ibn Ghurab of the Tai, sired by a Dahman Amer of ‘Ajil al-Yawir al-Jarba, the Shammar. His dam’s sire was the Ma’naqi Hadraji of Zahir al-Ufaytan, and the sire of the  maternal grand dam — is said to have been a Kuhaylan Krush. The maternal grand-dam is from the horses of Mutlaq al-Haybah of the Shammar.

كحيلة ابن مزهر في الجزيرة السورية توثيق محمد معصوم العاقوب مراجعة الشيخ هاشم الجربا

تُعتبر كحيلة ابن مزهر من الارسان الحديثة وهي بالأصل كروش بطحها رجل من الجوالة من قبيلة طي يُقال له حماد الاسيود الخابور من رجل من الفدعان يُقال له ابن ماضي ثم اخذها من الجوالي ابن مزهر من اقارب شيخ طي انذاك محمد العبدالرحمن العساف توفّي نهاية اربعينيات القرن العشرين وهو الذي أطلق عليها اسم كحيلة ابن مزهر لأن الاعنزي اخفى نسبها عندما سُلبت منه وبعد فترة من الزمن جاء الاعنزي الى شيخ طي يطلب فرسه فقال له الشيخ اذهب الى تلك الفيضة والخيل موجودة فيها إن عرفت فرسك فهي لك فذهب الرجل وجاء ثلاث رؤوس من الخيل تزيد او تنقص وبالفعل جميعهن من فرسه سأله الشيخ كيف عرفتهن ؟ قال: قصر جين وبگاع عين فقال له الشيخ نعطيك نصفهن بشرط ان تخبرنا اصلهن فقال الاعنزي هن من رسن كروش وبقيت الخيل تتبارك عند مشايخ طي وعندما بدأ الواهو بالتسجيل تم قبول الخيل في المنظمة ودرجت من الشيخ محمد الفارس العبدالرحمن فرس الى نزار الاسعد اسمها مواضي وفي عام 1983 أعطي عبدالعزيز المحمد العبدالرحمن مهرة لحمود الملحم الجرباء من مشايخ شمر وبينهم قرابة خولة ولحمود الجرباء ومن بعده ابنائه دور كبير في الحفاظ على هذه السلالة ونمت وتباركت عندهم تميّز من هذا المربط بطل السرعة هدّار وهيشان وبرزان وفرسي الانتاج لزاز…