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Genesis 1 Devotional Commentary

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Genesis 1:1

Genesis 1:1

The earth was created to be beautiful, with great structure and design, and it was spoken into being for a specific and wonderful purpose; for the glory of God. The earth is a profound mystery that was conceived in the heart of the eternal God. It reflects amazing precision, breath-taking complexity, and delicate intricacies.

The heights and depths of His creative abilities and the mysterious purpose behind His creation can read more...

Genesis 1:2

Genesis 1:2

Genesis is the foundational book in the Word of God upon which God's revelation to man is securely fastened. He simply tells us: "In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth." In the beginning the eternal, omniscient, all-powerful, triune-Godhead spoke something into being from nothing. God created time, space, mass, and matter, and He anchored this unchangeable Truth in His immutable Word.


Genesis 1:3

Genesis 1:3

In the beginning, there was God. And God spoke all of creation into being. God created ex nihilo (God created out of nothing). God spoke, and light appeared. By the power of His Word, land, air, and sea were formed out of nothing. There is power, wonder-working power in the wonderful Word of God.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." He created all things and the Word was read more...

Genesis 1:4

Genesis 1:4

The Bible does not set out to prove the existence of God, it states this truth as a fact: "In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth." Those who choose to deny this truth identify themselves as fools. The sovereign God, Who is Creator of all and in Whom all things have their being, is the logical starting place for man's journey of redemption, as outlined in Scripture.

The eternal God was before all things.

Genesis 1:8

Genesis 1:8

It appears that on the first day of creation, when God made the heavens and the earth, that the earth had yet to be fashioned and formed into the beauteous orderliness that we witness today. The unformed earth, which was soon to become the home of man, was void of any inhabitants.

It appears that when the Lord made the heavens and earth on that first day of creation, the earth was encompassed around in a watery domain, for it read more...

Genesis 1:11

Genesis 1:11

In the beginning, God spoke the world into being, creating time and space and matter. At first, He formed and fashioned the world by the Word of His wisdom and the greatness of His majesty, and then He filled the earth with all types of life, both animal and vegetable. And God saw all that He had done was good, very good: "For every good and perfect gifts comes from our Father above," Who alone is our Light, our life, and our hope of salvation.


Genesis 1:14

Genesis 1:14

Genesis is the book of beginnings and gives an account of the creation of time, matter, and space. It is the foundation upon which all truth stands, for it identifies God as the sole source of knowledge and the eternal Creator of all that is visible and invisible. It was on the fourth day that the Lord said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night."

It was on the

Genesis 1:26

Genesis 1:26

Mankind is unique within the creation, for man was made in the image and likeness of the Godhead Who speaks, thinks, wills, acts, and feels. God is Spirit. He is all-knowing, incorruptible, and invisible, while man is flesh and is clothed with a physical form, a mortal body. And yet like his Creator, man was given the ability to communicate through speech, the power to reason with his mind, the free will to make wise choices, the capacity to work, and the read more...

Genesis 1:27

Genesis 1:27

The creation of man on the sixth day was the crowning point of God's creation "In the beginning" for man was made in the image and likeness of God, and everything that He had made was good - very good.

Man was made in God's image for a reason. Man was created by God to have dominion over the whole earth, over the fish of the sea, the fowl of the air, and all animals and creeping things that moved on the face of the read more...

Genesis 1:28

Genesis 1:28

Having created man in His own image and likeness on the sixth day, with a intellect, emotions, a moral nature, the ability to communicate, and a free-will to make wise choices: "God blessed them," and gave His first set of instruction to Adam and Eve, commanding them to be fruitful and multiply, and spread out across the globe, filling the earth with their offspring.

Man was also given a second command by God. He read more...

Genesis 1:29

Genesis 1:29

God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh day. It was right at the end of day six that God formed man in His own image and likeness. He had already created all the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and every living creature that moved on the face of the earth - and all that God made were created according to their own kind.

Finally the Lord said, "Let us make man in our own image and likeness, read more...

Genesis 1:31

Genesis 1:31

The first glorious chapter in Genesis is the foundation of Biblical truth. The plain reading of God's Word should forever silence the ignorant voices of humanistic philosophers, liberal theologians, and false religious systems. But the atheistic conclusions of fools who have said in their hearts that there is no God, and the prideful manipulations of many satanically inspired bodies who seek to discredit all that is of God, have targeted the foundational truth upon read more...