Simpsons Character SheetSimpson Characters PeopleThe Simpson CharactersSimpsons Character DesignSimpson CharactersThe Simpsons CharactersSimpson FamilySimpsons DrawingsMr BurnsMinor Simpsons CharactersCan you name the minor Simpsons characters? Test your knowledge on this television quiz and compare your score to others.184
Waylon SmithersSimpson CharactersThe Simpsons CharactersMontgomery BurnsSimpsons PartyKrusty The ClownDie SimpsonsThe Simpsons MovieSimpsons DrawingsWaylon Smithers, Jr.Waylon Joseph Smithers, Jr., better known as Mr. Smithers, Waylon Smithers or simply Smithers, (born December 25)[2] is a recurring character on The Simpsons. He is also a minor character in The Simpsons Movie. Smithers is Mr. Charles Montgomery Burns's deeply devoted personal assistant, executive, and self-proclaimed best friend. Although, in Lisa The Skeptic, it is first majorly shown that Smithers has deep feelings for Mr. Burns, kissing him on the mouth near the end of the episode…16
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Bart Simpson DrawingBart Simpson ArtSimpsons DrawingsSimpson Wallpaper IphoneSimpsons ArtMatt GroeningCute Canvas PaintingsFree BackgroundsThe SimpsonBart Simpson Drawing23
Simpsons Character DesignCartoons To DrawTeen Titans Go CharactersPics For DrawingThe Simpsons CharactersDie SimpsonsSimpsons DrawingsSimpsons CharactersTv FunnySimpsons Character Design282
Simpson CharactersBest Cartoon CharactersSimpsons PartyKrusty The ClownThe Simpsons MovieMr BurnsMaggie SimpsonSimpsons CharactersSimpsons ArtSimpson CharactersHomer Simpson...This patriarch is not the father who knows best, but he certainly tries.34
Simpsons Characters ArtBarney SimpsonsAll Simpsons CharactersFront Facing SimpsonsThe Simpsons CharactersRalph WiggumMr BurnsSimpsons TattooBackground CharactersTop 10 Background Characters Of The Simpsons (With Shockingly Depressing Backstories)The Simpsons is one of the most popular and enduring shows on television, with several hundred episodes under its massive belt. In that time they've featured more background characters than the Lord of the Rings trilogy. With that many characters, some of the more interesting back-stories sometimes go overlooked, along with the fact that many of them depressing as hell. Here are ten sad-sack characters worthy of your Kleenexes. 10. Eleanor Abernathy Eleanor, AKA The Crazy Cat Lady, is most…1.1k