Richard MacdonaldMarble ResinSculpture DrawingSculpture GalleryMarble BustAnatomy SculptureClassic SculptureAnimal SkeletonsPlaster SculptureFigurative Sculptures at 1stDibsShop figurative sculptures and other fine sculptures from top galleries around the world. Global shipping available.314
Marble BustClassic SculptureBust SculptureMarble StatuesMarble SculpturePortrait SculptureArt ReferencesSculpture ArtStill LifeCasa Milà Marble BustI love this marble bust, I don't know anything about the artist or subject though.View On Black439
Statue ReferenceTattoo GeneratorFemale BustClassical SculptureMarble BustRoman StatueAnatomy SculptureSculpture HeadLife Drawing ReferenceStatue Reference8.7k
Statue ReferenceClassic SculptureArt RefsDrawing InspoReference PhotosArt Reference PhotosPose ReferenceArt ReferencesDrawing ReferenceDSC_1913Explore niceguysean's 2371 photos on Flickr!86.6k
Photography Art ReferenceBlindfolded WomanBlind FoldCharcoal IdeasCherub ArtDrawing ShapesStatue Greek3d Relief ArtRoman BustsMidjourney: Marble bust of blindfolded woman, realistic style, mysterious and contemplative.A white marble bust of a woman with her eyes covered by a cloth blindfold. The bust is sculpted in a realistic style, with intricate details in the folds of the cloth and the woman's facial features. The lighting is soft and highlights the smooth surface of the marble. The bust evokes a sense of mystery and contemplation.614
Statue Reference PhotosStatue Drawing ReferenceBust DrawingStatue ReferenceHead BustClassic SculptureRoman SculptureGreek SculptureWow ArtHead bust , - LASSO -Week 1 study.14.6k
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Statue ReferenceAncient Greek SculptureAnatomy SculptureRoman StatueClassic SculptureGreek StatuesPlaster CastArte 8 Bits얼굴 그리기Statue Reference504
Marble Bust WomanBust ArtGreek BustFemale StatueGoddess DianaItalian SculptureSculpture BustMarble BustAnatomy SculptureAN ITALIAN MARBLE BUST OF THE GODDESS DIANA, LATE 19TH CENTURY | Christie'sLATE 19TH CENTURY1.1k
Pietro CanonicaIstoria ArteiClassic SculptureGreek Statues얼굴 그리기Roman SculptureGreek SculptureMarble SculpturePortrait SculptureLyda BorelliPietro Canonica, 1920. Rome, Museo Canonica978