Papers by Anna Gialouri
Οι περισσότερες ανακοινώσεις ανασκαφών ή αντικειμένων έχουν προκαταρκτικό χαρακτήρα και για οποια... more Οι περισσότερες ανακοινώσεις ανασκαφών ή αντικειμένων έχουν προκαταρκτικό χαρακτήρα και για οποιαδήποτε αναδημοσίευσή τους χρειάζεται η άδεια του συγγραφέα.
The islet of Saint Nicholas is located in the north-western edge of the artificial lake of Kremas... more The islet of Saint Nicholas is located in the north-western edge of the artificial lake of Kremasta in Central Greece, on the borders between Evrytania-Aetoloacarnania. The geomorphology of the area, after the creation of the lake, has suffered significant alteration and loss of its natural relief. The islet was a steep peninsular prominent hill at the upper end of the former Acheloos valley, on the right bank of the river. The rocky steep slopes of the hill were inaccessible with the exception of the south-eastern part, where a small sloping plateau allows access. At this point, a strong curtain wall has survived, the form of which is a result of successive defensive projects that took place in order to fortify the only accessible part of the hill. A second enclosure rises, in the form of a citadel, on the top of the hill.
The lower fortification was first discovered in 1965 by E. Mastrokostas, during field
survey before the creation of the Kremasta Lake. In spite of his reports, the wall was
flooded in 1967, without being investigated, and since then it emerges in times of great drop of the water level. The fortification preserves three constructional phases – three successive defensive walls, which follow the same line. The first one, built with large roughly carved stones, can be dated to the late 3rd century BC, during the period of the Aetolomacedonian wars. The second, which is built on and attached to the first, is the most impressive and better preserved (more than 100 m long, 2.50 m thick, and maximum height 6 m). It was constructed according to the opus testaceum and reinforced with four towers. Its erection could be dated after 267 AD, after the destructive invasion of the Heruli in Nicopolis. The third wall used the latter as a base and was reinforced with a new tower. It is part of a more complex defense system along with the acropolis on the top of the hill. The repair of the external lower wall and the erection of the citadel could be dated to the late 14th-early 15th century, during the dominance of Carlo I Tocco in the area of Akarnania.
A picture of the history of Pharsalos can best be gained from the recently discovered evidence on... more A picture of the history of Pharsalos can best be gained from the recently discovered evidence on the ancient
and byzantine acropolis on top of Profitis Ilias hill. The acropolis is oblong, has an E-W orientation and
consists of two flat-topped crests connected by a narrow saddle. It occupies an area of approximately 3h. The
oldest finds found on the acropolis consist of Neolithic stone tools. The Bronze Age is represented mainly by
good-quality Mycenaean pottery dating from the period 1300-1100/1050 BC, while very few artifacts have
been discovered from the Geometric and Archaic Eras. To the late 6th or early 5th century BC is dated the
first phase of the fortification wall, which appears to have been renovated in the later part of the 4th century
BC. To the same period probably is dated the circular cistern that has been explored between the two gates.
The most important finds from the Hellenistic Era consist of typical pottery of the period, fragments of clay
figurines and coins. In contrast, very few objects have been found from the Roman period. The ancient fortifications
were repaired, according to Prokopios, by the emperor Justinian; in the area of the saddle in particular,
the fortification wall was reinforced with three square towers, probably built on top of older ones. Between
the two gates, a cross-wall sealed off the eastern plateau of the acropolis and this wall, too, may have
been constructed above an ancient one. During the Middle and Late Byzantine Era the city took the shape of
a kastron; although the excavations carried out so far are quite limited, parts of stone-paved streets, together
with remains of secular and religious buildings have been unearthed. In the Ottoman period the acropolis
was abandoned. Travelers who made precious descriptions and drawings of the ruined fortifications were the
only visitors of the acropolis during the 19th century.
The church of the Virgin, a three-aisled basilica with an asymmetrical narthex and a partly close... more The church of the Virgin, a three-aisled basilica with an asymmetrical narthex and a partly closed exonarthex,
once constituted the catholikon of a monastery of which only a barrel vaulted basement (crypt), a section
of the constructed enclosure and a free-standing round bell tower have been preserved. In the course of
recent restoration and remodeling works new archaeological evidence has been brought to light which led to
the reexamination of the church. To the east of the crypt two subsidiary rooms were unearthed, that belonged
to the north wing of the former monastery, together with a stone-paved corridor along the wing.
As far as the architecture of the church is concerned, five construction phases were discerned. To the first
phase (11th-12th c.) belongs a single-nave church, which corresponds to the area of the nave of the present
church. In the second phase (14th c.) the original church was increased in height and extended to the west by
the addition of a narthex. In the third phase (1638) two aisles were added to the nave and the church became
the present three-aisled basilica. In the fourth phase (1656) the narthex was extended to the south and in the
fifth phase (18th c.) a subsidiary annex was built against the south-west corner and a portico with a wooden
roof was added to the west.
A cemetery of cist- and pit-graves was excavated in the surrounding area. Some graves yielded interesting
grave goods, such as copper rings and glazed ceramic bowls, decorated with birds and floral motifs. The
cemetery was used from the 11th-12th c., in combination with the construction of the first church, up to the
17th c., when the monastery was at its peak.
Ο Παλαιός Πλάτανος βρίσκεται λίγα χιλιόμετρα νοτίως του Αλμυρού, σε γραφική τοποθεσία στις ανατολ... more Ο Παλαιός Πλάτανος βρίσκεται λίγα χιλιόμετρα νοτίως του Αλμυρού, σε γραφική τοποθεσία στις ανατολικές πλαγιές της Όθρυος, όχι μακριά από το Νέο Πλάτανο, όπου εγκαταστάθηκαν οι κάτοικοι μετά από τη σταδιακή εγκατάλειψη του οικισμού 1 .
Το Αρχαιολογικό Έργο στη Θεσσαλία και Στερεά Ελλάδα 2, 2006, Βόλος 16.3 – 19.3.2006, Τόμος ΙI: Στερεά Ελλάδα, Βόλος 2009
Κατά τις εργασίες βελτίωσης της Εθνικής Οδού ΠΑΘΕ στο Τμήμα Καμμένα Βούρλα -Μενδενίτσα εντοπίστηκ... more Κατά τις εργασίες βελτίωσης της Εθνικής Οδού ΠΑΘΕ στο Τμήμα Καμμένα Βούρλα -Μενδενίτσα εντοπίστηκαν στη θέση «Άγιος Δημήτριος» της κτηματικής περιφέρειας Καινούργιου Ν. Φθιώτιδας, λίγα χιλιόμετρα πριν τα Καμένα Βούρλα, ερείπια κτιριακού συγκροτήματος θεμελιωμένου σε επίχωση νεκροταφείου γεωμετρικών χρόνων 1 . Το συγκρότημα είναι κτισμένο σε πλαγιά της Κνημίδας και έχει βορεινό προσανατολισμό, προς τη σημερινή δηλαδή εθνική οδό. Καταλαμβάνει έκταση ενός στρέμματος και περιλαμβάνει οικοδόμημα, 300 τ.μ. περίπου, με χώρους διατεταγμένους σε δύο πτέρυγες και μια μεγάλη αυλή οριοθετημένη από πρόχειρο λιθόκτιστο περίβολο. Η βόρεια πλευρά του συγκροτήματος με εξαίρεση υπολείμματα τοίχων βορειοδυτικά της δυτικής πτέρυγας δεν διατηρήθηκε 2 . Όσον αφορά στην οριοθέτηση της εγκατάστασης από τη δυτική πλευρά δεν προέκυψαν κατά την ανασκαφή σχετικές ενδείξεις. Η κατάσταση διατήρησης του οικοδομήματος δεν είναι καλή και ακολουθεί τη φυσική κλίση του εδάφους, την οποία ακολούθησε και η αποκάλυψή του, προχωρώντας μάλιστα σε βάθος, προκειμένου να διερευνηθεί το νεκροταφείο γεωμετρικών χρόνων σε όλη του την έκταση. Μετά την ολοκλήρωση της ανασκαφής το νεκροταφείο διατηρήθηκε σε κατάχωση και η επιφάνεια του εδάφους αποκαταστάθηκε στη στάθμη του βυζαντινού κτιρίου (εικ. 1).
Symposia, Conferences, Workshops by Anna Gialouri
by Paschalis Androudis, Anthi Andronikou, Tassos Antonaras, Filiz Yenişehirlioğlu, Anna Gialouri, Konstantinos Gravanis, Ioanna Koukouni, Andrea Missagia, Tassos Papacostas, Elena Papastavrou, Stefania S. Skartsis / Στεφανία Σ. Σκαρτσή, Margarita Voulgaropoulou, Sotiris Voyadjis, Maria Xenariou, Zeynep Meriç, Eleftheria Konstantinidou, Angeliki Panopoulou, Sofia Zoitou, Αναστάσιος Αντωνάρας, and Δήμητρα Πέτρου Dear colleagues,
We are delighted to share with you our initiative for an international conferen... more Dear colleagues,
We are delighted to share with you our initiative for an international conference devoted to Italian artworks, secular and ecclesiastical, of 14th-16th c. in the Greek East, to be held virtually via Zoom in 24-26 November 2023. A hybrid version of the Conference will be hosted by the Hellenic Institute of Byzantine and Postbyzantine Studies in Venice (Istituto Ellenico di Studi Bizantini e Postbizantini di Venezia).
This scholarly meeting seeks to illuminate not only the presence of Italians, but also the amassment of Italian works in the Greek East, as a result of the new realities following the Fourth Crusade, the establishment of various Latin dominions and the development of an intensive network of trade relations. Our conference does not aim at exhausting the subject, but would like to offer an interdisciplinary forum for papers that touch upon the following aspects:
Venetian domination in Greece
Genoese domination in NE Aegean
Italian rulers in Epirus and the Ionian islands
Italian traders in the East
Venetian and Ottoman Art: osmosis and interaction
Venetian and Byzantine Art: osmosis and interaction
Late Gothic and Early Renaissance Italian sculpture
Venetian and Genoese Heraldry
Italian woodwork
Italian painting
Objects of everyday life
Metal artifacts from West and East
Maiolica and other Italian ceramics
Venetian glass
Italian Textiles
Italian Costumes
Donors and their ideology as reflected on the patronage of artworks
The Proceedings of the Conference will be published by the Hellenic Institute of Venice.
The organizing Committee:
Michela AGAZZI, Professor of Medieval Art, Università Ca’Foscari, Venezia, Dipartimento i Filosofia e Beni Culturali
Paschalis ANDROUDIS, Assistant Professor in Byzantine Art and Archaeology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Vasileios KOUKOUSAS, Professor of Ecclesiastical History, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki – Director of the Hellenic Institute of Byzantine and Postbyzantine Studies in Venice
Silvia PEDONE, Dr, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma
Papers by Anna Gialouri
The lower fortification was first discovered in 1965 by E. Mastrokostas, during field
survey before the creation of the Kremasta Lake. In spite of his reports, the wall was
flooded in 1967, without being investigated, and since then it emerges in times of great drop of the water level. The fortification preserves three constructional phases – three successive defensive walls, which follow the same line. The first one, built with large roughly carved stones, can be dated to the late 3rd century BC, during the period of the Aetolomacedonian wars. The second, which is built on and attached to the first, is the most impressive and better preserved (more than 100 m long, 2.50 m thick, and maximum height 6 m). It was constructed according to the opus testaceum and reinforced with four towers. Its erection could be dated after 267 AD, after the destructive invasion of the Heruli in Nicopolis. The third wall used the latter as a base and was reinforced with a new tower. It is part of a more complex defense system along with the acropolis on the top of the hill. The repair of the external lower wall and the erection of the citadel could be dated to the late 14th-early 15th century, during the dominance of Carlo I Tocco in the area of Akarnania.
and byzantine acropolis on top of Profitis Ilias hill. The acropolis is oblong, has an E-W orientation and
consists of two flat-topped crests connected by a narrow saddle. It occupies an area of approximately 3h. The
oldest finds found on the acropolis consist of Neolithic stone tools. The Bronze Age is represented mainly by
good-quality Mycenaean pottery dating from the period 1300-1100/1050 BC, while very few artifacts have
been discovered from the Geometric and Archaic Eras. To the late 6th or early 5th century BC is dated the
first phase of the fortification wall, which appears to have been renovated in the later part of the 4th century
BC. To the same period probably is dated the circular cistern that has been explored between the two gates.
The most important finds from the Hellenistic Era consist of typical pottery of the period, fragments of clay
figurines and coins. In contrast, very few objects have been found from the Roman period. The ancient fortifications
were repaired, according to Prokopios, by the emperor Justinian; in the area of the saddle in particular,
the fortification wall was reinforced with three square towers, probably built on top of older ones. Between
the two gates, a cross-wall sealed off the eastern plateau of the acropolis and this wall, too, may have
been constructed above an ancient one. During the Middle and Late Byzantine Era the city took the shape of
a kastron; although the excavations carried out so far are quite limited, parts of stone-paved streets, together
with remains of secular and religious buildings have been unearthed. In the Ottoman period the acropolis
was abandoned. Travelers who made precious descriptions and drawings of the ruined fortifications were the
only visitors of the acropolis during the 19th century.
once constituted the catholikon of a monastery of which only a barrel vaulted basement (crypt), a section
of the constructed enclosure and a free-standing round bell tower have been preserved. In the course of
recent restoration and remodeling works new archaeological evidence has been brought to light which led to
the reexamination of the church. To the east of the crypt two subsidiary rooms were unearthed, that belonged
to the north wing of the former monastery, together with a stone-paved corridor along the wing.
As far as the architecture of the church is concerned, five construction phases were discerned. To the first
phase (11th-12th c.) belongs a single-nave church, which corresponds to the area of the nave of the present
church. In the second phase (14th c.) the original church was increased in height and extended to the west by
the addition of a narthex. In the third phase (1638) two aisles were added to the nave and the church became
the present three-aisled basilica. In the fourth phase (1656) the narthex was extended to the south and in the
fifth phase (18th c.) a subsidiary annex was built against the south-west corner and a portico with a wooden
roof was added to the west.
A cemetery of cist- and pit-graves was excavated in the surrounding area. Some graves yielded interesting
grave goods, such as copper rings and glazed ceramic bowls, decorated with birds and floral motifs. The
cemetery was used from the 11th-12th c., in combination with the construction of the first church, up to the
17th c., when the monastery was at its peak.
Symposia, Conferences, Workshops by Anna Gialouri
We are delighted to share with you our initiative for an international conference devoted to Italian artworks, secular and ecclesiastical, of 14th-16th c. in the Greek East, to be held virtually via Zoom in 24-26 November 2023. A hybrid version of the Conference will be hosted by the Hellenic Institute of Byzantine and Postbyzantine Studies in Venice (Istituto Ellenico di Studi Bizantini e Postbizantini di Venezia).
This scholarly meeting seeks to illuminate not only the presence of Italians, but also the amassment of Italian works in the Greek East, as a result of the new realities following the Fourth Crusade, the establishment of various Latin dominions and the development of an intensive network of trade relations. Our conference does not aim at exhausting the subject, but would like to offer an interdisciplinary forum for papers that touch upon the following aspects:
Venetian domination in Greece
Genoese domination in NE Aegean
Italian rulers in Epirus and the Ionian islands
Italian traders in the East
Venetian and Ottoman Art: osmosis and interaction
Venetian and Byzantine Art: osmosis and interaction
Late Gothic and Early Renaissance Italian sculpture
Venetian and Genoese Heraldry
Italian woodwork
Italian painting
Objects of everyday life
Metal artifacts from West and East
Maiolica and other Italian ceramics
Venetian glass
Italian Textiles
Italian Costumes
Donors and their ideology as reflected on the patronage of artworks
The Proceedings of the Conference will be published by the Hellenic Institute of Venice.
The organizing Committee:
Michela AGAZZI, Professor of Medieval Art, Università Ca’Foscari, Venezia, Dipartimento i Filosofia e Beni Culturali
Paschalis ANDROUDIS, Assistant Professor in Byzantine Art and Archaeology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Vasileios KOUKOUSAS, Professor of Ecclesiastical History, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki – Director of the Hellenic Institute of Byzantine and Postbyzantine Studies in Venice
Silvia PEDONE, Dr, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma
The lower fortification was first discovered in 1965 by E. Mastrokostas, during field
survey before the creation of the Kremasta Lake. In spite of his reports, the wall was
flooded in 1967, without being investigated, and since then it emerges in times of great drop of the water level. The fortification preserves three constructional phases – three successive defensive walls, which follow the same line. The first one, built with large roughly carved stones, can be dated to the late 3rd century BC, during the period of the Aetolomacedonian wars. The second, which is built on and attached to the first, is the most impressive and better preserved (more than 100 m long, 2.50 m thick, and maximum height 6 m). It was constructed according to the opus testaceum and reinforced with four towers. Its erection could be dated after 267 AD, after the destructive invasion of the Heruli in Nicopolis. The third wall used the latter as a base and was reinforced with a new tower. It is part of a more complex defense system along with the acropolis on the top of the hill. The repair of the external lower wall and the erection of the citadel could be dated to the late 14th-early 15th century, during the dominance of Carlo I Tocco in the area of Akarnania.
and byzantine acropolis on top of Profitis Ilias hill. The acropolis is oblong, has an E-W orientation and
consists of two flat-topped crests connected by a narrow saddle. It occupies an area of approximately 3h. The
oldest finds found on the acropolis consist of Neolithic stone tools. The Bronze Age is represented mainly by
good-quality Mycenaean pottery dating from the period 1300-1100/1050 BC, while very few artifacts have
been discovered from the Geometric and Archaic Eras. To the late 6th or early 5th century BC is dated the
first phase of the fortification wall, which appears to have been renovated in the later part of the 4th century
BC. To the same period probably is dated the circular cistern that has been explored between the two gates.
The most important finds from the Hellenistic Era consist of typical pottery of the period, fragments of clay
figurines and coins. In contrast, very few objects have been found from the Roman period. The ancient fortifications
were repaired, according to Prokopios, by the emperor Justinian; in the area of the saddle in particular,
the fortification wall was reinforced with three square towers, probably built on top of older ones. Between
the two gates, a cross-wall sealed off the eastern plateau of the acropolis and this wall, too, may have
been constructed above an ancient one. During the Middle and Late Byzantine Era the city took the shape of
a kastron; although the excavations carried out so far are quite limited, parts of stone-paved streets, together
with remains of secular and religious buildings have been unearthed. In the Ottoman period the acropolis
was abandoned. Travelers who made precious descriptions and drawings of the ruined fortifications were the
only visitors of the acropolis during the 19th century.
once constituted the catholikon of a monastery of which only a barrel vaulted basement (crypt), a section
of the constructed enclosure and a free-standing round bell tower have been preserved. In the course of
recent restoration and remodeling works new archaeological evidence has been brought to light which led to
the reexamination of the church. To the east of the crypt two subsidiary rooms were unearthed, that belonged
to the north wing of the former monastery, together with a stone-paved corridor along the wing.
As far as the architecture of the church is concerned, five construction phases were discerned. To the first
phase (11th-12th c.) belongs a single-nave church, which corresponds to the area of the nave of the present
church. In the second phase (14th c.) the original church was increased in height and extended to the west by
the addition of a narthex. In the third phase (1638) two aisles were added to the nave and the church became
the present three-aisled basilica. In the fourth phase (1656) the narthex was extended to the south and in the
fifth phase (18th c.) a subsidiary annex was built against the south-west corner and a portico with a wooden
roof was added to the west.
A cemetery of cist- and pit-graves was excavated in the surrounding area. Some graves yielded interesting
grave goods, such as copper rings and glazed ceramic bowls, decorated with birds and floral motifs. The
cemetery was used from the 11th-12th c., in combination with the construction of the first church, up to the
17th c., when the monastery was at its peak.
We are delighted to share with you our initiative for an international conference devoted to Italian artworks, secular and ecclesiastical, of 14th-16th c. in the Greek East, to be held virtually via Zoom in 24-26 November 2023. A hybrid version of the Conference will be hosted by the Hellenic Institute of Byzantine and Postbyzantine Studies in Venice (Istituto Ellenico di Studi Bizantini e Postbizantini di Venezia).
This scholarly meeting seeks to illuminate not only the presence of Italians, but also the amassment of Italian works in the Greek East, as a result of the new realities following the Fourth Crusade, the establishment of various Latin dominions and the development of an intensive network of trade relations. Our conference does not aim at exhausting the subject, but would like to offer an interdisciplinary forum for papers that touch upon the following aspects:
Venetian domination in Greece
Genoese domination in NE Aegean
Italian rulers in Epirus and the Ionian islands
Italian traders in the East
Venetian and Ottoman Art: osmosis and interaction
Venetian and Byzantine Art: osmosis and interaction
Late Gothic and Early Renaissance Italian sculpture
Venetian and Genoese Heraldry
Italian woodwork
Italian painting
Objects of everyday life
Metal artifacts from West and East
Maiolica and other Italian ceramics
Venetian glass
Italian Textiles
Italian Costumes
Donors and their ideology as reflected on the patronage of artworks
The Proceedings of the Conference will be published by the Hellenic Institute of Venice.
The organizing Committee:
Michela AGAZZI, Professor of Medieval Art, Università Ca’Foscari, Venezia, Dipartimento i Filosofia e Beni Culturali
Paschalis ANDROUDIS, Assistant Professor in Byzantine Art and Archaeology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Vasileios KOUKOUSAS, Professor of Ecclesiastical History, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki – Director of the Hellenic Institute of Byzantine and Postbyzantine Studies in Venice
Silvia PEDONE, Dr, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma
For these reasons, the international conference on “Byzantine Thessaly, Twelfth – Fourteenth Centuries” pays tribute to Paul Magdalino. The Conference, both in person and online, will be hosted by the Diachronic Museum of Larissa and it will take place in the early fall of 2023. The organizing committee gladly welcomed papers about the history and archaeology of Thessaly during the late Komnenian and the Palaiologan periods.