Quantum computing promises to be the next paradigm of computing, harnessing the principles of quantum physics to perform computations and conduct tasks impossible for classical architectures. Today, researchers in academia and industry rapidly advance the field by designing new hardware, software, and algorithms that bring quantum computers closer to their great potential for unlocking new knowledge in physics, chemistry, cryptography, and other fields.

UChicago CS boasts many faculty, research groups, and students engaged at the frontier of this groundbreaking technology, exploring new ways of programming, designing, and teaching about quantum computers. The Enabling Practical-Scale Quantum Computing (EPiQC) collaboration, funded by an NSF Expedition in Computing grant and led by UChicago CS Professor Fred Chong, advances the abilities of near-term quantum computers. The department also benefits from deep connections with the Chicago Quantum Exchange, the National Quantum Information Science Research Centers at Argonne and Fermilab, and companies such as IBM and Intel.

Quantum Computing Research and Education

UChicago CS faculty research and teach about quantum computing hardware, software, programming, algorithms, and theory, building the future of this innovative technology.

Enabling Practical-scale Quantum Computing (EPiQC)

Launched in 2018 with a $10 million “Expeditions in Computing” grant from the National Science Foundation, the multi-institutional EPiQC collaboration seeks to narrow the gap to quantum computers capable of unprecedented feats. Quantum machines may soon be capable of performing calculations in chemistry, physics, and other fields that are extremely difficult or even impossible for today’s computers. The EPiQC mission is to develop new algorithms, software, and machine designs tailored to key properties of quantum device technologies with 100 to 1000 quantum bits — the scale researchers expect to reach over the next decade.

EPiQC is led by Fred Chong, Seymour Goodman Professor of Computer Science at UChicago, and includes collaborators from Duke, MIT, UCSB, Princeton, Argonne, Carnegie Mellon, and Georgia Tech. Faculty and student researchers in EPiQc have received numerous conference best paper and IEEE Top Picks awards, fellowships in industry, and started businesses in the emerging quantum sector. The collaboration also lays the foundation for tomorrow’s quantum computing experts, with innovative curricula, online courses, and museum exhibits reaching students from kindergarten through graduate school.

UChicago CS NewsMay 27, 2021

Three EPiQC Papers Chosen By IEEE Micro for Annual Top Picks Awards

May 27, 2021
UChicago CS NewsAug 05, 2020

University of Chicago and UIUC Lead New Quantum Education Program

Aug 05, 2020

The UChicago Quantum Community

Quantum technology is about more than just computing, stretching into communication, sensing, imaging, and other scientific fields. The University of Chicago and its affiliated laboratories are global leaders in exploring this new frontier and its groundbreaking applications.

Chicago Quantum Exchange

STAQ: Software-Tailored Architectures for Quantum Co-Design

Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

EPiQC Zine Project
A team of EPiQC staff, undergraduate and graduate students, and freelance artists have produced zines to educate the public about the history of quantum computing and topics such as superposition, entanglement, and reversibility.
EPiQC Zine Project
A team of EPiQC staff, undergraduate and graduate students, and freelance artists have produced zines to educate the public about the history of quantum computing and topics such as superposition, entanglement, and reversibility.
EPiQC Zine Project
A team of EPiQC staff, undergraduate and graduate students, and freelance artists have produced zines to educate the public about the history of quantum computing and topics such as superposition, entanglement, and reversibility.
EPiQC Zine Project
A team of EPiQC staff, undergraduate and graduate students, and freelance artists have produced zines to educate the public about the history of quantum computing and topics such as superposition, entanglement, and reversibility.

Quantum Computing News & Events

UChicago CS News

Fred Chong from the Department of Computer Science Named ACM Fellow for Contributions to Quantum Computing

Jan 22, 2025
UChicago CS News

Ian Foster and Rick Stevens Named to HPCwire’s 35 Legends List

Aug 28, 2024
UChicago CS News

University of Chicago to Develop Software for Effort to Create a National Quantum Virtual Laboratory

Aug 28, 2024
UChicago CS News

New Classical Algorithm Enhances Understanding of Quantum Computing’s Future

Aug 27, 2024
UChicago CS News

Fred Chong Receives Quantrell Award for Excellence in Teaching

May 16, 2024
UChicago CS News

Non-Unital Noise Adds a New Wrinkle to the Quantum Supremacy Debate

Apr 05, 2024
UChicago CS News

Argonne scientists use AI to identify new materials for carbon capture

Feb 19, 2024
In the News

New research unites quantum engineering and artificial intelligence

Jan 29, 2024
UChicago CS News

Group From UChicago CS To Present Four Papers at Most Prestigious International Quantum Conference

Jan 09, 2024
UChicago CS News

UChicago Scientists Make New Discovery Proving Entanglement Is Responsible for Computational Hardness In Quantum Systems

Jul 25, 2023
UChicago CS News

Virtual Bakery Game Serves Up Both Cupcakes and Quantum Concepts For K-12 Students

Mar 27, 2023
UChicago CS News

Assistant Professor Robert Rand Receives Air Force Young Investigator Grant

Dec 19, 2022