Hi, I just found ur blog and wow I love all your characters and the way you draw them!!
I was wondering if all these characters are connected to an overaching canon/story, and who's kind of the main focus of that if there is one.
And I also wanted to ask if nudity is commonplace/the norm in this world, or is it only some characters are clothes-free like on the reg and others not so much.
Keep it up! <3
My OCs are kinda split across a half dozen separate universes. They all got some level of story development, but I’m much more of a “lore person”. I’ll tag the character names I’ll mention for reference.
I got a generic high fantasy setting – Mitzy, the purple imp witch in my avatar, is kinda my “main/mascot” character for all intents and purposes and she’s from that setting – Along with a lot of the goblins, elves and some misc characters I draw. The elves of that setting are culturally naturists.
All my kemonomimi characters are part of a “spirit world” setting. The first one of those I had made was Zahraj. They’re more “clothing-optional”.
I have an ancient-fantasy setting for my anthro dragonfolk. Arklai is very much the “main” character there. Casual nudity is kinda the norm across that one.
I’ve got a “modern” anthro setting. Some of those characters are nudists, and some not, but they visit each-other.
And more recently I have a near-future paranormal setting with some newer monster characters.
Half of my fantasy characters have modern AU versions as well.
I just think casual nudity is neat, but clothing is also stylish/cool. Some characters are strictly clothes free, while others like my spirits, I can dress them up or not as I see fit.