Scientific seminar of the Centre for Quantum Metamatirials will be held on the topic of high entropy materials as multifunctional catalysts for energy-related applications on February 27, 2025
MIEM Associate Professor A.M. Ostovari will talk about high-entropy materials, their classification and application in the field of energy storage and catalysis.
The seminar will be held at 17:00, February 27 (Thursday), 2025, in auditorium 501 (Academic Council Hall), MIEM. Everyone is invited to attend.
The Director of the Centre for Quantum Metamaterials, Dr.Alexey Vagov has acted as a leading expert during the Future Technologies Forum, which was held by Roscongress Foundation on February 20-21, 2025
The Future Technologies Forum is a discussion platform dedicated to the development of high-tech technologies in Russia. The Forum was launched in 2023 and has become a flagship event where leading experts, scientists, business representatives and government authorities talk about advanced scientific developments and product solutions based on them. The Roscongress Foundation is the operator of the Forum, and the largest Russian corporations are co–organizers. The plenary session of the Forum was attended by President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.
The Scientists of The Centre For Quanthum Metamaterials Has Joined The Russian-Chinese Scientific Project
July 16-24, the director of the Center, Professor Vagov A.V., took part in the work of the Russian - Chinese School and the symposium "Promising functional materials for quantum Nanoelectronics and Superconductivity", organized on the basis of the Beijing Institute of Technology (PTI). He presented the results of the Center's research on the properties of ferromagnetic superconducting materials.