Czech Words With MeaningCzech Language LearningLearning CzechLearn CzechLanguage Learning Aesthetic1950s High SchoolLearning AestheticSerbian LanguageCzech LanguageLearn Czech with Instagram 1 (declensions)Pictures I've posted on Instagram that deal with declensions / cases.331
Foreign WordsPast TenseMale FormTravel BookMarioMeant To BeThe OriginalsGuide to Czech Surnames - Origins and meaningWhere do Czech surnames come from and what do they mean? Find out all about the Czech surnames, their meaning and origin.1
Interesting WordsWords DefinitionsUncommon WordsWord NerdUnusual WordsWord DefinitionsRare WordsLovely WordsUnique WordsInteresting WordsPabitel1
Czech QuotesUncommon Words DefinitionArchaic WordsInteresting WordsWords DefinitionsUncommon WordsWords With MeaningFancy WordsWeird WordsCzech QuotesAn untranslatable Czech word// liost - a state of torment created by the sudden sight of one's own misery. It is a feeling of regret of remorse for doing wrong.6.8k
Name GeneratorBaby Girl NamesNames With MeaningBoy NamesGirl NamesBaby NamesBoy Or GirlMeant To BeCzech Baby Names Ideas GeneratorCheck out our list of best Czech names or generate your own Czech boy or girl names via AI.3
French Boy NamesFrench Boys NamesAmerican NamesNames Gender NeutralBaby Boy Name ListPopular Boy NamesIslamic NamesStrong Boys Names172 beautiful Czech boy names with meanings - To Be The Perfect MotherIf you are looking for Czech male names with meanings in alphabet order, then we picked ( 172 ) Czech boy names with meanings for you. Choosing a name for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make as a parent.There are many factors to be considered when you choose a10
Other WordlyStrange WordsMy DictionaryWords And DefinitionsDigimon WorldWord MeaningsFun WordsForeign WordsAwesome WordsOther-Wordlypronunciation | ‘lE-tOst note | the extended definition appears in writer Milan Kundera’s work; a more general English translation is sorrow or regret.1
Other WordlyWord MeaningsWords And MeaningsFun WordsNegative WordsInteresting WordsWords WritingWords DefinitionsUnique Words DefinitionsOther WordlyWow, there's a word for it....3.2k
Czech Language LearningLearning CzechLearn CzechLanguage Learning AestheticStudying LanguagesLearning AestheticFamily History OrganizationCzech LanguageLanguages Of The WorldCzech Genealogy GlossaryBrush up on the Czech words you’ll frequently encounter in genealogical records.144