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Everything You Need to
Successfully Use CMake

Since CMake is the most downloaded software build platform, there is an overwhelming number of resources out there. We wanted to pull together some of the best resources so you can easily find what you need no matter where you are in your CMake journey.

Getting Started

All the resources you need to begin your CMake journey, from learning materials to accessing the CMake community.

Getting Started

Documentation and Community

Whether you are still learning how to use CMake, contributing, or just enjoy being part of the conversation, there is is something here for everyone.

Documentation and Community

News & Updates

Stay up to date with the latest CMake blog articles and software releases.

News & Updates

Advanced Support

As one of the lead developers of CMake, Kitware offers a variety of solutions to help you successfully leverage the platform. Whether you’re looking for a customized CMake system, paid technical support, or live training, we can provide our expertise to help you get there.