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Doric abhorrent abominable amateurish arrested avgas backward barbaric barbarous barnyard base beastly below contempt beneath contempt blatant blinding blue blunt boorish brazen brazenfaced brusque cacophonous caddish cloddish clodhopping clumsy coarse colorful contemptible crass crude oil despicable detestable dirty disgusting doggerel dysphemistic earthy embryonic ethyl ethyl gas execrable extravagant fetid filthy flagrant flaring flashy flaunting forbidding fossil oil foul fulsome garish gas gasoline gaudy glaring gorgeous graceless gross harsh hateful heinous high-octane gas high-test ignoble ignorant ill-bred immature improper impure in bad taste in embryo in ovo in the rough inadequate inconcinnate inconcinnous inconsiderate incorrect indecent indecorous indelicate ineffective inelegant inexpert infelicitous inferior insensible insensitive kerosene lead-free gas loathsome loud loutish louty low low-lead gas lowbred lurid malodorous mephitic meretricious miasmal miasmic motor oil nasty native natural nauseating noisome noxious objectionable obnoxious obscene obtrusive odious offensive ore original outlandish overbright oversimple paraffin petrol petroleum poor premium gas prentice primitive rare raunchy raw raw material rebarbative red reductionistic reductive regular repellent repugnant repulsive revolting ribald rich ore rich vein risque rock oil rough rough diamond roughcast roughhewn rude rudimental rudimentary run-of-mine rustic savage screaming sensational shameless shrieking sickening simplistic smutty spectacular stinking stunted tactless tasteless tawdry unanalyzed mass unbaked unblown unboiled uncivil uncooked uncourtly uncouth uncultivated uncultured uncut undercooked underdeveloped underdone undeveloped undignified undressed unenlightened uneuphonious unfashioned unfelicitous unfeminine unfinished unformed ungenteel ungentle ungentlemanly ungraceful ungraded unhewn unlabored unladylike unlicked unlicked cub unmatured unpolished unprocessed unproficient unrefined unseemly unskilled unsolicitous unsophisticated unsorted untaught untrained untreated unworked unwrought vile virgin soil vulgar

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