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AM receiver AM tuner AM-FM receiver AM-FM tuner CB RDF Teletype Wirephoto advice adviser air announce announcer annunciator audio-frequency authority auto radio automation aviation radio avionics battery radio beam broadcast broadcast journalism cabinet cable channel chassis citizens band communicant communication communicational communications communicator console crystal set disseminate electron microscopy electron optics electron physics electronic engineering electronics electrophysics enlightener expert witness facsimile flash gossipmonger grapevine heterodyne high-frequency housing informant information information center information medium informer intelligence interviewee journalism line radio magnetotelephonic microtelephonic monitor monotelephonic mouthpiece multiplex receiver news news agency news medium news service newscast newsiness newsletter newsmagazine newsmonger newspaper newsworthiness notifier photoelectricity phototelegraphic pocket radio present press press association public relations officer publisher radar radiate radio direction finder radio receiver radio set radio telescope radio-record player radiobroadcast radionics radiophone radiophotography radiotelegraphic radiotelegraphy radiotelephony railroad radio receiver receiving set regenerative receiver relay receiver reportage reporter send send a wire set ship-to-shore radio shortwave sign off sign on signal source spokesman sportscast superheterodyne table radio telecommunicational telegram telegraph telegraph agency telegraphic telephonic telephotographic television telex teller the fourth estate the press thermotelephonic tidings tipster tout transceiver transistor transistor physics transmit transmit-receiver tuner walkie-talkie wire wire service wire wave communication wired radio wired wireless wireless wireless set wireless telegraphy wireless telephony witness word

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