Bluestone Countertop KitchensIcestone CountertopsWilsonart Thinscape CountertopsBelgian Bluestone CountertopColonial Ice Granite CountertopsWilsonart Spring Carnival CountertopRecycled Glass CountertopsIce StoneColonial FarmhouseIceStone Before & AfterIceStone Denim Moss. Installed in a colonial farmhouse residence in Connecticut. #countertops #kitchen #interiordesign17
Antique PantryConcrete ApartmentRecycled Glass CountertopsKitchens FarmhouseOutdoor Kitchen CountertopsKitchen Countertop MaterialsWood IslandConcept KitchenGlass CountertopsThe Best Kitchen Countertop Materials, According to Home BuildersFor the past 20 years or so, granite has reigned supreme as the most popular choice for countertop materials in homes. But, in recent years, a new competitor has emerged: quartz. But, putting trends and popularity aside, which countertops actually do the best job, year in and year out? To find out, we talked to two home builders about the best countertop materials in terms of durability, maintenance, and aesthetics.1.1k
Icestone CountertopsCountertops StoneRecycled Glass CountertopsIce StoneGlass CountertopsStone CountertopInteriors KitchenSustainable KitchenPortland CementRecycle Glass IceStone Countertops | Stone SurfacesAvail the new eco-friendly & sustainable, IceStone, at Stone Surfaces in Woburn, MA which is stronger than marble & granite. Call us to know more.14
Farmhouse Kitchen NookTerrazzo CounterCement StainDecoration For HouseForest KitchenRecycled Glass CountertopsTile CountertopCountertop InspirationBest Kitchen CountertopsIceStone Durable SurfacesCheck out the IceStone Durable Surfaces in Corian & Solid Surface Countertops, Tile & Countertop from IceStone for .79
Victoria HallwayLight Gray QuartzKitchen Gray CabinetsModern White Kitchen IslandWhite Brick BacksplashModern White KitchenWhite Quartz CounterArizona TileGray QuartzDella Terra® Quartz SlabsArizona Tile’s Della Terra® quartz slabs are durable yet contemporary and elegant for use in commercial and residential projects and countertops in any room.17
Kitchen CredenzaGreen CountertopsRecycled Glass CountertopsCountertop InspirationSage Green KitchenIce StoneGlass CountertopsAmerican KitchenKitchen AestheticSage Pearl (Discontinued)This product is discontinued, there are no slabs available in this color. Clear, sage green, and mother of pearl in an off white background.193
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Los Angeles Mid CenturyGreen Marble TileCarolina Interior DesignWaterfall Island KitchenPersian GreenColored MarbleClay MineralsBack SplashesGreen VeinsPersian Green Marble - Marble Countertops - Marble TileMagical Persian Green Marble features swirls of aquamarine veins on clouds of white. Uses include marble countertops and marble tile floors.10