
Showing posts from October, 2017
Check out our new recipe for Sharad's way of cooking Nepali Chicken Curry. It's so delicious! Sharad is a really good cook and we'll be posting more how-to videos of Nepali cuisine, so be sure to subscribe to our channel ( Coco's Nepal ) to see more!

Tips for Learning A New Language

If you're in the process of learning a new language, you've probably already read a lot of motivating articles about how to learn quicker and more efficiently. I read a lot of these too. Many of them seemed to be written by polyglots who have somehow learned the mystical secret to learning a language in a couple of months or even a few weeks. I am not one of those people. It took me a long time to become fluent in Nepali, even though I studied every textbook I could find and practiced with Nepali speakers every day. But I learned to enjoy the learning process and finally finding out the meaning of a new grammar point or a word I couldn't find in the dictionary was like a lightbulb moment every time it happened. It was a really rewarding journey and it opened up a door to a new culture, a new way of thinking, even a new sense of humor! Most importantly, I think, it really helped to improve myself - I went from a shy girl who didn't really know how to express herself i...

Nepali Pronouns

There are a couple of pronouns I've left out of this list, but only because they are either not commonly used or are too rude/low respect. These are pronouns in their normal form. For certain purposes these may have to be modified slightly, which we will get into later. First Person singular (I, me) - म ma First Person plural   (we, us) - हामी haami