Conferences and summitsEuropean Employment & Social Rights Forum 2025: Skills for a Competitive EuropeWednesday 5 March 2025, 10:00 - Thursday 6 March 2025, 19:00 (GMT+0100)Brussels, BelgiumConferences and summitsFostering Europe’s prosperity and industrial transformation: Cooperatives as drivers of change Tuesday 18 March 2025, 09:15 - 18:30 (GMT+0100)Brussels, BelgiumHighlightedConferences and summitsThe European Climate Pact flagship event 2025: Together in action Wednesday 19 March 2025, 09:30 - 17:30 (GMT+0100)Brussels, Belgium Filter by Status Upcoming and ongoingPastToggle dropdown Event type Conferences and summitsTraining and workshopsInfo daysPartner meetingsPublic debatesExpert meetingsExhibitionsCompetitions and award ceremoniesToggle dropdown Event date SelectAfterBeforeIn betweenToggle dropdown Date End Date Subject radicalisationinternational cooperationthe EU's international roleinnovationtranslationenergy policyGlobal Gatewayartificial intelligencee-HealthEU Missionsoceanresearch policyadaptation to climate changeenergy unionindustrial policysustainable financetransport researchapplied sciencesclean technologyclimate changeclimate change policyconsumer protectiondefence industryeconomic policyeconomyenergy efficiencyenergy transitionEuropean citizenshipextreme weatherfloodindustrial researchinternational trademaritime economymedical researchnatural disasterpreparednesspublic healthrenewable energyskills anticipation and matchingsmart citysustainable mobilitytrade agreementupdating of skillswateryouth employmentyouth policyadvanced materialsaerospace industryair pollutionair quality policyalternative dispute resolutionanimal welfareaviation securitybankingbiodiversitybiotechnologyblue economycancercircular economycivil societycoalcommon foreign and security policycommunications industrycompetitivenesscooperativecrisis managementdecommissioning of power stationsdefence policydemocracydigital contentdigital finance strategydigital technologydigital transformationdisaster risk reductiondrinking waterdronedroughtEastern Partnershipeconomic analysisEconomic and Monetary Unioneconomic conditionseconomic sectorenergy cooperationentrepreneurshipenvironmental policyenvironmental protectionEU budgetEuropean neighbourhood policyfinancial servicesfinancial stabilityfisheries policyfood fraudfree movement of workersfund (EU)health technologyhumanitarian aidintegrated maritime policyInternetinvestmentknowledge managementlabour marketlanguage industrymachine translationnanotechnologynuclear energynuclear researchopen dataopen sciencepopularising sciencepopulation dynamicsprotected speciesradiation protectionraw materialredistribution of incomeresiliencesanction (EU)scientific researchsingle marketsmall and medium-sized enterprisessocial-security harmonisationsocial analysissocial economysocial mediasocial policysoil protectionsolar energyspace researchsustainable developmenttax systemtrade policytransport infrastructuretransport policyurban transportwar in Ukrainewaste managementwastewaterwatercoursewater policywater protectionwater supplyToggle dropdown Organisers Directorate-General for Research and InnovationInternational Partnerships InfoPointDirectorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEsJoint Research CentreDirectorate-General for Trade and Economic SecurityCopernicus Emergency Management ServiceDirectorate-General for BudgetPolish Presidency of the Council of the European Union.Toggle dropdown Search Clear filters Commission events (100) RSS Showing results 1 to 20 Status Upcoming and ongoing 02-05Mar2025Conferences and summitsEU at PDAC 2025Toronto, Canada03-07Mar2025Conferences and summitsEuropean Ocean Days 202503-07Mar2025Conferences and summitsMission Ocean and Waters Forum and related eventsBrussels, Belgium04Mar2025Conferences and summitsYouth Policy dialogue with Commissioner Valdis Dombrovskis04Mar2025Public debatesYouth Policy Dialogue with Commissioner Maria Luís Albuquerque - The future of financeBrussels, BelgiumLive streaming available04Mar2025Conferences and summitsScience Communication Beyond Tomorrow IIIBrussels, Belgium04Mar2025Public debates1st and 2nd Youth Policy Dialogues on Security and Defence04Mar2025Training and workshopsEC Horizon Results Platform & EU IP Helpdesk webinar: “IP in Business collaborations for SMEs and Start-ups” Online only05-06Mar2025Conferences and summitsEuropean Employment & Social Rights Forum 2025: Skills for a Competitive EuropeBrussels, Belgium06-07Mar2025Conferences and summits Strategic Communications Training for Local Authorities06Mar2025Conferences and summitsStakeholder consultation - Towards a Water Resilience Strategy for the EUBrussels, BelgiumLive streaming available06Mar2025Partner meetingsEuropean Health Data Space: Implementation and governance – who does what? Online only06Mar2025Conferences and summitsYouth Policy Dialogue with Commissioner Apostolos Tzitzikostas – Shaping the Future: Expectations and Needs of Young Travellers and Job SeekersBelgium06Mar2025Public debatesYouth Policy Dialogue with EVP Mînzatu - How can we ensure equal access to quality jobs and skills for everyone?Live streaming available07Mar2025Public debatesYouth Policy Dialogue with Executive Vice-President Stéphane Séjourné - Sustainable prosperity: Building a competitive future togetherParis, France10Mar2025Public debatesYouth Policy Dialogue with EVP Henna Virkkunen - The role of social media in shaping democracy and its impact on young peopleLive streaming available10Mar2025Conferences and summitsInfoPoint conference: Investing in Africa’s agriculture - The role of AATIF & blended financeBrussels, Belgium11Mar2025Training and workshopsUnderstanding the territorial patterns of climate discontentBrussels, Belgium11Mar2025Info daysHERA Info Days CopenhagenCopenhagen, Denmark11Mar2025Conferences and summits21st European Remembrance Day for Victims of Terrorism in StrasbourgStrasbourg, France 1Page 123...5Next
Conferences and summitsEuropean Employment & Social Rights Forum 2025: Skills for a Competitive EuropeWednesday 5 March 2025, 10:00 - Thursday 6 March 2025, 19:00 (GMT+0100)Brussels, Belgium
Conferences and summitsFostering Europe’s prosperity and industrial transformation: Cooperatives as drivers of change Tuesday 18 March 2025, 09:15 - 18:30 (GMT+0100)Brussels, Belgium
HighlightedConferences and summitsThe European Climate Pact flagship event 2025: Together in action Wednesday 19 March 2025, 09:30 - 17:30 (GMT+0100)Brussels, Belgium
03-07Mar2025Conferences and summitsMission Ocean and Waters Forum and related eventsBrussels, Belgium
04Mar2025Public debatesYouth Policy Dialogue with Commissioner Maria Luís Albuquerque - The future of financeBrussels, BelgiumLive streaming available
04Mar2025Training and workshopsEC Horizon Results Platform & EU IP Helpdesk webinar: “IP in Business collaborations for SMEs and Start-ups” Online only
05-06Mar2025Conferences and summitsEuropean Employment & Social Rights Forum 2025: Skills for a Competitive EuropeBrussels, Belgium
06Mar2025Conferences and summitsStakeholder consultation - Towards a Water Resilience Strategy for the EUBrussels, BelgiumLive streaming available
06Mar2025Partner meetingsEuropean Health Data Space: Implementation and governance – who does what? Online only
06Mar2025Conferences and summitsYouth Policy Dialogue with Commissioner Apostolos Tzitzikostas – Shaping the Future: Expectations and Needs of Young Travellers and Job SeekersBelgium
06Mar2025Public debatesYouth Policy Dialogue with EVP Mînzatu - How can we ensure equal access to quality jobs and skills for everyone?Live streaming available
07Mar2025Public debatesYouth Policy Dialogue with Executive Vice-President Stéphane Séjourné - Sustainable prosperity: Building a competitive future togetherParis, France
10Mar2025Public debatesYouth Policy Dialogue with EVP Henna Virkkunen - The role of social media in shaping democracy and its impact on young peopleLive streaming available
10Mar2025Conferences and summitsInfoPoint conference: Investing in Africa’s agriculture - The role of AATIF & blended financeBrussels, Belgium
11Mar2025Training and workshopsUnderstanding the territorial patterns of climate discontentBrussels, Belgium
11Mar2025Conferences and summits21st European Remembrance Day for Victims of Terrorism in StrasbourgStrasbourg, France