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Are back issues ofComment available?
All of our available back issues are listed here. They are available to purchase for $9.95USD each.
How can I submit content to Comment?
You’ll find lots of helpful information about the process on our Submissions page.
How do I get permission to reprint an article from Comment?
Cardus (the publisher of Comment) retains copyright to all original work we publish in all of our publications, in perpetuity, in all media. Individuals and organizations interested in republishing content must contact us with requests, and may not proceed until a representative of Cardus has granted written permission.
Further to republishing:
- We encourage posting excerpts from our pieces, according to Fair Use guidelines: - No full-text reprints of any Comment print material are allowed during “shelf life”, eg 90 days’ exclusivity from print issue release date. As above, all requests must go through Cardus office.
- Under no circumstances may designed Cardus documents (PDFs or scans of physical journals) be posted online.
- Most requests for reprints of Cardus online material will be granted, with no waiting periods. As above, all requests must go through Cardus office.
- Reprints must include the following credit at the top of each reprinted article:
This article originally appeared on [DATE] in Comment [hyperlink:], a publication of Cardus [hyperlink:]. - Copies of print reprints, or links to online reprints, must be furnished to the Cardus office upon release.
What are you doing? Why does Comment exist?
Comment magazine serves Christian leaders and culture makers with rooted, fresh ideas for the faithful practice of North American public life. Leaning on 2000 years of Christian thought, we seek a renewed social architecture-“not new wine into old wine-skins, but old wine in new wineskins for festive drinking” (Calvin Seerveld, “Footprints in the Snow”).
We’re not here just to celebrate and affirm that it’s good for Christians to engage culture. We want to now ask the hard questions-to resource those who are on board with the project and are now looking for wisdom about how to actually do this. Think of Comment as the magazine where we not only encourage you to see your work as pursuing God’s shalom; we also dig deep to consider just what shalom looks like in economics and education, for cities and civil society.
To get a sense of our vision and focus, please read our manifesto.
Who publishes Comment?
Comment is the first principles journal of Cardus, a non-profit public policy think tank dedicated to the renewal of North American social architecture, based in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Cardus focuses on the long-term concerns of society, working to enrich and challenge public debate through research, events, and publications, for the common good.
What does ‘Cardus’ mean?
The Cardus was an ancient north-south road that connected the people of Roman cities to their major public spaces. On the Cardus or Cardo Maximus governments, markets, temples, and more lived and worked to build a common life for the good of the city.
How long has Comment been around?
Cardus was incorporated under the former name “Foundation for Research and Education in Developing a Christian Approach to Industrial Relations and Economics” (really!) in September, 1974.Comment was published as a 8.5×11 newsletter starting in January, 1983, under the editorial direction of Harry Antonides. After a brief hiatus in the early 2000s, Comment re-emerged in its current form (perfect bound book, and regular online content) in August 2005.
Will Comment publish my advertisement?
Comment does not actively solicit advertising, but is receptive to specific requests from reputable organizations. Email us.
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Comment Magazine
1 Balfour Drive
Hamilton, ON
L9C 7A5
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Customer Service:
Editor-in-Chief: Anne Snyder (
Publisher: Ray Pennings (
Marketing Director: Matt Crummy (
Managing Editor: Beca Bruder Claiborne (
Senior Editor: Jeff Reimer (