In January 2011, during surgery to remove a large benign meningioma (brain tumor), I awoke to myself in another realm. It was a glorious place unlike I anything I’d ever known. What I had is popularly called a “Near Death Experience” (NDE). After my illness and the experience I was suddenly aware of things that I’d never noticed before. I felt like a stranger in this world that now looked dark, as though someone had switched off the lights. It seemed as if, somehow, I saw the devastation of the fall and could almost hear the creation “groaning” in anticipation of the revealing of the sons of God. All I longed for was to be back in that place where there was nothing but God’s presence; where my sins had never existed and never would exist; where I was loved by my Father with a love that was so all encompassing, so complete, that seemed to be the atmosphere. There is nothing in this world that can compare.
Beginning with noticing a chemtrail when I was able to go out and walk my dogs again, I slowly became aware of how tangibly distinct from God’s creation “the world” was and just how literally it is under the control of the serpent our first parents met in the Garden. I began to research the labyrinth of manipulations and deceptions that have deviously been woven to hide the truth about God, obscure the gospel of His Son and keep man’s eyes fixed on this fallen world as the only thing that’s real. I started to unravel the great conspiracy that many are becoming aware of in our time.
While I can confirm that these experiences are absolutely real, I see them being used as part of the great deception that’s currently underway, a counterfeit spirituality with empty promises. The quest to sort it all out culminated in my book and this website.
I believe that, as Christians, the most important truth is the gospel of Jesus Christ. Without that, nothing else matters. Jesus said,
“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).
We live in a day of unparalleled deception. I believe the Bible encourages us to expose evil (Eph 5:11) for the purpose of being “salt and light” in the world, testifying to the truth. (Matt 5:13-16) It has been my journey to sort through the lies and get a firm handle on the truth.
Working as ‘admin’ for the website, Geoengineering Watch (2011-2013), I learned that the ideals and goals of those behind the geoengineering/chemtrail programs and greater New World Order agenda are spiritually based. The reality is that the people who work behind the scenes of world governments and are represented by such organizations as the UN, Council on Foreign Relations, Club of Rome, the Papacy, Bilderberg group and others, are Luciferians.
“…the whole world is [literally] under the sway of the evil one.” 1 John 5:19
While many things are recently coming to light, what is happening is not new. What we are seeing is the final rise of the mystery of iniquity spoken of in scripture (2 Thess 2:7), working through layers upon layers of economic, political and spiritual deceptions, including in the highest levels of the organized church. (2 Cor 2:11 , Matt 10:16, 1 Jn 4:1.)
As Christians, we need to be knowledgeable. If we are unaware of the devices of the enemy, we will be vulnerable to his deceptions, and if Christians won’t openly discuss these things, others will. (2 Cor 2:11 , Matt 10:16, 1 Jn 4:1)
Christianity is unique from all other religions in that it is not a means of man working to achieve goodness, but God reaching down to man, doing what is impossible for man through his only son, Jesus Christ. If you want to know more about how to know God, please visit this link.
~ The Bible is the inspired, inerrant Word of God (2 Tim 3:16). Written by 40 authors inspired by the Holy Spirit over the course of 2000 years, it maintains perfect consistency.
~ Jesus Christ was and is the son of God, who was himself God; his birth, life, death and resurrection all being a fulfillment of scripture:
(Isaiah 7:14, Micah 5:2, Zechariah 9:9, Psalm 22:16-18, Isaiah 53:3-7, Isaiah 50:6, Zechariah 12:10)
~ I believe that salvation is both a matter of predestination and man’s freewill. Our salvation is granted by God through His sovereign will. (John 1:12-13) Conviction and repentance from our dead works/futile efforts to overcome sin/fallenness is stirred. Faith in Jesus Christ is the result of God’s grace (Eph 2:8) and our faithful response to hearing the gospel. (Rom 10:17) There is nothing we can do to earn, lose, or add to this salvation. (1 Pet. 1:3)
~ We are trifold beings; body, soul and spirit, the spirit of man having died at the fall. At the point of salvation, we are made alive in the spirit, making us a new creature, alive in a way we were not before. (2 Cor 5:17)
~ This world is not our home. When we are born in the spirit through Christ, our true citizenship is in heaven. (Phil 3:20)
~ We are to preach the gospel (good news.) (Mark 16:15)
~We are to be salt and light in the world. Matt 5:13-16 Shining the light of truth to expose evil and preserving life as far as it is in our ability.
~ A believer is eternally saved. Once he is born in spirit, a person cannot lose his salvation and be spiritually “unborn.” We walk out our lives in Christ through reading His Word and being led by the Holy Spirit. (For a detailed explanation of the believer’s assurance – please listen to this excellent sermon by David H J Gay.)
~ I do not believe the gifts of the Holy Spirit have ceased, but that they are greatly being counterfeited today. (1 Jn 4:1)
~ Our lives as believers are lived out in response to the great gift of love, testified by the experiential indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit all believers have been given. (Eph 3:14-19)
~ I do not hold to Dispensationalism and its “coming seven year tribulation” period, but that the vision given to John in the book of Revelation covers the entire church age, the persecution and tribulation of the saints accelerating and culminating in a final act of deception and evil by satan. I believe that we are living in that final time of deception and evil. I believe that Zionism and Zionist Dispensationalism are part of a deception created by the masterminds of the New World Order to mislead and misdirect the church to a carnal/physical interpretation of prophecy, leading believers to look to a physical restoration of the temple in Israel and a coming thousand year reign of Christ. (1 Cor 3:16) This carnal/physically focused belief is causing fear and confusion. (2 Tim 1:7) You can read more about dispensationalism here. But eschatology (the interpretation of prophecy) is not a salvation issue.
~ Much of science, including the heliocentric model, has been created as an enormous deception that is intended to hide God. While disinformationists abound in the “flat earth movement”, the facts are compelling that this great deception serves to create a foundation for the Kabbalah-based-lie of the big bang and evolution as well as the alien deception.
~ The Hebrew Roots Movement is a return to the LAW (Gal 3:1, Eph 2:14, Rom 10:4, Jer 31:31-34…), and is an extension of Zionism and Zionist Dispensationalism in the church. This very dangerous movement is luring believers away from the cross and into the greatest deception of our time.
~ The Sacred Name movement (Calling the son of God by his “Hebrew name”, etc..) is a false teaching originating in Kabbala and popularized through the Masoretic text by the Catholic church.
~ The book of Enoch is a mystical Jewish writing, and we should not use it to fill in places where scripture is silent or seems vague.
~ While the Bible is clear that there were giants, I believe the creation of fallen angel / human hybrids through a physical act of procreation is false and a Kabbalist deception. If these beings existed, I believe it’s more likely that they came to be through some sort of an alchemical process. You can read my thoughts on this in my Fallen Angel series.
~ Loving our neighbor includes sharing the Gospel and shining light (truth) on the enemy’s deceptions within and without the church, as well as warning them of physical dangers. (Matt 22:37-39),
~ Pray without ceasing. (1 Thess 5:16-18, Psalm 25 , James 1:5, Psalm 25:4-5, John 10:3-4, Proverbs 3:5-6)