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#meta 2019-01-02

2019-01-02 UTC
[tantek], neil, bradenslen and [davidmead] joined the channel
Finally! a way to re-platform your Google+ data before the April 2019 shutdown. exports to Wordpress, Blogger and other places. Hoping that this allows for communities to transition to new hosting or for individuals to go #indieweb
what is Google Plus
Google+ (AKA Google Plus, GPlus, or G+) is a soon to be shut down (2019 April) social content hosting silo operated by Google, similar in many respects to Facebook, and formerly a centralized Google identity service (since transitioned to Google Identity Platform
edited / (+36) "Add direct link in definition"
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[Serena] and [tantek] joined the channel
Google_Plus << exports to Wordpress, Blogger and other places
ok, I added " exports to Wordpress, Blogger and other places" to the "See Also" section of /Google_Plus
jjuran, [Vincent] and tbbrown joined the channel
edited /IETF (+93) "Zegnat added "[ reading one RFC a day in chronological order]" to "See Also""
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swentel, swentie, [kevinmarks], [alexbayleaf] and bradenslen joined the channel
created / (+149) "Created page with "{{Infobox person |name = Chris McLeod |url = |photo_url = }}""
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[davidmead], [Vincent] and [smerrill] joined the channel
edited /2019-01-01-commitments (+159) "/* Eddie */ Update commitments"
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edited /2019-01-01-commitments (+98) "/* Eddie */ Fix commitment structure for clarity"
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Yo, static site #indieweb folks, keep an eye on this PR this will be relevant to my move to @eleven_ty too I think
[manton] joined the channel
I haven't had a chance to update the wiki yet, but we're pushing the Austin HWC to next week: Jan 9th. Too close to the new year and really bad weather in Austin anyway for our usual meetup spot.
[manton]: [tantek] left you a message 1 week, 1 day ago: would it be possible to do a half-day IWC Organizers meetup the Friday afternoon before IWC Austin? cc: GWG, gRegorlove, schmarty, aaronpk, et al
[manton]: [tantek] left you a message 22 hours, 13 minutes ago: is HWC Austin meeting up on 2019-01-09 by any chance?
Manton, need help for AUS? Already committed
Yes, I'm really behind getting everything set up for the web site and tickets!
[jgmac1106], [davidmead] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
I booked my flight, so I am ready to help
edited /Year_in_Review (+488) "Jeremy Keith example"
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vivus joined the channel
edited /Grav (+250) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ migrated to grav"
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I wrote a little post on reading to kick off my @microdotblog life on the #indieweb. Most pleasant writing->publishing experience ever with all markdown!
[adamprocter] and [tantek] joined the channel
I know I brainstormed somewhere about treating underscores in (non-numerical) hashtags as spaces in the equivalent "category" text and auto-markup but I can't seem to find where I captured it on the wiki!
I know for sure I brought it up in chat, likely dev, and thought for sure I put it somewhere as a brainstorm, but couldn't find any evidence on any /tag /hashtag /tag-reply pages, or on IndieWeb Commitments
oh looks like I briefly captured it here including a to-do to incorporate it into /hashtags#Brainstorming
has anyone else ran into the challenge of wanting to "just" type a hashtag for a category/label that itself has spaces? (since hashtags can't have spaces)
I tend to use mostly one word tags, but I would rather use hyphens anyway
edited /Events (+27) "/* January */ +Austin on the 9th"
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aaronpk do you ever post new GitHub issues into a repo that has labels with spaces and want to add those labels directly from your indieweb /issue post?
ahh hmm, I don't think that's ever come up for me
this is about re-using categories/labels with spaces that someone else created in some space that you don't "control" per se
I've run into this with CSSWG issues for example
probably because I don't have a good way to know what labels the repo supports when I am writing the issue
I would rather just add the label on github after the fact
I'm guessing you would have run into this with SocialWG spec issues if you were owning your issues at the time
also because I probably don't want my post tagged with that label on my site
don't necessarily*
"add the label on github after the fact" -> via a /tag-reply that you also post on your own site first then POSSE to GH? or just on GH?
likely for the same reason that it's someone else's content
just on GitHub
hmm. I'm trying to "own my responses" even with /tag-reply posts
sorta like owning my reacji to GH issues/comments
I guess that just feels like organization of the repo content and not actually my own content
github reactions I would be more inclined to own myself
aaronpk if the repo or issue were *only* on someone's indieweb site, how would you add/remove labels/tags to it?
I prefer to just use spaces in my tags when I want them. But I don’t use hashtags, so I don’t need a replacement for spaces
[stefp] joined the channel
how do you enter your tags? into a different text field than your content? by choosing from a popup list? other?
(since I don't have a separate field, entering hashtags is how I enter tags)
Separate field, they are comma separated rather than space separated
Haven’t needed commas in my tags so far, haha
yes that's another way to do it. Flickr style
same in quill (after some people asked for spaces support)
But I do have the tag “Homebrew Website Club” with spaces
[eddie] joined the channel
I agree with aaronpk and Zegnat. I haven't run across the desire to add a GitHub label yet, I HAVE done GitHub reactions, and since I add my tags through a separate field, I could technically add a space if I wanted (although I haven't tested, so it might break things)
Flickr's tag entry text field works like this: if there are commas, use them as separators between tags, otherwise use spaces as separators
Hmm, I think everything I tagged Homebrew Website Club also has the tag IndieWeb, so that could work for me without accidentally breaking up the HWC one
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
edited /Falcon (+1675) "/* Working On */ tags with spaces, use-case and two possible designs"
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vivus joined the channel
edited /2018-12-indieweb-challenge (-226) "/* Inspiration */ move labels with spaces details to [[Falcon#tags_with_spaces]]"
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edited /autolink (+15) "auto-tag"
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created /auto-tag (+964) "stub auto-tag"
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edited /hashtags (+131) "/* Brainstorming */ subheads, add hashtags for tags with spaces for discoverability"
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capturing thoughts / work in progress here until I have a more clear / decisive design: /Falcon#tags_with_spaces
currently strongly consider leaving single underscores alone (in general) and using a double-underscore in hashtags __ as a space in the equivalent tag/category
also considering converting any *n_n* (number, single underscore, number) in a hashtag to *n-n*. Use-case is ISO dates (ordinal and gregorian), making their tag/category version more standard / human friendly (#YYYY_DDD -> YYYY-DDD, #dev YYYY_MM_DD -> YYYY-MM-DD)
Wow this sounds way too complicated for me lol
nudges this conversation out of #meta
I would never remember that lol
edited /Falcon (+215) "/* tags with spaces */ note chat logs processed for ideas, move to reference section, example W3C Process "Needs Review" label"
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Sorry for the late notice — no Homebrew Website Club in Austin tonight. Because of the holidays and weather, we’re pushing the meetup to next week. Jan 9th, 6:30pm at Mozart’s Coffee.
created / (+883) "Created page with "<div class="p-summary">{{Infobox person |name = Chris Beckstrom |url = |photo_url =""
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jjuran joined the channel
The #IndieWeb is making its way officially to Nottingham with this month's @nottsjs thanks to @hawx - really looking forward to this!
edited /hostingnotes (+758) "SiteGround, notes from BT Berlin"
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edited /generations (+215) "/* Generation 1 / Generation 2 */"
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[adamprocter] and [tantek] joined the channel
created / (+307) "Created page with "<span class="h-card">[ Jens-Christian Fischer]</span> Old timer on the web, blogging since late 1990s, resurrected my blog beginning of 2019 and discover...""
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tomasparks joined the channel