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#dev 2023-11-22

2023-11-22 UTC
gxt joined the channel
capjamesg: You still interested in talking tickets?
geoffo, CRISPR and gxt joined the channel
How does tickets look in a space where you're using something like
I think there's examples of people doing some level of demo
but it's to their site
[jacky]: It doesn't support the redemption flow. But, like anything else, it would have to support redemption of tickets
yeah, I guess then how does that integration look for a static site?
(it _seems_ not possible but I feel like there's some magic with nginx that can be done)
well hmm lol
[jacky]: An like service can easily do the flow
yeah but for the gating of the resources, I'm curious about especially to help coax folks to develop for them
The resources part, that should be doable with Nginx, in theory.
I've been thinking about the fact that the server metadata file provides a list of supported scopes and grant_types and what I might use that for.
Has anyone thought about a UI for the audience for protected posts?
[tantek] joined the channel
GWG, see the demos from Sebsel and I think sknebel from IWC NUR
pretty sure they were captured in the video
what is IWC
what is IWC
IndieWebCamps are brainstorming and building events where IndieWeb creators gather regularly in person to share ideas and collaborate on IndieWeb design, UX, & code for their own sites
gxt, angelo and [sebsel] joined the channel
it was sknebel who has done some work on this at the most recent IWC Nurnberg
but yes my private posts have a lock-icon and the text ‘only shared with you’ or ‘shared with all logged-in users’ at the top
win0err, [KevinMarks], gRegorLove_ and geoffo joined the channel
what is a protected post
It looks like we don't have a page for "protected post" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "protected post is ____", a sentence describing the term)
what is a private post
private posts refer to posts or portions of posts which are private to either the author or to a limited audience chosen or previously approved by the author (like close friends), the latter also known as friends-only posts
I am having trouble figuring out how to extend my platform to limit posts to specific users
win0err joined the channel
I’m thinking it may be worth creating a page on protected posts since we have a few active indieweb examples and it's different enough from private posts
And documenting challenges like that GWG
Technically you already have "private" posts since WordPress has a notion of "unpublished" posts which are effectively private posts since only you can see them
win0err and geoffo joined the channel
[tantek]: Private visibility in WordPress is not only is only logged in admins. You can change who sees them. That's what I'm trying to tweak. I could make any logged in user see them, but only specific ones is a pain. I might have to create a groups feature that could allow viewing by group.
win0err joined the channel
what is unlisted
unlisted are publicly visible posts that are not included in a homepage or feed(s), and are typically excluded from site search features and broader web search services
sp1ff, jeremy, gRegorLove_ and [marksuth] joined the channel
What's the difference between private and protected posts?
win0err joined the channel
private as a generic term means just you, and a good UI preserves that meaning instead of diluting it to mean sort-of-private
Ah so we'd remove "or to a limited audience" from private posts dfn
depends on its usage tbh. ideally yes
regardless we can define "protected posts" more precisely and build from there
the funny analogy if folks are confused about what private means is to ask folks what do they think of private parts?
My initial question was because of that phrase in the private posts dfn. Seems like protected posts overlaps with that if it's not removed.
Definitely some ambiguous usage of terms out there though, like people would make their Twitter account "private" which means only followers they approve, but all of those followers can see the posts
what is private account
A private account is a silo account where all posts on its profile are private, and only approved followers (or friends) can see posts
Just saw last bullet on the private posts See Also "name/naming and scope" :)
win0err, gRegorLove_, barnaby, [jacky] and [Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
Well, there is the definition in Micropub
Micropub's extension defines visibility, with public, unlisted, or private and defines private as not accessible unless viewed by an authenticated user(see audience).
Then there is a proposed audience property, and the discussion around that
I should compile all of this into some thoughts to help myself on this journey
[tw2113] joined the channel
that's the path to ticketing for indieauth I want to bridge
whenever a new post is made with an audience that's non-public (or at least to an audience that doesn't signify that authorization is required), send out tickets to everyone in that list and make that list accessible by a URL (for my own use of re-use and to give people a place to request access for things on-demand)
so for like a post of, I'd have a visibility of private and the audience set to something like
but whatever that last URL resolves to and however it's determined for sending tickets would be up to the implementation (which I think we could find the list of rep h-cards on that page and look for ticket endpoints for each of them)
Slack uses the term "private" when create a new invite-only channel
[jacky], Are you working on an IndieAuth as a service, like
Or just a personal IndieAuth server your site runs?
I have a ticket endpoint if anyone wants to send one btw. No takers yet. :)
[preview] [gRegor Morrill] I now have the building blocks for Ticketing for IndieAuth set up. On my staging site, the metadata endpoint now advertises the ticket_endpoint. That endpoint is accepting POST requests with parameters: ticket, resource, and subject. If the request ...
a service, yeah!
The current thinking on discovery for sending tickets and the github issue linked there.
So if your audiences page had, check that for rel=indieauth-metadata, find ticket_endpoint, send to that URL.