#sknebelaaronpk: if my site has a rel="authorization_endpoint" set, then during logging into the wiki Indieauth.com would delegate to that? Or offer logging into it as an alternative?
#sknebeltrying to understand exactly how the pieces fit together
#aaronpkright now your own authorization endpoint shows up as an option on indieauth.com
#aaronpkthis weekend we talked about changing the mediawiki auth plugin to use your authorization endpoint directly if you've set one, rather than always using indieauth.com. so i'm going to try to do that soon.
#sknebelwe talked about different security levels a while back, just realized that with my own endpoint I could implement that
#sknebelallowing different methods depending on redirect_target
#aaronpkyeah I really want to encourage more authorization servers so I'm trying not to make indieauth.com toooo fancy ;-)
#[kylewm]iirc, you basically did the indieauth.com delegation because you didn’t want to write any more mediawiki plugin code :stuck_out_tongue:
#aaronpkyep but 1) i have to upgrade the plugin for the new mediawiki version anyway and 2) dealing only with other indieauth authorization servers is almost no extra code, certainly a lot easier than dealing with all the various oauth 1.1/2.0 providers
#Loqi[indieweb] "Last Friday: #IndieWeb Leaders gathered (📷 @julieannenoying) and discussed improving our community, our outreach, and even our website, which updated that night, right before the IndieWeb Summit: indiewebcamp.com
#gRegorLoveYeah, it replaced the html in there for ~~~~
#miklbthinking outloud…Basically my issue is that the generator in the plugin parses post.content for links and writes to a cache file for sending mentions. I need to find a way to get ahead of when Jekyll generates the post.content. Or, modify the plugin the to read the Front Matter (mp-syndicate-to from micropub) and write the bridgy link from there.
#[shaners]gregorlove: I don’t understand the ~~~~ thing.
#miklbthinks the latter is going to be better solution
#aaronpk~~~~ is a mediawiki thing which expands to a signature when you save the page
#gRegorLoveI think you copied it with the <nowiki> code around it. Doesn't matter for the most part with your {{veganstraightedge}} template.
#gRegorLoveI guess 3 tildes adds a link to your wiki User page. 4 does that + datetime
#[shaners]tantek rhiaro gwg julieannenoying kylewm benwerd: Since you were there and part of the conversation, can you add your +1 (assuming nothing’s changed for you) to /rename_to_IndieWeb please?
#miklbprobably a pretty n00b question, but can I pass the omit-link param in the URL for bridgy?
snarfed joined the channel
#kylewmYou can, I think. Bridgy is weird that way... it treats query and body parameters the same
#miklbI have my Jekyll plugin working in that I can send a webmention to a link e.g. https://brid.gy/publish/twitter but not sure how to write that URL with the omit.
#miklbok, it sent. but some reason my markup choked on it. Seems to work normally, but maybe because I have an empty summary on the notes at the moment
#miklbbut \_O_/ for micropub syndication with Jekyll
#miklbsnarfed no. I'm using micropub to publish to my Jekyll site, then automate bridgy to POSSE to Twitter based on micropub setting a mf-syndicate-to flag
#miklbyep the micropub that voxpelli wrote writes some front matter in the jekyll md file, and I'm using that to trigger the webmention. Probably doesn't get more hack :-)
#miklbnot to mention, I took the long trip to get to this point.
#bearit really helps when people who discover how to do something take notes - no matter how basic
#miklbbear will do. I want/need to tweak the plugin (hoping to a point I can send a pull request) for it.
#miklbmy Ruby skills are how do you say it…lacking? But I'm picking it up bit by bit.
#miklbAlso, I'm pretty fortunate that voxpelli shared his yet to be public code to get the micropub/Jekyll working in the first place. But I'm hopefully blazing the trail so when he's ready to share it I can help others
Jammy_Stuff, rakaar, uranther, davidascher, ramsey, jden, voxpelli, bigbluehat, mattl, davbo, bergie, anarchivist, JonathanNeal, Yilmaz_Erkan, kronda, CaptainCalliope and Erkan_Yilmaz joined the channel
#GWGSending little updates one by one seems to work for Pfefferle.
bigbluehat, Erkan_Yilmaz, bergie, davbo, anarchivist, JonathanNeal, CaptainCalliope, Pierre-O, colintedford and loic_m joined the channel
#sknebelJeena: noticed that too while playing with thready
bigbluehat, Erkan_Yilmaz, Garbee and Yilmaz_Erkan joined the channel
#Jeenasknebel, and obviously I don't think we should change how thready works, we should change peoples behaviour imho
wolftune, friedcell, Yilmaz_Erkan, Erkan_Yilmaz and bigbluehat joined the channel
#gnb.iocreated /User:Gnb.io (+303) "Created page with "==Current Status== * Site uses [[WordPress]] * Offers a shortener version/redirect at gb1.co == Wordpress Details== * Modified theme to bring in Indieweb features and post for..."" (view diff)
bigbluehat, Pierre-O, chimo, arthurspooner, Yilmaz_Erkan, Erkan_here and Guest82876 joined the channel
#GWGpfefferle: I thought running it through a code sniffer helped. Will continue to work on it.
#GWGpfefferle: By the way, after the last pull request I sent you, the next one is going to bring the code to specification on looking for target before source.
#pfefferleGWG ok nice, I will look at the last pull request later today...
#pfefferleGWG have some facepile code in the make for SL plugin
#petermolnarGWG: ":set listchars=eol:¬,tab:>·,trail:~,extends:>,precedes:<," and ":set list"; this will show non-space tabs
#GWGpfefferle: I want to bring over the comment walker and iterate on that to include in Semantic Linkbacks. So any theme can use it.
#pfefferlewill commit it also later today... it is still experimental, but I will make a new branch
#GWGpfefferle: I have those other Semantic Linkback ideas.
cyberjar09 joined the channel
#GWGpfefferle: Like putting the source into the $commentdata so Semantic Linkbacks doesn't have to pull it a second time. Core does that for pingbacks now.
#xavierrroywhen I sign on using indieauth on sites, it shows my profile as domainname/profile/user. Is htere a setting/way to configure it point to my domain?
truc and tantek joined the channel
#tantek.comedited /wiki (+113) "/* Wiki Features We Need */ link mediawiki customization" (view diff)
#miklboh wow, I just realized that once I figure out this change to the webmention plugin, I won't have to include the hidden link in my articles for bridgy POSSE
#[emmak]interesting that people also suggested that thready not supporting tweets is a forcing function to own your own posts
#aaronpkrelated, just had a thought of another thing to add to original post discovery
begriffs joined the channel
#aaronpkwhen I find a tweet i'm replying to that doesn't include a link to the original, that doesn't mean there isn't an original (my tweets for example)
#aaronpkgiven a tweet URL, find the user's website on their twitter profile, then look at their website feed for a post with a syndication property equal to the tweet URL
#aaronpkthat would help me post more replies to peoples' individual sites even when i only find their tweets
#[emmak]are there best practices around publishing and consuming multiple feeds?
#[emmak]i've started separating my replies to a different feed, but wondering if that would break your reply algorithm
#aaronpki have rel=feed from my home page to a page that shows all my content
#aaronpkbridgy uses that page too, otherwise it would miss finding posts that aren't on my home page
#[shaners]Whoa. Not a quick change? That’s surprising to me. I expected it’d just be a simple change to your template. A wrapper div or a class on an existing div.
#snarfedKevinMarks: 3rd in the 11am block, but it'll start late so i'll be on maybe 11:45ish
#aaronpkpretty much the only reason to add h-feed is to be able to give the feed a useful name, which means i have to have a way to generate a useful name for all my feeds
#KartikPrabhuis surprised that a web summit will not allow HTML slides!
#Loqi"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world [wide web]." — Morpheus, The Matrix
#gRegorLoveI've yet to set up micropub, so I tend to think about the simpler version of posting these things directly via my site.
#xavierrroyI would love that: a simple form to enter a book title and maybe pull in the data from amazon and maybe a couple of radio buttons to mark as nowreading/completed.
#aaronpkdefinitely make it as a micropub client! that way everyone can use it with their own sites!
#LoqiTo read or reading is the act of viewing and interpreting posts or other documents; on the IndieWeb, a read post expresses that something has been read, like a book or section thereof https://indiewebcamp.com/reading
#xavierrroyright now, i'm using simile and google spreadsheets to display it: http;//xavierroy.com/library
#gRegorLoveSure, i just need to implement micropub before I work on a micropub client :)
#gRegorLoveI'm sure implementing micropub won't be hard, but if I do it I'd like to do it as a ProcessWire plugin and I'm not sure how that will work since PW can have any page hierarchy the owner sets up. It's a framework more than a "here are the blog posts, here are the notes, etc."
#aaronpkmicropub doesn't make any assumptions about that
#[benatwork]I’m not sure I completely agree - collective ownership / co-operative running are ideas that work in the real world. But thinking about how that might be represented in code is breaking my brain a bit.
#gRegorLoveNote the homepage says "Your content is yours" not "You own your data"
friedcell joined the channel
#[shaners]There’s also ambiguity of we and our. Like, did I get to have a choice in being including in your concept of “our”? Are you owning my data with my consent? Can I freely leave the we? If I do, does my piece of the our come with me or stay behind or both?
#gRegorLoveKinda related: We talked about shared hosting at the summit, and the possibility of someone managing a server and spinning up instances of blogs for a group/community, to make that whole process easier.
#[kylewm]I still like that concept… if the people on the shared server are real-life-friends and there is some concept of sharing the cost
#[benatwork]I’ve run a server for my friends for the last decade or so. It’s where werd.io and my other personal experiments are stored. But it also hosted, among other things, a web community, a Stop Boris Johnson website, and maybe 15 or so blogs.
#[benatwork](They don’t pay me. But one of my friends sysadmins for me, which is nice, because server administration and me are like china shops and bulls.)
#tantekand the answer works again too, because the /next-hwc link is preserved in the old tweet as a redirect, and thus redirects to the next most current HWC :D