Steel Safe 01 3D 模型
- 可用的格式: GLB / GLTF: glb 23.73 MBAutodesk FBX: fbx 22.09 MBBlender: blend 196.39 kb
渲染: CyclesImage Textures: png 22.20 MBWavefront OBJ: obj 102.18 kbStereolithography: stl 103.18 kbCollada: dae 198.39 kb
- 多边形:3303
- 顶点:3253
- 动画:No
- 纹理:
- 操纵:No
- 材料:
- 低聚:No
- 集合:No
- UVW 贴图:
- 使用插件:No
- 打印准备:No
- 3D扫描:No
- 成人内容:No
- PBR:
- 人工智能培训:No
- 几何:Polygonal
- 包装 UVs:Non-overlapping
- 日期:222
- 日期: 2024-10-19
- 项目 ID:536475
- 评分:
Steel Safe 01 ( Mid Poly ).
Originally created with Blender.
The Polygon & Vertices totals represent the mesh without subdivision.
This model can be used for commercial use and there is no requirement to give credit.
Rendered using the Cycles renderer.
This model was textured using Substance Painter.
Careful UV Mapping was used in this model.
All models are individually named and grouped.
This model of a medieval mace is a photo-realistic model that will bring an expert level of realism to any of your design projects. Realistic high quality,
High detailed model best for close render. Used only high-quality materials.
Everything in the outliner and material have been clearly named.
You can also use it as in games and as in interior design.
This model is not prepared 3D printing.
This model will be ready for 3d printing after some modifications.
This model is Mid Poly.
This model has from 1 object
Textures are used here in 4K Resolution.
High-qualitymaterials are also used here.
You can download textures in this folder ( TEXTURES ).
You can easily change the color and textures to your taste.
You can download files:\ blender \ fbx \ obj \ stl \ glb \ dae.
Verticles: 3253.
Faces: 3303.
Also check out my other 3d products.
打印准备: 否如果你需要一个不同的格式,请打开一个新的支持票和为此请求。我们可以转换到 3D 模型: .stl, .c4d, .obj, .fbx, .ma/.mb, .3ds, .3dm, .dxf/.dwg, .max. .blend, .skp, .glb. 我们不转换 3d 场景 以及 .step、.iges、.stp、.sldprt 等格式。!