Theoretical uncertainties for electroweak and Higgs-boson precision measurements at FCC-ee
/ Freitas, A. (Pittsburgh U.) ; Heinemeyer, S. (Madrid, IFT ; Cantabria Inst. of Phys.) ; Beneke, M. (Munich, Tech. U.) ; Blondel, A. (Geneva U.) ; Dittmaier, S. (Freiburg U.) ; Gluza, J. (Silesia U. ; Hradec Kralove U.) ; Hoang, A. (Vienna U.) ; Jadach, S. (Cracow, INP) ; Janot, P. (CERN) ; Reuter, J. (DESY) et al.
Due to the high anticipated experimental precision at the Future Circular Collider FCC-ee (or other proposed $e^+e^-$ colliders, such as ILC, CLIC, or CEPC) for electroweak and Higgs-boson precision measurements, theoretical uncertainties may have, if unattended, an important impact on the interpretation of these measurements within the Standard Model (SM), and thus on constraints on new physics. [...]
arXiv:1906.05379 ; IFT-UAM/CSIC-18-021 ; TUM-HEP-1185/19 ; KW 19-001 ; TTK-19-20 ; UWThPh
2019-16 ; UWThPh 2019-16 ; IFJPAN-IV-2019-8 ; FR-PHENO-2019-010 ; DESY 19-105 ; DESY-19-105.
2019. - 20 p.
Introduction and Overview
/ Blondel, A (Geneva U.) ; Gluza, J (Silesia U. ; Hradec Kralove U.) ; Jadach, S (Cracow, INP) ; Janot, P (CERN) ; Riemann, T (Silesia U. ; DESY, Zeuthen)
This report includes a collection of studies devoted to a discussion of (i) the status of theoreticalefforts towards the calculation of higher-order Standard Model (SM) corrections needed for theFCC-ee precision measurement programme, (ii) the possibility of making discoveries in physicsby means of these precision measurements, and (iii) methods and tools that must be developedto guarantee precision calculations of the observables to be measured. This report originatesfrom presentations at the 11th FCC-ee Workshop: Theory and Experiments, 8–11 January 2019,CERN, Geneva [1], with 117 registered participants and 42 talks on theory..
2020 - 6 p.
- Published in : 10.23731/CYRM-2020-003.3
Fulltext: PDF;
In : Theory for the FCC-ee : Report on the 11th FCC-ee Workshop Theory and Experiments, pp.3-8
FCC-ee: Your Questions Answered
/ Blondel, A. (ed.) (CERN ; U. Geneva (main)) ; Janot, P. (ed.) (CERN) ; Alipour Tehrani, N. (CERN) ; Azzi, P. (INFN, Padua) ; Azzurri, P. (INFN, Pisa) ; Bacchetta, N. (INFN, Padua) ; Benedikt, M. (CERN) ; Blekman, F. (Vrije U., Brussels) ; Boscolo, M. (Frascati) ; Dam, M. (Bohr Inst.) et al.
This document answers in simple terms many FAQs about FCC-ee, including comparisons with other colliders. [...]
2019. - 45 p.
Theory for the FCC-ee : Report on the 11th FCC-ee Workshop Theory and Experiments : Geneva, Switzerland 08 - 11 Jan 2019
Theory for the FCC-ee: Report on the 11th FCC-ee Workshop Theory and Experiments - 11th FCC-ee workshop
08 - 11 Jan 2019
- Geneva, Switzerland
/ Blondel, A. (ed.) (Geneva U.); Gluza, J. (ed.) (Silesia U. ; Hradec Kralove U.); Jadach, S. (ed.) (Cracow, INP); Janot, P. (ed.) (CERN); Riemann, T. (ed.) (Silesia U. ; DESY, Zeuthen); Abreu, S. (Louvain U., CP3); Aguilera-Verdugo, J.J. (Valencia U.); Arbuzov, A.B. (Dubna, JINR); Baglio, J. (Tubingen U.); Bakshi, S.D. (Indian Inst. Tech., Kanpur) et al.
The FCC at CERN, a proposed 100-km circular facility with several colliders in succession, culminates with a 100 TeV proton-proton collider. It offers a vast new domain of exploration in particle physics, with orders of magnitude advances in terms of Precision, Sensitivity and Energy. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 2020 - 286 p.
arXiv:1905.05078 .- CERN-2020-003 .- BU-HEPP-19-03 .- CERN-TH-2019-061 .- CP3-19-22 .- DESY-19-072 .- FR-PHENO-2019-005 .- IFIC/19-23 .- IFT-UAM-CSIC-19-058 .- IPhT-19-050 .- IPPP/19/32 .- KW 19-003 .- MPP-2019-84 .- LTH 1203 .- ZU-TH-22-19 .- TUM-HEP-1200-19 .- TTP19-008 .- TTK-19-19 .- CERN-2020-003
- Published in : 10.23731/CYRM-2020-003
The strong coupling constant: State of the art and the decade ahead
/ d'Enterria, D. (CERN) ; Kluth, S. (Munich, Max Planck Inst.) ; Zanderighi, G. (Munich, Max Planck Inst.) ; Ayala, C. (Tarapaca U.) ; Benitez-Rathgeb, M.A. (Vienna U.) ; Bluemlein, J. (DESY, Zeuthen) ; Boito, D. (Vienna U. ; Sao Paulo U.) ; Brambilla, N. (Munich, Tech. U.) ; Britzger, D. (Munich, Max Planck Inst.) ; Camarda, S. (CERN) et al.
Theoretical predictions for particle production cross sections and decays at colliders rely heavily on perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) calculations, expressed as an expansion in powers of the strong coupling constant $\alpha_s$. The current $\mathcal{O}(1\%)$ uncertainty of the QCD coupling evaluated at the reference Z boson mass, $\alpha_s(m_Z) = 0.1179 \pm 0.0009$, is one of the limiting factors to more precisely describe multiple processes at current and future colliders. [...]
arXiv:2203.08271; FERMILAB-CONF-22-148-T.-
2024-10-28 - 163 p.
- Published in : J. Phys. G
Fulltext: jt - PDF; 2203.08271 - PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF; External links: Fermilab Library Server; eConf
In : 2021 Snowmass Summer Study, Seattle, WA, United States, 11 - 20 July 2021, pp.090501
Physics with $e^{+}e^{-}$ Linear Colliders
/ Accomando, E. (INFN, Turin ; Turin U.) ; Andreazza, A. (INFN, Milan ; Milan U.) ; Anlauf, H. (Darmstadt, Tech. Hochsch.) ; Ballestrero, A. (INFN, Turin ; Turin U.) ; Barklow, T. (SLAC) ; Bartels, J. (Hamburg U., Inst. Theor. Phys. II) ; Bartl, A. (Vienna U.) ; Battaglia, M. (CERN) ; Beenakker, W. (Leiden U.) ; Bélanger, G. (Annecy, LAPP) et al.
/ECFA/DESY Linear Collider Physics Working Group
We describe the physics potential of $e^+e^-$ linear colliders in this report. These machines are planned to operate in the first phase at a center-of --mass energy of 500 GeV, before being scaled up to about 1 TeV. [...]
hep-ph/9705442; SLAC-PUB-9779; DESY-97-100; DESY-97-100.-
Hamburg : DESY, 1998 - 103 p.
- Published in : Phys. Rep. 299 (1998) 1-78
Access to fulltext document: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: SLAC Document Server
- Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
Proceedings, High-Precision $\alpha_s$ Measurements from LHC to FCC-ee : Geneva, Switzerland, October 2-13, 2015
Workshop on High-precision $\alpha_s$ measurements from LHC to FCC-ee
12 - 13 Oct 2015
- Geneva, Switzerland
/ d'Enterria, David (ed.) (CERN); Skands, Peter Z. (ed.) (Monash U.); Alekhin, S. (U. Hamburg (main)); Banfi, A.; Bethke, S.; Blümlein, J. (DESY); Chetyrkin, K.G. (KIT, Karlsruhe); Dissertori, G. (Zurich, ETH); Garcia i Tormo, X.; Hoang, A.H. (Vienna U.) et al.
This document provides a writeup of all contributions to the workshop on "High precision measurements of $\alpha_s$: From LHC to FCC-ee" held at CERN, Oct. 12--13, 2015. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 2015 - 135 p.
arXiv:1512.05194 .- CERN-PH-TH-2015-299 .- COEPP-MN-15-13 .- FERMILAB-CONF-15-610-T .- CERN-PH-TH-2015-299 .- COEPP-MN-15-13 .- FERMILAB-CONF-15-610-T
- Published in : (2015)