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CERN Document Server Sök i 44 journaler efter:  1 - 10nästaslut  gå till journal: Sökningen tog 0.68 sekunder. 
Publishing statistical models: Getting the most out of particle physics experiments / Cranmer, Kyle (New York U.) ; Kraml, Sabine (LPSC, Grenoble) ; Prosper, Harrison B. (Florida State U.) ; Bechtle, Philip (Bonn U.) ; Bernlochner, Florian U. (Bonn U.) ; Bloch, Itay M. (Tel Aviv U. (main)) ; Canonero, Enzo (Genoa U.) ; Chrzaszcz, Marcin (Cracow, INP) ; Coccaro, Andrea (INFN, Genoa) ; Conrad, Jan (Stockholm U., OKC) et al.
The statistical models used to derive the results of experimental analyses are of incredible scientific value and are essential information for analysis preservation and reuse. In this paper, we make the scientific case for systematically publishing the full statistical models and discuss the technical developments that make this practical. [...]
arXiv:2109.04981.- 2022-01-25 - 60 p. - Published in : SciPost Phys. 12 (2022) 037 Fulltext: 2109.04981 - PDF; document - PDF;
Analysis Description Languages for the LHC / Sekmen, Sezen (Kyungpook Natl. U.) ; Gras, Philippe (DAPNIA, Saclay) ; Gray, Lindsey (Fermilab) ; Krikler, Benjamin (Bristol U.) ; Pivarski, Jim (Princeton U.) ; Prosper, Harrison B. (Florida State U.) ; Rizzi, Andrea (INFN, Pisa) ; Unel, Gokhan (UC, Irvine) ; Watts, Gordon (Washington U., Seattle)
An analysis description language is a domain specific language capable of describing the contents of an LHC analysis in a standard and unambiguous way, independent of any computing framework. It is designed for use by anyone with an interest in, and knowledge of, LHC physics, i.e., experimentalists, phenomenologists and other enthusiasts. [...]
arXiv:2011.01950; FERMILAB-PUB-21-145-SCD.- SISSA, 2020-09-25 - 5 p. - Published in : PoS LHCP2020 (2021) 065 Fulltext: 2011.01950 - PDF; fermilab-pub-21-145-scd - PDF; PoS(LHCP2020)065 - PDF; External link: Fermilab Library Server
In : 8th Conference of Large Hadron Collider Physics (LHCP), Online, 25 - 30 May 2020, pp.065
Les Houches 2019 Physics at TeV Colliders: New Physics Working Group Report / Brooijmans, G. (Columbia U.) ; Buckley, A. (Glasgow U.) ; Caron, S. (Nijmegen U., IMAPP ; Nikhef, Amsterdam) ; Falkowski, A. (IJCLab, Orsay) ; Fuks, B. (IUF, Paris ; Paris, LPTHE) ; Gilbert, A. (Northwestern U.) ; Murray, W.J. (Warwick U. ; Rutherford) ; Nardecchia, M. (Rome U.) ; No, J.M. (Madrid, Autonoma U. ; Madrid, IFT) ; Torre, R. (INFN, Genoa ; CERN) et al.
This report presents the activities of the `New Physics' working group for the `Physics at TeV Colliders' workshop (Les Houches, France, 10--28 June, 2019). [...]
- 227.
Practical Statistics for Particle Physicists / Prosper, Harrison B (Florida State U.)
These lectures cover the basic ideas of frequentist and Bayesian analysis and introduce the mathematical underpinnings of supervised machine learning. In order to focus on the essentials, we illustrate the ideas using two simple examples from particle physics..
2019 - 32 p. - Published in : CERN Yellow Rep. School Proc. 6 (2019) 261-292 Fulltext: PDF;
In : The 2018 European School of High-Energy Physics, Maratea, Italy, 20 Jun - 3 Jul 2018, pp.261-292 (CERN-2019-006)
Les Houches 2017: Physics at TeV Colliders New Physics Working Group Report / Brooijmans, G. (Columbia U.) ; Dolan, M. (ARC, CoEPP, Australia) ; Gori, S. (Cincinnati U.) ; Maltoni, F. (Louvain U., CP3) ; McCullough, M. (CERN) ; Musella, P. (Zurich, ETH) ; Perrozzi, L. (Zurich, ETH) ; Richardson, P. (CERN ; Durham U., IPPP) ; Riva, F. (CERN) ; Angelescu, A. (Nebraska U.) et al.
We present the activities of the `New Physics' working group for the `Physics at TeV Colliders' workshop (Les Houches, France, 5--23 June, 2017). [...]
arXiv:1803.10379 ; FERMILAB-CONF-17-664-PPD.
- 2018. - 224 p.
Fermilab Library Server (fulltext available) - Full text - Fulltext
A Search for Neutron-antineutron Oscillations Using Free Neutrons / Prosper, H B (Rutherford) /CERN-ILL-PADOVA-RAL-SUSSEX
A search for neutron-antineutron oscillations in a 6-metre long magnetically shielded region has been carried out using the H18 cold neutron beam at the ILL reactor. A limit g > 0.8 x 106 secs at 90% confidence level can be set for the neutron-antineutron mixing time τ N[MATH]..
1984 - 3 p. - Published in : J. Phys., Colloq. 45 (1984) 185-187
Experience from Searches at the Tevatron / Prosper, Harrison B (Florida State U.)
I describe, by way of examples, the experience physicists have gained during twodecades of searching for physics, both expected and new, at the FermilabTevatron..
Geneva : CERN, 2011 - 10 p. - Published in : 10.5170/CERN-2011-006.72 Published version from CERN: PDF;
In : PHYSTAT 2011 Workshop on Statistical Issues Related to Discovery Claims in Search Experiments and Unfolding, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 17 - 20 Jan 2011, pp.72-81 (CERN-2011-006)
Les Houches 2015: Physics at TeV colliders - new physics working group report / Brooijmans, G. (Columbia U.) ; Delaunay, C. (Annecy, LAPTH) ; Delgado, A. (Notre Dame U.) ; Englert, C. (Glasgow U.) ; Falkowski, A. (Orsay, LPT) ; Fuks, B. (Paris, LPTHE) ; Nikitenko, S. (Imperial Coll., London) ; Sekmen, S. (CHEP, Taegu) ; Barducci, D. (Annecy, LAPTH) ; Bernon, J. (LPSC, Grenoble) et al.
We present the activities of the 'New Physics' working group for the 'Physics at TeV Colliders' workshop (Les Houches, France, 1-19 June, 2015). [...]
- 2016. - 197 p.
Preprint - Full text
Practical Statistics for Particle Physicists / Prosper, Harrison B. (Florida State U.)
These lectures introduce the basic ideas and practices of statistical analysis for particle physicists, using a real-world example to illustrate how the abstractions on which statistics is based are translated into practical application..
arXiv:1608.03201; arXiv:1608.03201.- 2016 - 28 p. - Published in : CERN Yellow Report CERN-2015-004, pp.301-328 Preprint: PDF; Published version from CERN: PDF; External link: Fulltext
In : 2013 European School of High-Energy Physics, pp.301-328
12th NATO Advanced Study Institute on Techniques and Concepts of High-Energy Physics   13 - 24 Jun 2002  - St. Croix, VI, USA  / Prosper, Harrison B (ed.); Danilov, Michael V (ed.)
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic, 2003 - 383 p.

CERN Document Server : Sök i 44 journaler efter:   1 - 10nästaslut  gå till journal:
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31 Prosper, H
19 Prosper, H.
6 Prosper, H.B.
1367 Prosper, Harrison
1367 Prosper, Harrison
13 Prosper, Harrison B
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6 Prosper, Harry
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