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CERN Document Server 45 записей найдено  1 - 10следующийконец  перейти к записи: Поиск длился 0.65 секунд. 
Radio Frequency Quadrupole: Slowing Down Antimatter / Pirkl, Werner (CERN ; U. Tokyo (main))
2017 - 3 p. - Published in : Adv. Ser. Direct. High Energy Phys.: 27 (2017) , pp. 195-197 Fulltext: PDF;
In : The CERN Antiproton Programme: Imagination and Audacity Rewarded, pp.195-197
Commissioning and Operation of the MedAustron Injector: Results and Future Outlook / Penescu, Liviu (MedAustron,Neustadt) ; Kronberger, Matthias (MedAustron,Neustadt) ; Kulenkampff, Tobias (MedAustron,Neustadt) ; Osmić, Fadmar (MedAustron,Neustadt) ; Urschütz, Peter (MedAustron,Neustadt) ; Pirkl, Werner (CERN)
The MedAustron facility is a synchrotron-driven hadron therapy and research center presently under construction in Wiener Neustadt, Austria. In its final outline, the facility will provide H⁺ beams with kinetic energies ≤250MeV and C6+ beams of ≤400MeV/u for clinical applications, and for non-clinical applications H⁺ of up to 800MeV. [...]
2014 - 3 p. - Published in : , pp. THPME001 Fulltext: PDF; External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Dresden, Germany, 15 - 20 Jun 2014, pp.THPME001
A Proposal to Construct and Test Prototype Superconducting R.F. Structures for Linear Colliders / Bloess, D (CERN) ; Geschonke, Günther (CERN) ; Häbel, E (CERN) ; Kugler, H (CERN) ; Lengeler, H (CERN) ; Pirkl, Werner (CERN) ; Riege, H (CERN) ; Padamee, H (Cornell) ; Tigner, M (Cornell) ; Wanzenberg, R (FERMILAB) et al.
- 1993. - 136 p.
CERN library copies
Tuning of the RFQ / Pirkl, Werner
PS-RF-Note-83-4 ; CERN-PS-RF-Note-83-4.
- 1983. - 18 p.
Fulltext - Fulltext
Determination of the antiproton-to-electron mass ratio by precision laser spectroscopy of $\overline{p}He^{+}$ / Hori, M (Univ. Tokyo ; CERN) ; Dax, A (Department of Physics, University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan) ; Eades, John (Department of Physics, University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan) ; Gomikawa, K (Department of Physics, University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan) ; Hayano, R S (Department of Physics, University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan) ; Ono, N (Department of Physics, University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan) ; Pirkl, Werner (Department of Physics, University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan) ; Widmann, E (Stefan Meyer Institut für Subatomare Physik, Boltzmanngasse 3, Vienna 1090, Austria) ; Torii, H A (Institute of Physics, University of Tokyo, Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8902, Japan) ; Juhász, B (Stefan Meyer Institut für Subatomare Physik, Boltzmanngasse 3, Vienna 1090, Austria ; 5Institute of Nuclear Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, H-4001 Debrecen, Hungary) et al.
A femtosecond optical frequency comb and continuous-wave pulse- amplified laser were used to measure 12 transition frequencies of antiprotonic helium to fractional precisions of (9-16) 10/sup -9lifetimes hitherto unaccessible to our precision laser spectroscopy method. Comparisons with three-body QED calculations yielded an antiproton-to-electron mass ratio of M/sub pmacron//m/sub e/=1836.152 674(5)..
2006 - Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 (2006) 243401/1-4 APS Published version, local copy: PDF;
Measurement of the ground-state hyperfine structure of antihydrogen / Juhász, B ; Barna, D ; Eades, John ; Hayano, R S ; Hori, M (CERN) ; Horváth, D ; Pirkl, Werner ; Widmann, E ; Yamazaki, T
The ASACUSA collaboration at CERN‐AD has recently submitted a proposal to measure the hyperfine splitting of the ground state of antihydrogen in an atomic beam apparatus [ASACUSA proposal addendum, CERN/SPSC 2005‐002, SPSC P‐307 Add.1 (2005)]. The apparatus consists of two sextupoles for spin selection and analysis, and a microwave cavity to flip the spin. [...]
2005 - Published in : AIP Conf. Proc. 796 (2005) 243-246
In : International Conference on Low Energy Antiproton Physics, Bonn, Germany, 16 - 22 May 2005, pp.243-246
Observation of cold, long-lived antiprotonic helium ions / Hori, M ; Eades, John ; Hayano, R S ; Horváth, D ; Juhász, B ; Pirkl, Werner ; Suzuki, K ; Torii, H A ; Widmann, E ; Yamaguchi, H et al.
Cold, two-body antiprotonic helium ions p /sup 4/He/sup 2+/ and p /sup 3/He/sup 2+/ with 100-ns-scale lifetimes, occupying circular states with the quantum numbers n/sub i/=28-32 and l/sub i/=n/sub i /-1 have been observed. They were produced by cooling three-body antiprotonic helium atoms in an ultra-low-density helium target at temperature T~10 K by atomic collisions, and then removing their electrons by inducing a laser transition to an autoionizing state. [...]
2005 - Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 (2005) 063401/1-4 APS Published version, local copy: PDF;
The Design of the 26.7 MHz RF Cavity for RHIC / Rose, J ; Brodowski, J ; Deng, D P ; Kwiatkowski, S ; Pirkl, Werner ; Ratti, A
1996 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 16th Biennial Particle Accelerator Conference and International Conference on High-Energy Accelerators, Dallas, TX, USA, 1 - 5 May 1995, pp.1765
RF Systems for RHIC / Rose, J ; Brodowski, J ; Connolly, R ; Deng, D P ; Kwiatkowski, S ; Pirkl, Werner ; Ratti, A
The Upgrade Project for the RF System for the Brookhaven AGS / Brennan, J M ; Ciardullo, D ; Hayes, T ; McNerney, A J ; Meth, M ; Otis, A ; Pirkl, Werner ; Sanders, R ; Spitz, R ; Toldo, F et al.
1993 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 15th IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Washington, DC, USA, 17 - 20 May 1993, pp.1241

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