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CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 6 записей найдено  Поиск длился 0.70 секунд. 
Precision Measurement of the Decay Rate of 7Be in Host Materials / Nir-El, Y. (Soreq Nucl. Res. Ctr.) ; Haquin, G. (Soreq Nucl. Res. Ctr.) ; Yungreiss, Z. (Soreq Nucl. Res. Ctr.) ; Hass, M. (Weizmann Inst.) ; Goldring, G. (Weizmann Inst.) ; Chamoli, S.K. (Weizmann Inst.) ; Singh, B.S.Nara (Weizmann Inst.) ; Lakshmi, S. (Weizmann Inst.) ; Koster, U. (CERN ; Laue-Langevin Inst.) ; Champault, N. (CERN) et al.
A controlled and precise determination of the cross-sections of the fusion reactions 7Be(p,gamma)8B and 3He(4He,gamma)7Be, which play an important role in determining the solar neutrino flux, necessitates the knowledge of a precise value of the electron-capture half-life of 7Be. This half-life may depend on the material hosting the 7Be atoms via small modifications of the electron density around the 7Be nucleus. [...]
nucl-ex/0612003.- 2007 - 4 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. C 75 (2007) 012801 APS Published version, local copy: PDF; Access to fulltext document: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: nucl-ex/0612003 PDF
Systematics of delayed neutron emission probabilities in medium mass nuclides (fission products) / Nir-El, Y (Soreq Nucl. Res. Ctr.) ; Amiel, S (Soreq Nucl. Res. Ctr.)
The systematic behavior of emission probabilities was found to be determined by the nuclear pairing and the mass region of the precursor. The derivation of the systematics is based on a simplification of the general formula of the emission probability. [...]
CERN, 1976 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 3rd International Conference on Nuclei Far from Stability, Cargese, France, 19 - 26 May 1976, pp.322-326 (CERN-1976-013)
Identification of the neutron-rich nuclides /sup 147; 148/Ba and half- life determination of the heavy isotopes of Rb, Sr, Y, Cs, Ba and La / Amiel, S ; Engler, G ; Nir-El, Y ; Shmid, M
The neutron nuclides /sup 147; 148/Ba were produced in the thermal neutron induced fission of /sup 235/U. A new surface ionization integrated target ion source operating at temperatures in the region of 1800 degrees C permits the measurement of half-lives of isotopes down to about 0.1 sec due to the very fast release of atoms from the target. [...]
CERN, 1976 Published version from CERN: PDF;
In : 3rd International Conference on Nuclei Far from Stability, Cargese, France, 19 - 26 May 1976, pp.501 (CERN-1976-013)
A new measurement of the proton capture rate on $^{7}$/Be / ISOLDE Collaboration
We report on a new measurement of the cross section of this reaction, following our previous experiment with an implanted /sup 7/Be target, a raster scanned beam and the elimination of the backscattering loss. Measurements were done at energies above and below the resonance as well as a detailed measurement of the resonance. [...]
2003 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. A 718 (2003) 487c-9c
In : 7th International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos, Fujiyoshida, Japan, 8 - 12 Jul 2002, pp.487c-9c
A new measurement of the proton capture rate on $^{7}$Be and the S$_{17}$(0) factor / Baby, L.T. (Weizmann Inst.) ; Bordeanu, C. (Weizmann Inst.) ; Goldring, G. (Weizmann Inst.) ; Hass, M. (Weizmann Inst.) ; Weissman, L. (Michigan State U., NSCL) ; Fedoseyev, V.N. (CERN) ; Koster, U. (CERN) ; Nir-El, Y. (Soreq Nucl. Res. Ctr.) ; Haquin, G. (Soreq Nucl. Res. Ctr.) ; Gaggeler, H.W. (PSI, Villigen) et al.
The $^{7}$Be(p, $\gamma$) $ \,^{8}$B reaction plays a central role in the evaluation of solar neutrino fluxes. We report on a new precision measurement of the cross section of this reaction, following our previous experiment with an implanted target, a raster scanned beam and the elimination of back-scattering losses. [...]
nucl-ex/0212011.- Geneva : CERN, 2003 - 14 p. APS Published version, local copy: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: nucl-ex/0212011 PDF
Precision measurement of the $^{7}$Be(p, $\gamma$)$\,^{8}$B cross section with an implanted $^{7}$Be target / Baby, L.T. (Weizmann Inst.) ; Bordeanu, C. (Weizmann Inst.) ; Goldring, G. (Weizmann Inst.) ; Hass, M. (Weizmann Inst.) ; Weissman, L. (Michigan State U., NSCL) ; Fedoseyev, V.N. (CERN) ; Koester, U. (CERN) ; Nir-El, Y. (Soreq Nucl. Res. Ctr.) ; Haquin, G. (Soreq Nucl. Res. Ctr.) ; Gaggeler, H.W. (PSI, Villigen) et al.
The 7Be(p,gamma)8B reaction plays a central role in the evaluation of solar neutrino fluxes. We report on a new precision measurement of the cross section of this reaction, following our previous experiment with an implanted 7Be target, a raster scanned beam and the elimination of the backscattering loss. [...]
nucl-ex/0208005.- Geneva : CERN, 2003 - 4 p. APS Published version, local copy: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: nucl-ex/0208005 PDF

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7 Nir-El, Y
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