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CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 20 Datensätze gefunden  1 - 10nächste  gehen zum Datensatz: Die Suche hat 0.72 Sekunden gedauert. 
Laser spectroscopy with exotic ion beams / Le Blanc, F ; Constantinescu, O ; Hussonnois, M ; Kim, J B ; Obert, J ; Oms, J ; Putaux, J C ; Roussière, B ; Sauvage, J ; Pinard, J et al.
- 1997. - 7 p.
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Angular momentum generation in fission fragments / Mikhailov, I N ; Briançon, C ; Quentin, P
In : RIKEN Symposium on Quasiparticle and Phonon Excitations in Nuclei : Festschrift Soloviev (Vadim Georgievich), 1925 - 1998, Wako, Japan, 4 - 7 Dec 1999, pp.184-193
Neutron resonances of 178m2 Hf isomer and their anomalies / Muradian, G V ; Briançon, C ; Constantinescu, O ; Hussonnois, M ; Oganessian, Yu T ; Shatrov O Ya ; Volkov, V L ; Voskanian, M A ; Yastrebova, L P
In : 8th International Seminar On Interaction Of Neutrons With Nuclei : Neutron Spectroscopy, Nuclear Structure, Related Topics, Dubna, Russian Federation, 17 - 20 May 2000, pp.33-42
Searching of Double Electron Capture in the TGV Experiment / Brudanin, V B ; Rukhadze, N I ; Briançon, C ; Benes, P ; Vylov, T D ; Gusev, K N ; Egorov, V G ; Klimenko, A A ; Kovalenko, V E ; Korolev, N A et al.
The first investigations of the rare nuclear process - double electron capture of $^{106}$Cd have been performed using the low-background multi-detector spectrometer TGV-2 (Telescope Germanium Vertical). [...]
JINR-P6-2004-219 ; P6-2004-219.
- 2004. - 10 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
Catalogue of Radionuclide Low-Energy Electron Spectra (LEES) / Vylov, T D ; Gorozhankin, V M ; Kovalik, A ; Yakushev, E A ; Mahmoud, M ; Novgorodov, A F ; Lebedev, N A ; Filossofov, D V ; Briançon, C ; Walen, R J et al.
More than 100 of apparatus low-energy electron spectra from radionuclides with Z=24-95 are collected in the presented LEES Catalogue. [...]
E6-2003-31 ; JINR-E6-2003-31.
- 2003. - 33 p.
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Angular Momentum Of Fission Fragments / Mikhailov, I N ; Quentin, P ; Briançon, C
IN2P3 Publications database
Investigation of beta-neutrino angular correlation in fermi beta-decay of short-lived nuclei / Brudanin, V B ; Jegorov, V G ; Tsoupko-Sitnikov, V M ; Stekl, I ; Vorobel, V ; Vylov, T D ; Briançon, C ; Zaparov, S ; Vieu, C ; Dionisio, J S et al.
The measurement of double beta decay / Brudanin, V B ; Jegorov, V G ; Kovalenko, V ; Rukhadze, K ; Salamatin, A V ; Stekl, I ; Vorobel, V ; Vylov, T D ; Briançon, C ; Janout, Z et al.
Observation of photonuclear reactions on isomeric targets : $^{178}$Hf$^{m_{2}}$($\gamma$,n)$^{177}$Hf$^{m_{2}}$, $^{180}$Ta$^{m}$($\gamma$,2n)$^{178}$Ta$^{m,g}$ and $^{180}$Ta$^{m}$($\gamma$,p)$^{179}$Hf$^{m_{2}}$ / Karamian, S A ; De Boer, J ; Oganessian, Yu T ; Belov, A G ; Szeglowski, Z ; Markov, B N ; Adam, I ; Stegailov, V I ; Briançon, C ; Constantinescu, O et al.
- 1995. - 19 p.
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Measurement of the narrow component of the annihilation radiation peak / Gorozhankin, V M ; Vylov, T D ; Lebedev, N A ; Pokrovskii, V N ; Briançon, C ; Aleksandrov, V S ; Ivanov, A I ; Prostakov, I A
E6-95-259 ; JINR-E6-95-259.
- 1995. - 15 p.
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1 Briancon, Ch
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