Test results for HD1, a 16 tesla Nb$_3$Sn dipole magnet
/ Lietzke, A F (LBL, Berkeley) ; Bartlett, S (LBL, Berkeley) ; Bish, P (LBL, Berkeley) ; Caspi, S (LBL, Berkeley) ; Chiesa, L (LBL, Berkeley) ; Dietderich, D (LBL, Berkeley) ; Ferracin, P (LBL, Berkeley) ; Gourlay, S A (LBL, Berkeley) ; Goli, M (LBL, Berkeley) ; Hafalia, R R (LBL, Berkeley) et al.
The Superconducting Magnet Group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has been developing the technology for using brittle superconductor in high-field accelerator magnets. HD1, the latest in a series of magnets, contains two, double-layer Nb$_3$Sn flat racetrack coils. [...]
2004 - 4 p.
- Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 14 (2004) 345-348
In : 18th International Conference on Magnet Technology, Morioka, Japan, 20 - 24 Oct 2003, pp.345-348
HD1: design and fabrication of a 16 Tesla Nb$_3$Sn dipole magnet
/ Hafalia, A R (LBNL, Berkeley) ; Bartlett, S E (LBNL, Berkeley) ; Caspi, S (LBNL, Berkeley) ; Chiesa, L (LBNL, Berkeley) ; Dietderich, D R (LBNL, Berkeley) ; Ferracin, P (LBNL, Berkeley) ; Goli, M (LBNL, Berkeley) ; Gourlay, S A (LBNL, Berkeley) ; Hannaford, C R (LBNL, Berkeley) ; Higley, H (LBNL, Berkeley) et al.
The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) Superconducting Magnet Group has completed the design, fabrication and test of HD1, a 16 T block-coil dipole magnet. State of the art Nb$_3$Sn conductor was wound in double-layer racetrack coils and supported by an iron yoke and a tensioned aluminum shell. [...]
2004 - 4 p.
- Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 14 (2004) 283-286
External link: Electronic Version from a server
In : 18th International Conference on Magnet Technology, Morioka, Japan, 20 - 24 Oct 2003, pp.283-286
Field Quality Analysis of a Second Generation IR Quadrupole for the LHC
/ Ferracin, P ; Caspi, S ; Chiesa, L ; Dietderich, D R ; Gourlay, S A ; Hafalia, R R ; Lietzke, A F ; McInturff, A D ; Sabbi, G L ; Scanlan, R M
2003 - 3 p.
Superconducting Magnets
External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 20th IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Portland, OR, USA, 12 - 16 May 2003, pp.1984
Magnetic Field Measurements of the Nb<sub>3</sub>Sn Common Coil Dipole RD3c
/ Chiesa, L ; Caspi, S ; Dietderich, D R ; Ferracin, P ; Gourlay, S A ; Hafalia, R R ; Lietzke, A F ; McInturff, A D ; Sabbi, G L ; Scanlan, R M
2003 - 3 p.
External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 20th IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Portland, OR, USA, 12 - 16 May 2003, pp.170
Fabrication and performance of Nb$_{3}$Sn Rutherford-type cable with Cu added as a separate component
/ Coccoli, M ; Scanlan, R M ; Calvi, M ; Caspi, S ; Chiesa, L ; Hafalia, R R ; Higley, H C ; Dietderich, D R ; Gourlay, S A ; Lietzke, A F et al.
From the standpoint of overall conductor cost, it is desirable to minimize the amount of Cu that is co-processed with the superconductor during strand fabrication. We are investigating several approaches for fabricating multistrand cables in which the Cu is added at the final, i.e. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 2004 - 5 p.
- Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 14 (2004) 971-974
IEEE Published version, local copy: PDF;
In : 18th International Conference on Magnet Technology, Morioka, Japan, 20 - 24 Oct 2003, pp.971-974
- CERN library copies
Nb$_{3}$Sn quadrupole magnets for the LHC IR
/ Sabbi, G L ; Caspi, S ; Chiesa, L ; Coccoli, M ; Dietderich, D R ; Ferracin, P ; Gourlay, S A ; Hafalia, R R ; Lietzke, A F ; McInturff, A D et al.
The development of insertion quadrupoles with 205 T/m gradient and 90 mm bore represents a promising strategy to achieve the ultimate luminosity goal of 2.5 * 10/sup 34/ cm/sup -2/s/sup -1/ at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). At present, Nb/sub 3/Sn is the only practical conductor which can meet these requirements. [...]
- Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 13 (2003) 1262-5
In : Applied Superconductivity Conference, Houston, TX, USA, 4 - 9 Aug 2002, pp.1262-5
Status of the LHC inner triplet quadrupole program at Fermilab
/ Andreev, N ; Arkan, T T ; Bauer, P ; Bossert, R ; Brandt, J ; Carson, J ; Caspi, S ; Chichili, D R ; Chiesa, L ; Darve, C et al.
Fermilab, in collaboration with LBNL and BNL, is developing a quadrupole for installation in the interaction region inner triplets of the LHC. This magnet is required to have an operating gradient of 215 T/m across a 70 mm coil bore, and operates in superfluid helium at 1.9 K. [...]
- Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 11 (2001) 1558-61